Divorce Records Entered in Early Connecticut Superior Court Record Books, 1716-1798
Connecticut’s Superior Court was created in 1711. It was the second level of the court system, sitting above the county and probate courts, but below the final court of appeal, which up until 1785 was the General Assembly and afterward was the Supreme Court of Errors.
The early Superior Court was an itinerant or circuit court, meaning that instead of having separate sitting courts for each county, the four judges, as well as the clerks and other officers, traveled from county to county holding sessions in each several times per year. Many famous names of Connecticut history were judges of the Superior Court, including Roger Sherman, Jonathan Trumbull, Eliphalet Dyer, William Pitkin, Jonathan Law, Oliver Ellsworth, and others.
This index of divorces is from the early Superior Court’s 31 volumes of record books, which were the official record of the court kept by the clerk. The record books run from the establishment of the court in 1711 to 1798, the first divorce is recorded in 1716.
In this time period, divorces were either granted by the General Assembly or by the Superior Court. Someone wishing to be divorced from their spouse would have to submit a petition to the court.
Divorce laws were very strict, usually permitting a petitioner to divorce their spouse only in very clear-cut cases of desertion, adultery, or deformity. Staunchly Puritan courts in the early part of the eighteenth century were very hesitant to grant divorces, but as the century wore on and divorce laws loosened up somewhat, they did so with much greater frequency. This process accelerated after independence from Great Britain; the majority of the 1,080 records in this index are from 1776 and after.
Divorce case records usually contain the husband and wife’s names, their marriage date, the town of the petitioner, and reasons why the petitioner is asking for the divorce. Due to the formal, legalistic way record entries were written, maiden names were usually not part of the record unless the husband was the one making the petition. This unfortunately means that maiden names were rarely recorded, as the vast majority of petitioners were female. Children were almost never mentioned.
In 1801, the General Assembly added two judges to the overburdened Superior Court and split it into two circuits of four counties each. All record books from 1798 forward are arranged by their respective counties, which is why this index ends with that year.
Please note that there are many direct quotes from the records books in the “notes” field and elsewhere. The index therefore includes terms that are considered archaic, offensive, and inappropriate to use in modern times.
Most, though not all, of these records have corresponding case files that may have more information. To find those, either consult county-specific indexes or ask the History & Genealogy Unit staff for assistance.
To request a copy of a record, please contact the staff of the History & Genealogy Unit by telephone (860) 757-6580 or email. When requesting a copy of a record, please include the names of the individuals as well as the volume and page number. You are also more than welcome to visit the Connecticut State Library to see the record books for yourself!
Several volumes have extra, non-numbered pages at the end; these are denoted by a typographical mark and the word “misc.”
*The February, 1769 term of the Superior Court in Fairfield is filed in a folder in the state archives RG 003, Superior Court Fairfield County Records/Dockets, Box 51.
**Volume 19 contains miscellaneous papers at the end of the numbered pages. These papers are mostly in chronological order, and include court files, invoices, and the records of a few Superior Court terms.
†Volume 21 contains miscellaneous papers at the end of the numbered pages. These papers are mostly in chronological order, and include court files and records for certain Superior Court terms.
††Volume 22 contains miscellaneous papers at the end of the numbered pages. These papers are mostly in chronological order, and include court files and records for certain Superior Court terms.
‡ Volume 28 contains miscellaneous papers at the end of the numbered pages. Some of these are a continuation of the August, 1793 session of the court at Litchfield.
Superior Court Divorces Master List
Id | Surname | Husband First Name | Wife First Name | Wife Maiden Name | Town of residence | Marriage Date | Divorce/Action Date | Court | Vol. | Pg. | Notes |
Id | Surname | Husband First Name | Wife First Name | Wife Maiden Name | Town of residence | Marriage Date | Divorce/Action Date | Court | Vol. | Pg. | Notes |
1 | Burtison | Isaac | Mary | Cornwall | Middletown | July 19, 1714 | March 23, 1715/16 | Hartford | 4 | 16 | Marriage rendered void because Isaac "unable to perform the duties of mariage... through some defect of nature." |
2 | Merriman | John | Hannah | Wallingford | March 19, 1716/17 | New Haven | 4 | 65 | Court did not see "sufficient cause to grant a bill of divorce, but will take time to advise." | ||
3 | Hammond | Francis | Hanah | Wethersfield | September 17, 1717 | Hartford | 4 | 90 | Francis deserted Hanah to live in adultery with Sarah Cady on Long Island. Divorce granted. | ||
4 | Brownson | Isaac | Thankfull | Wethersfield | October 12, 1717 | Hartford | 4 | 96 | Thankfull bore a child "in adultry" while her husband was in Bermuda and the Carolinas. Divorce granted. | ||
5 | Merriman | John | Hannah | Wallingford | October 15, 1717 | New Haven | 4 | 109 | Court did not find enough evidence to grant a bill of divorce. | ||
6 | Parks | Christopher | Hannah | Guilford | March 11, 1717/18 | New Haven | 4 | 122 | Case continued to September. | ||
7 | Merriman | John | Hannah | Wallingford | September 9, 1718 | New Haven | 4 | 151 | Hannah broke her vows "by her willful desertion and total neglect of duty." Divorce granted. | ||
8 | Oatman | John | Isabella | Stratford | March 3, 1718/19 | Fairfield | 4 | 174 | John claimed Isabella deserted him. Court found that as the desertion took place in New York, where Isabella still lived, "it falls not under the Cognizance of this Court." | ||
9 | Baker | Joseph | Abigail | Norwich | March 24, 1718/19 | New London | 4 | 198 | Abigail claimed John had abandoned her over three years prior to her petition. Court decided "she has not alleged sufficient reason to discharge her" from her marriage. | ||
10 | Baker | Joseph | Abigail | Norwich | September 22, 1719 | New London | 4 | 225 | Abigail claimed "no certain intelligence" of Joseph, "nor has she had any assistance from him" for over four years. Divorce granted. | ||
11 | Young | William | Mary | Fairfield | November, 1715 | March 1, 1719/20 | Fairfield | 4 | 227 | William deserted Mary in February, 1715/16, and she could not find him. Divorce granted. | |
12 | Batch | Edward | Stamford | September 5, 1721 | Fairfield | 4 | 341 | Edward deserted his unnamed wife over three years prior to her petition, and she has not heard from him since. Divorce granted. | |||
13 | Scot | David | Mary | Ridgefield | February 26, 1722/23 | Fairfield | 4 | 458 | Mary accused David of deserting her, and of committing adultery and "the sin of Poligamy" by marrying Elizabeth Dance "eleven years ago." Divorce granted. | ||
14 | Arnold | Bowly | Elizabeth | Mansfield | May 21, 1723 | Hartford | 4 | 493 | Arnold married another woman and went to live with her in England. Divorce granted. | ||
15 | Corbit | John | Mary | Stratford | August 27, 1723 | Fairfield | 4 | 504 | John deserted Mary, she had no news of him for 7 years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | ||
16 | Obastas | John | Lois | Wheeler | No town given | August 27, 1723 | Fairfield | 4 | 506 | John accused of being married to another woman at time of marriage to Lois. Case deferred until "clearer evidence shall appear." | |
17 | Whelsher | Thomas | Sarah | Ebenather | No town given | September 3, 1723 | New Haven | 4 | 514 | Husband "willfully deserted" wife over three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. Name could be "Wholsher." | |
18 | Campbell | Hugh | Mary | Norwich | July 27, 1721 | March 24, 1723/24 | New London | 4 | 567 | Mary indicted for polygamy. She accused husband of leaving her, after which she lived with Derrick Jacobs. Found not guilty. | |
19 | Slate | William | Elizabeth | Windham | March 10, 1723/24 | Hartford | 4 | 567 | William deserted Elizabeth in June, 1720. Divorce granted. | ||
20 | Powers | Walter | Jemima | Stonington | March 24, 1723/24 | New London | 4 | 584 | Walter wilfully deserted Jemima in July, 1719. Divorce granted. | ||
21 | Brown | Daniel | Eleanor | Goodale | Glastonbury | January 18, 1723/4 | September 8, 1724 | Hartford | 5 | 22 | Eleanor d. of Richard Goodale of "East Middletown," Daniel s. of Thomas Brown of Glastonbury. Daniel unable to perform marital duties, desertion. Case not proved. |
22 | Baker | John | Phebe | New London | September 22, 1724 | New London | 5 | 45 | John abandoned Phebe several years prior. Divorce granted. | ||
23 | Plumbe | Green | Mary | New London | September 22, 1724 | New London | 5 | 45 | Green Plumbe "hath been gone over sea fourteen or fifteen years," hasn't been heard from in seven years. Divorce granted. | ||
24 | Andrews | Nathaniel | Elizabeth | Wallingford | March 2, 1724/5 | New Haven | 5 | 58 | Nathaniel accused of taking the estate of the children of Elizabeth's former husband Ebenezer Clarke, deceased, and of inability to perform marital duties. Case continued. | ||
25 | Moor | John | Abigail | Stoughton | Windsor | December 2, 1724 | March 9, 1724/5 | Hartford | 5 | 78 | Abigail's father Thomas Stoughton attempted to retroactively forbid the marriage and divorce the couple. Court ruled marriage valid. |
26 | Obaster | John | Lois | Wheeler | Stratford | August 31, 1725 | Fairfield | 5 | 100 | Lois was the widow of Samuel Wheeler. John "Obaster" was in reality John Hobart, who already had a wife and child in Philadelphia. Divorce granted. | |
27 | Howard | William | Sarah | Bolton | September 14, 1725 | Hartford | 5 | 123 | William accused wife of having a child by a "person unknown." Petition withdrawn. | ||
28 | Haines | William | Elizabeth | New London | January, 1721/2 | September 28, 1725 | New London | 5 | 142 | William deserted Elizabeth after two months of marriage to move to Cape Ann, leaving her to raise their child alone. Divorce granted. | |
29 | Keeny | Alexander | Hannah | Searle | Stratford | August 30, 1726 | Fairfield | 5 | 191 | Alexander accused Hannah of having a child with another man. Case continued to next session. | |
30 | Walker | John | Tabitha | Stratford | August 30, 1726 | Fairfield | 5 | 192 | John abandoned Tabitha three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | ||
31 | Howard | William | Sarah | Bolton | September 15, 1726 | Hartford | 5 | 210 | Case continued to next session "at the desire of the petitioner." | ||
32 | Unknown | Cyrus | Hannah | Unknown | September 15, 1726 | Hartford | 5 | 214 | Hannah, "a Negroo or Molatoo woman," wife of Cyrus, "a Negroo man" produced a record of Cyrus being sentenced to be "whipt for fornication" by the county court. Divorce granted. | ||
33 | Clarke | Isaac | Elizabeth | Stratford | August 27, 1728 | Fairfield | 7 | 127 | Isaac had been living with another woman, with whom he had a child. Divorce granted | ||
34 | Hass? | Samuel | Mary | Mansfield | September 17, 1728 | Windham | 7 | 155 | Court dismissed case for wrong jurisdiction, as the couple were married in Rhode Island and Mary still lived there. | ||
35 | Kelsey | Mark | Mary | Lebanon | May, 1721 | September 17, 1728 | Windham | 7 | 155 | Mark abandoned Mary with two small children in 1724. Divorce granted. | |
36 | Ley | Thomas | Rachel | Wilbur | Saybrook | September 24, 1728 | New London | 7 | 163 | Rachel deserted Thomas for another man, went to live with him in a different colony. Divorce granted. | |
37 | Rouse | John | Patience | New London | September 24, 1728 | New London | 7 | 163 | John was married to another woman, by whom he had several children. Divorce granted. | ||
38 | Turner | John | Rebekah | Wethersfield | September 19, 1723 | March 11, 1728/9 | Hartford | 7 | 191 | John deserted his wife in 1727 to go to Bermuda, where he married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
39 | Baxter | Thomas | Mary | Wethersfield | September 9, 1729 | Hartford | 7 | 257 | Thomas deserted Mary five years prior to her petition. Case continued to next session. | ||
40 | Yeomans | Thomas | Susanna | No town given | December 20, 1715 | September 23, 1729 | New London | 7 | 281 | Thomas deserted Susanna in 1726. Divorce granted. | |
41 | Sturdevant | Joseph | Mehitabel | Powel "alias Lees" | Norwalk | February 24, 1729/30 | Fairfield | 7 | 290 | Joseph accused Mehitabel of living in "frequent and gross violation of her marriage covenant." Case continued to next session. | |
42 | Groves | Thomas | Hannah | No town given | August 10, 1725 | March 17, 1729/30 | Windham | 7 | 320 | Thomas deserted Hannah after four months of marriage and went to Martha's Vineyard. Divorce granted. | |
43 | Hinton | Thomas | Sarah | Norwich | July, 1723 | March 24, 1729/30 | New London | 7 | 336 | Thomas deserted Sarah after half a year of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
44 | Baxter | Thomas | Mary | Wethersfield | May 26, 1730 | Hartford | 7 | 355 | Thomas deserted Mary five years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | ||
45 | Sturdivant | Joseph | Mehitabel | Norwalk | August 25, 1730 | Fairfield | 8 | 5 | Divorce not granted. | ||
46 | Ford | William | Abigail | Providence, RI | September 15, 1730 | Windham | 8 | 35 | William deserted Abigail four years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | ||
47 | Rude (Rood) | Joseph | Experience | Preston | September 22, 1730 | New London | 8 | 41 | "Being thrice called, [Joseph Rude] appeared not." No action taken. | ||
48 | Hall | Samuel | Hannah | New Haven | c.1723 | March 2, 1730/1 | New Haven | 8 | 62 | Samuel deserted Hannah about four years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
49 | Heath | Sterling | Hannah | Pomfret | September 26, 1724 | March 16, 1730/1 | Windham | 8 | 79 | Sterling deserted Hannah after two years. Divorce granted. | |
50 | Lewis | Thomas | Martha | New London | March 22, 1730/1 | New London | 8 | 94 | Thomas, "a transient person," deserted Martha in 1727. Divorce granted. | ||
51 | Sturdivant | Joseph | Mehitabel | Norwalk | c.1719 | August 21, 1731 | Fairfield | 9 | 6 | Joseph deserted Mehitabel 3-4 years prior to her petition to cohabit with Elizabeth Gregory, by whom he had a child, in Bedford. Divorce granted. | |
52 | Smith | Thomas | Elizabeth | Mansfield | September 25, 1731 | Windham | 9 | 27 | Elizabeth Smith accused of adultery; discharged by proclamation. | ||
53 | Glover | William | Deborah | Stonington | October 29, 1712 | September 28, 1731 | New London | 9 | 39 | William deserted Deborah; divorce granted. | |
54 | Cotter | Derby | Elizabeth | Woodin | New Haven | March 7, 1731/32 | New Haven | 9 | 53 | Derby, "a transient person," deserted Elizabeth after six months. Divorce granted. | |
55 | Daily | Owen | Mary | Wallingford | c.1726 | March 7, 1731/32 | New Haven | 9 | 53 | Married "about 6 1/2 years ago." Owen deserted Mary three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
56 | Mighil | Samuel | Sarah | Hartford | March 20, 1731/32 | Hartford | 9 | 61 | Samuel deserted Sarah to move to Hadley, Massachusetts. Divorce granted. Alternate surname spellings: Magill, Mighill. | ||
57 | Andrews | Nathaniel | Elizabeth | Clark | Wallingford | September 6, 1732 | New Haven | 9 | 101 | Nathaniel deserted Elizabeth six years prior to her petition. Court determined that Nathaniel had not been duly notified, case continued to March. | |
58 | Andrews | Nathaniel | Elizabeth | Clark | Wallingford | September 6, 1732 | New Haven | 9 | 101 | Nathaniel accused of deserting Elizabeth six years prior to her petition. Court determined that Nathaniel had not been duly notified, case continued to next session in March. | |
59 | Thompson | John | Eleanor | Mackgoon | Willington | March 14, 1722/23 | September 16, 1732 | Hartford | 9 | 109 | John deserted Eleanor (also spelled "Ellenor") 7 or 8 years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. |
60 | Thompson | John | Eleanor | Mackgoon | Willington | March 14, 1722/23 | September 16, 1732 | Hartford | 9 | 109 | John deserted Eleanor (also spelled "Ellenor") seven to eight years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. |
61 | Andrews | Nathaniel | Elizabeth | Clark | Wallingford | March 6, 1732/3 | New Haven | 9 | 142 | Nathaniel deserted Elizabeth seven years prior to her petition. Court determined that Nathaniel had been duly notified, but continued the case until the next session in September. | |
62 | Green | William | Hannah | New Haven | March 6, 1732/3 | New Haven | 9 | 143 | Hannah married William, "a transient person," eleven years prior to her petition. He deserted her "after a few days cohabitation." Divorce granted. | ||
63 | Blolehet | Joshua | Dinah | Stafford | March 27, 1733 | Hartford | 9 | 166 | William deserted Dinah in March 1728/9. Divorce granted. | ||
64 | Andrews | Nathaniel | Elizabeth | Clark | Wallingford | September 4, 1733 | New Haven | 9 | 187 | Case continued to next March. | |
65 | Ashcraft | Jonathan | Margaret | Voluntown | May 25, 1719 | September 20, 1733 | Windham | 9 | 203 | Husband accused of fathering a child with another woman, then deserting wife to go to "Egg Harbour." Divorce granted. | |
66 | Lester | Andrew | Lydia | Groton | October 3, 1733 | New London | 9 | 212 | Andrew abandoned Lydia eight years prior to her petition. Court continued case to March by reason of Andrew not having sufficient legal notice. | ||
67 | Montgomery | Alexander | Lydia | Hoadley | Branford | September 9, 1730 | March 5, 1733/4 | New Haven | 9 | 225 | Alexander deserted Lydia after only a month of marriage. Divorce granted. |
68 | Andrews | Nathaniel | Elizabeth | Clark | Wallingford | March 5, 1733/4 | New Haven | 9 | 226 | Elizabeth accused Nathaniel of desertion. Court found facts "not sufficiently proved." | |
69 | Fowler | John | Mary | How | Wallingford | June 29, 1730 | March 5, 1733/4 | New Haven | 9 | 228 | Mary deserted John after six months of marriage. Court found evidence insufficient. |
70 | Robenson | Thomas | Abigail | Sherigly | Hartford | August 5, 1728 | April 3, 1734 | Hartford | 9 | 270 | Thomas deserted Abigail in November, 1728. Divorce granted. |
71 | Maltby | William | Sarah | New Haven | September 3, 1734 | New Haven | 9 | 280 | William went to sea three years prior to Sarah's petition on a voyage bound for St. Christopher. Ship and crew never returned, presumed "utterly lost." Sarah declared single and unmarried. | ||
72 | Tilden | Stephen | Mary | Lebanon | September 14, 1734 | Windham | 9 | 295 | Married 18 years. About a year prior to Mary's petition, Stephen "rejected her and took into his house another woman and committed adultery with her." Divorce granted. | ||
73 | Floyd | Cornelius | Hannah | Shoals | Groton | March 26, 1728 | March 11, 1734/5 | New London | 9 | 322 | Cornelius abandoned Hannah over three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. |
74 | Colver | James | Sarah | Coventry | December 26, 1728 | March 18, 1734/5 | Windham | 9 | 326 | James abandoned Sarah after eight months of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
75 | Miles | Timothy | Mabel | Cooper | New Haven | March 13, 1721/2 | September 2, 1735 | New Haven | 9 | 351 | Timothy abandoned Mabel after three months of marriage. Divorce granted. |
76 | Griffin | Samuel | Anne | New London | September 23, 1735 | New London | 9 | 372 | Samuel sailed aboard the brigantine "Lebanon," bound for Barbados and Sal Tortuga, on December 29, 1731. Five days later the ship was seen "in great distress" in a storm, and was never heard from again. Anne declared single and unmarried. | ||
77 | Beacraft | Thomas | Abigail | Wethersfield | January 24, 1731/2. | March 23, 1735/6 | Hartford | 9 | 406 | Thomas deserted Abigail after six months of marriage. Court found evidence insufficient. | |
78 | Lovewell | Samuel | Rebecca | Higby | Middletown | March 23, 1735/6 | Hartford | 9 | 406 | Samuel, alies Oliver Lorce, abandoned Rebecca after three months, and then married Susanna Mullinex of Westchester. Divorce granted. | |
79 | Keen | William | Elizabeth | No town given | New Haven | 10 | 3 | Case continued to March 1737 term. | |||
80 | Lilliston | James | Freelove | Milford | December 30, 1725 | September 7, 1736 | New Haven | 10 | 3 | James lived with Freelove for five years before abandoning her to live on the island of St. Christopher in the West Indies. Divorce granted. | |
81 | Stevens | John | Abigail | Windsor | 1717 | September 14, 1736 | Hartford | 10 | 10 | John deserted Abigail after ten years of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
82 | Thrall | William | Hannah | Hartford | October, 1728 | September 14, 1736 | Hartford | 10 | 10 | Hannah accused of abandoning William in May, 1732. Hannah appeared in court to contest; court found facts not sufficiently proved. | |
83 | Heath | Josiah | No town given | September 28, 1736 | New London | 10 | 19 | "Josiah Heath Petition for Divorce being 3 times called he appeared not in Court to prosecute his sd. Petition." | |||
84 | Booth | Jonathan | Mary | Groton | November 29, 1730 | September 28, 1736 | New London | 10 | 32 | Jonathan Booth, "a transient person," left Mary "a short time" after they were married. Divorce granted. | |
85 | Whipple | John | Thankful | Stratfield (parish) | July, 1730 | February 22, 1736/7 | Fairfield | 10 | 42 | John deserted Thankful in November, 1730. Divorce granted. | |
86 | Keen | William | Elizabeth | No town given | March 1, 1736/7 | New Haven | 10 | 44 | Case continued to September, 1737 term. | ||
87 | Lester | Andrew | No town given | March 8, 1736/7 | New London | 10 | 50 | Continued case, neither party appeared. | |||
88 | Grant | Rachel | Litchfield | No town given | May 25, 1737 | Hartford | 10 | 89 | Rachel did not appear to prosecute her petition. | ||
89 | Thrall | William | Hannah | Windsor | October 11, 1728 | May 25, 1737 | Hartford | 10 | 92 | William accused Hannah of desertion. Court found facts "not sufficiently proved." | |
90 | Keen | William | Elizabeth | Bridgham | Milford | c.1711 | August 30, 1737 | New Haven | 10 | 102 | Elizabeth left William six years prior to his petition and moved to Boston. Divorce granted. |
91 | Rockwell | James | Lois | Porter | Windsor | June 28, 1728 | September 6, 1737 | Hartford | 10 | 113 | James "immediately" deserted Lois. Divorce granted. |
92 | Southworth | Nathaniel | Mary | Mansfield | 1714 | September 20, 1737 | Windham | 10 | 123 | Nathaniel deserted Mary about seven years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
93 | Babcock | William | Hannah | Lebanon | August 28, 1737 | September 20, 1737 | Windham | 10 | 124 | William abandoned Hannah and moved to Cape Hatteras, where he married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
94 | Ruder | Joseph | New London | September 27, 1737 | New London | 10 | 129 | Petition withdrawn. | |||
95 | Gray | Phillip | Hannah | Chandler | Groton | 1725 | September 27, 1737 | New London | 10 | 139 | Hannah "eloped from [Philip] + is since marryed to another man." Facts not sufficiently proved, case continued. |
96 | Lyons | Daniel | No town given | February 21, 1737/8 | Fairfield | 10 | 146 | Petition withdrawn. | |||
97 | Edmundson | Samuel | Mary | Beers | Norwalk | February, 1736/7 | February 21, 1737/8 | Fairfield | 10 | 147 | Samuel, surname also spelled "Admundson," had another wife in New York. Divorce granted. |
98 | Thomas | John | Elizabeth | Fairfield | 1726 | February 21, 1737/8 | Fairfield | 10 | 147 | Jonathan deserted Elizabeth after four years and five months of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
99 | Clark | John | Deborah | Potter | New Haven | c.1734 | February, 1737/8 | New Haven | 10 | 153 | John, "a transient person," deserted Deborah after three months of marriage. Divorce granted. |
100 | Thrall | William | Windsor | March 6, 1737/8 | Hartford | 10 | 169 | Divorce petition withdrawn "by the petitioner." | |||
101 | George | Phillip | No town given | March 28, 1738 | New London | 10 | 186 | George did not appear in court to prosecute his petition for divorce. | |||
102 | Wallace | John | Sarah | Burt | Ridgefield | September 29, 1737 | August 22, 1738 | Fairfield | 10 | 191 | John said that Sarah "committed fornication with some Negro man + by him was begotten of child" prior to their marriage. Facts not sufficient, petition denied. |
103 | Jones | John | Rebecca | Stratford | August, 1728 | August 22, 1738 | Fairfield | 10 | 192 | After "4 or 5 years" John deserted Rebecca and went "to some place to her unknown." Divorce granted. | |
104 | Rood | Hannah | No town given | August 29, 1738 | New Haven | 10 | 195 | Case continued to Feb. 1739 term. | |||
105 | Doolittle | John | Lidia | Joyce | Wallingford | November, 1734 | August 29, 1738 | New Haven | 10 | 196 | John deserted Lidia after one month of marriage. Divorce granted. |
106 | Bracket | Benjamin | Lidia | Elcock | Wallingford | December 15, 1720 | August 29, 1738 | New Haven | 10 | 198 | Benjamin deserted Lidia after one month of marriage. Divorce granted. |
107 | Cross | Peter | Dorothy | Rice | Mansfield | March 30, 1719 | September, 1737 | Windham | 10 | 217 | Dorothy "eloped from" Peter and committed adultery with Nicholas Blancher, with whom she moved to Carolina. Divorce granted. |
108 | Bonnel | William | Elizabeth | Green | Preston | February 25, 1724 | September 26, 1737 | New London | 10 | 227 | William deserted Elizabeth after twelve years of marriage. Divorce granted. |
109 | Gardiner | Jonathan | Mary | Adams | New London | November 13, 1733 | September 26, 1738 | New London | 10 | 234 | Jonathan Gardiner sailed with the sloop "Rainbow" on January 15, 1734/5 on a voyage to Antigua. Ship not seen since, assumed "foundered and the whole company perished in the Sea." Mary declared single and unmarried. |
110 | Atwater | Caleb | Mehetabel | Wix | Wallingford | November 9, 1726 | February 27, 1738/9 | New Haven | 10 | 247 | On January 20, 1734/5, Caleb set sail aboard the sloop "Phoenix" bound for Barbados. Ship seen a few days later in a violent storm, and not since. Mehetabel declared single and unmarried. |
111 | Brown | Peter | Sarah | Elcock | New Haven | June 9, 1735 | February 27, 1738/9 | New Haven | 10 | 247 | Peter deserted Sarah after "about a month." Divorce granted. |
112 | James | William | Alice | Griffin | Simsbury | November 11, 1733 | March 6, 1738/9 | Hartford | 10 | 254 | William deserted Alice in August, 1734. Divorce granted. |
113 | Brewster | Ebenezer | Elizabeth | Lebanon | November 13, 1721 | March 20, 1738/9 | Windham | 10 | 264 | Ebenezer deserted Elizabeth "about ten years agoe." Divorce granted. | |
114 | Rude | Joseph | Experience | Peas | Preston | March 27, 1739 | New London | 10 | 282 | Court found facts not sufficiently proved, divorce not granted. | |
115 | Rood | James | Hannah | Butler | Wallingford | May, 1735 | August 28, 1739 | New Haven | 10 | 298 | Hannah left James for Jonathan Norris, "a transient person," and is now in "some part of the world remote and unknown to the petitioner." Divorce granted. |
116 | Caten | Daniel | Ann | Simsbury | May, 1735 | September 4, 1739 | Hartford | 10 | 307 | Daniel abandoned Ann after about a year of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
117 | Copley | Nathaniel | Mary | Windsor | April 30, 1730 | September 4, 1739 | Hartford | 10 | 312 | Nathaniel abandoned Mary after two and a half years of marriage. Court found facts not sufficiently proved. | |
118 | Fanning | William | Sarah | New London | August 8, 1723 | September 25, 1739 | New London | 10 | 335 | William left Sarah in 1735 to move to the West Indies. Divorce granted. | |
119 | Fuller | Joshua | Jemima | Hoadley | Branford | June 3, 1718 | February 26, 1739/40 | New Haven | 10 | 351 | Josuha became "disturbed in his understanding" and was sent to the Hartford workhouse; after the "recovery of his reason" he went to live in Massachusetts instead of returning home. Divorce granted. |
120 | Woolcot | Alexander | Lydia | Atwater | New Haven | December 4, 1732 | February 26, 1739/40 | New Haven | 10 | 351 | Alexander left Lydia to live in an adulterous relationship with Mary Allyn of New Haven. Divorce granted. Name possibly a variant of Wolcott. |
121 | Wedge | Joshua | Mary | Norwich | 1730 | March 25, 1740 | New London | 10 | 382 | Joshua deserted Mary in about 1735. Divorce granted. | |
122 | Smith | Dinah | No town given | August 19, 1740 | Fairfield | 10 | 387 | Petition for divorce withdrawn. | |||
123 | Wallace | John | No town given | August 19, 1740 | Fairfield | 10 | 387 | Petition for divorce continued to next session. | |||
124 | Gardner | Edward | Mary | Milford | August 26, 1740 | New Haven | 10 | 397 | Edward left Mary after seven months of marriage, and married another woman. Divorce granted. | ||
125 | Baxter | Abigail | No town given | September 2, 1740 | Hartford | 10 | 406 | Petition for divorce continued to next session. | |||
126 | Muggleston | Thomas | Sarah | Windsor | December 13, 1733 | September 2, 1740 | Hartford | 10 | 406 | Thomas deserted Sarah in February, 1735/6. Divorce granted. | |
127 | Robenson | William | Elizabeth | Harwinton | June 6, 1736 | September 2, 1740 | Hartford | 10 | 406 | William left Elizabeth on March 14, 1737. Divorce granted. Name also spelled "Roboson." SEE ALSO: Edmund and Suzanne Austine. | |
128 | Austine | Edmund | Suzanne | Harwinton | June 6, 1736 | September 2, 1740 | Hartford | 10 | 407 | Edmund left Suzanne on March 14, 1737. Divorce granted. Surname also spelled "Austin." SEE ALSO: William and Elizabeth Robenson. | |
129 | Heath | Josiah | Rebecca | Heady | Lebanon | December 17, 1734 | September 19, 1740 | Windham | 10 | 416 | Rebecca abandoned Josiah in December, 1735, and married Daniel Cogswell in Rhode Island. Divorce granted. |
130 | Baxter | Simon | Abigail | Hebron | April 6, 1720 | March 3, 1740/1 | Hartford | 10 | 451 | On February 1, 1739/40, Simon "committed fornication" with Rebecca Burge. Divorce granted. | |
131 | Russ | John | Esther | Buck | Farmington | November, 1736 | March 3, 1740/1 | Hartford | 10 | 455 | John, "a transient person," left Esther for parts unknown in March 1737/8. Divorce granted. |
132 | Downer | Andrew | Sarah | Windham | October 20, 1720 | March 17, 1740/1 | Windham | 10 | 461 | Andrew left Sarah on October 20, 1739, moved to Exeter, New Hampshire, and married Elizabeth Lovel. Divorce granted. | |
133 | Warner | John | Judith | Ashford | September 12, 1727 | March 17, 1740/1 | Windham | 10 | 461 | Judith, "late of Jamestown," Rhode Island, now of Ashford, was deserted by John three and a half years after their marriage. Divorce granted. | |
134 | Caulkins | Jonathan | Sarah | Norwich | May 15, 1725 | March 24, 1740/1 | New London | 10 | 469 | Jonathan deserted Sarah on December 24, 1732. Divorce granted. | |
135 | Wallace | John | Sarah | Burt | Ridgefield | September 24, 1737 | August 18, 1741 | Fairfield | 10 | 477 | Sarah had "Carnal Knowledge of some Negro or Molattoe man" before and during her marriage. Divorce granted. |
136 | Caryl | James | Rachel | New London | September 5, 1735 | September 22, 1741 | New London | 11 | 25 | James, "a transient person," deserted Rachel to go to "some remote and unknown part of the world" after six months. Divorce granted. | |
137 | Peets | Dinah | No town given | February 16, 1741/2 | Fairfield | 11 | 42 | Divorce petition continued to next session. Divorce of Dinah Peet(s) and William Smith granted August 24, 1724. | |||
138 | Rich | John | No town given | February 16, 1741/2 | Fairfield | 11 | 42 | Divorce petition continued to next session. | |||
139 | Hodge | John | Mary | Windsor | April 5, 1717 | March 2, 1741/2 | Hartford | 11 | 65 | John left Mary in 1727 for "some remote part of the world." Divorce granted. | |
140 | Green | Dorothy | No town given | March 2, 1741/2 | Hartford | 11 | 68 | Petition for divorce withdrawn. | |||
141 | Wooden | John | Martha | Lebanon | April 22, 1736 | March 16, 1741/2 | Windham | 11 | 71 | John deserted Martha in 1738. Divorce granted. | |
142 | Crosswell | James | Mary | Taylor | New London | March, 1733/4 | March 23, 1741/2 | New London | 11 | 82 | James deserted Mary for "some remote part of the world" in 1737. Divorce granted. |
143 | Smith | William, Jr. | Dinah | Peet | Stratford | November 5, 1729 | August 24, 1742 | Fairfield | 11 | 88 | William deserted Dinah after three years and "committed fornication with another woman." Divorce granted. |
144 | Grant | Jehiel | Rachel | Phelps | Windsor | c.1731 | September 7, 1742 | Hartford | 11 | 105 | After "several months" of marriage, while Jehiel was away, Rachel committed adultery and married another man. Divorce granted. |
145 | Hart | Josiah | Neomy | Mansfield | October 2, 1725 | September 22, 1742 | Windham | 11 | 118 | Josiah deserted Neomy on June 5, 1739. Divorce granted. | |
146 | Rogers | Sarah | No town given | September 28, 1742 | New London | 11 | 123 | Petition for divorce withdrawn. | |||
147 | Martin | John | Thankfull | Groton | March 12, 1739 | September 28, 1742 | New London | 11 | 129 | John removed himself to some "distant and unknown part of the world" five years prior to Thankfull's petition. Divorce granted. | |
148 | Avery | Jonathan | Mary | Groton | December 12, 1734 | September 28, 1742 | New London | 11 | 132 | Jonathan deserted Mary about three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
149 | Martines | Abigail | No town given | February 15, 1742/3 | Fairfield | 11 | 136 | Petition for divorce continued to next session. | |||
150 | Plumb | Benjamin | Elizabeth | Corey | Milford | March, 1737 | February 22, 1742/3 | New Haven | 11 | 145 | Benjamin lost at sea. Divorce granted. |
151 | Griswould | Ephraim | Mehetabel | East Haddam | December, 1736 | March 1, 1743/4 | Hartford | 11 | 152 | Ephraim accused of abandoning Mehetabel four years prior to her petition. Divorce not granted, insufficient evidence. | |
152 | Lindzey | Robert | Susannah | Wethersfield | February, 1728/9 | March 1, 1743/4 | Hartford | 11 | 155 | Robert deserted Susannah six years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
153 | Thompson | Hugh | Elizabeth | Windsor | January 13, 1728/9 | March 1, 1743/4 | Hartford | 11 | 158 | Hugh deserted Elizabeth on January 7, 1739/40. Divorce granted. | |
154 | Andrews | John | Hannah | Ashford | c.1722/3 | March 15, 1742/3 | Windham | 11 | 167 | John deserted Hannah fourteen years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
155 | Rogers | Gershom | Sarah | Stonington | April 8, 1725 | March 22, 1742/3 | New London | 11 | 174 | Gershom deserted Sarah about four years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
156 | Baldwin | Samuel | Hannah | Killingworth | c. 1734/5 | March 22, 1742/3 | New London | 11 | 175 | Samuel deserted Hannah three and a half years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
157 | Morgan | Theophilus | Elizabeth | Sherman | Guilford | February 14, 1724/5 | August 30, 1743 | New Haven | 11 | 192 | Elizabeth deserted Theophilus one year prior to his petition. Case adjourned until October session. |
158 | Carry | Marry | No town given | September 20, 1743 | Windham | 11 | 212 | Petition for divorce continued to next session. | |||
159 | Richards | Sarah | No town given | September 27, 1743 | New London | 11 | 218 | Petition for divorce continued to next session. | |||
160 | Clark | Joseph | Elizabeth | Wheeler | Preston | December 10, 1730 | September 27, 1743 | New London | 11 | 221 | Joseph deserted Elizabeth in 1739. Case entry incomplete, outcome unknown. |
161 | Ormsby | Jacob | Pheeby | New London | August 27, 1839 | September 27, 1743 | New London | 11 | 223 | Jacob deserted Pheeby after nine months of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
162 | Reyly | Matthias | Sarah | New London | July 8, 1731 | September 27, 1743 | New London | 11 | 225 | Matthias lost at sea in 1734. Divorce granted. | |
163 | Hobbs | John | Mary | New London | January 22, 1729/30 | September 27, 1743 | New London | 11 | 227 | John deserted Mary in August, 1733. Divorce granted. | |
164 | Morgan | Theophilus | Elizabeth | Sherman | Guilford | February 14, 1724/5 | October 2, 1743 | New Haven | 11 | 230 | After six years of marriage to Theophilus Elizabeth "deserted him, and willfully eloped from him." Divorce granted. |
165 | Crow | Asahel | Eunice | Simsbury | May 1, 1735 | March 6, 1743/4 | Hartford | 11 | 256 | Asahel deserted Eunice in March, 1736. Divorce granted. | |
166 | Moody | Ebenezer | Anna | Farmington | October 14, 1731 | March 6, 1743/4 | Hartford | 11 | 261 | Ebenezer "went to sea for his health" in 1739/40, and his vessel was lost at sea. | |
167 | Copley | Nathaniel | Mary | Gaylord | Windsor | April 30, 1730 | March 6, 1743/4 | Hartford | 11 | 262 | Mary deserted Nathaniel nine years prior to his petition. Divorce granted. |
168 | Holcomb | Matthew | Lois | Windsor | 1733/4 | March 6, 1743/4 | Hartford | 11 | 262 | Matthew deserted Lois and married Lydia Porter four or five years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
169 | Smith | William | Elizabeth | Mansfield | January 23, 1726/7 | March 20, 1743/4 | Windham | 11 | 271 | William deserted Elizabeth seven years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
170 | Richards | Nathaniel | Sarah | Norwich | January 15, 1728/9 | March 27, 1744 | New London | 11 | 274 | On January 19, 1742/3, Nathaniel committed adultery with Sarah Leffingwell. Divorce granted. | |
171 | Picket | Daniel | No town given | August 21, 1744 | Fairfield | 11 | 286 | Petition for divorce withdrawn. | |||
172 | Collins | John | Hannah | Milford | October 29, 1730 | August 26, 1744 | New Haven | 11 | 292 | John lost at sea in 1738. Divorce granted. | |
173 | Fuller | John | Sarah | Sharon | "some time ago" | September 4, 1744 | Hartford | 11 | 301 | John deserted Sarah and went to New York with another woman. Divorce granted. | |
174 | Cary | Mary | No town given | September 18, 1744 | Windham | 11 | 314 | Petition for divorce continued to next session. | |||
175 | Downing | Uriah | Joanna | Canterbury | 1738 | September 18, 1744 | Windham | 11 | 317 | Uriah deserted Joanna three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
176 | Rock | William | Dinah | New Haven | January 9, 1740/1 | October 9, 1744 | New Haven | 11 | 334 | William deserted Dinah after six months of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
177 | Stewart | Daniel | Sarah | Clauson | Stamford | 1727 | February 19, 1744/5 | Fairfield | 11 | 339 | Daniel deserted Sarah in 1727. Divorce granted. |
178 | Pickett | Daniel | No town given | February 19, 1744/5 | Fairfield | 11 | 341 | Petition for divorce continued to next session. | |||
179 | Lord | Robert | Rachel | Hide | Fairfield | November 5, 1730 | February 19, 1744/5 | Fairfield | 11 | 344 | Robert deserted Rachel on November 7, 1736. Divorce granted. |
180 | Cary | Mary | No town given | September 17, 1745 | Windham | 12 | 13 | "Called three times but appeared not." | |||
181 | Graves | Thomas | Mary | New London | July 7, 1731 | September 24, 1745 | New London | 12 | 28 | Thomas deserted Mary in November, 1736. Divorce granted. | |
182 | Rays | Joshua | No town given | February 25, 1745/6 | New Haven | 12 | 43 | Petition for divorce withdrawn. | |||
183 | Beerast | Thomas | Abigail | Wethersfield | January 20, 1731/2 | March 4, 1745/6 | Hartford | 12 | 46 | Thomas deserted Abigail about seven years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
184 | Griswold | Mehetabel | No town given | March 4, 1745/6 | Hartford | 12 | 47 | Petition for divorce continued to next session. | |||
185 | Lovet | Joseph | Eleanor | Bugbee | Colchester | February 6, 1739/40 | March 4, 1745/6 | Hartford | 12 | 47 | Eleanor accused of deserting Joseph on February 22, 1742/3. Insufficient evidence, petition denied. |
186 | Halladay | Moses | Elizabeth | Windsor | March 2, 1737 | March 4, 1745/6 | Hartford | 12 | 49 | Moses deserted Elizabeth in September, 1742. Divorce granted. | |
187 | Hale | Gideon | Thankfull | Hartford | January, 1734/5 | March 4, 1745/6 | Hartford | 12 | 52 | About five years prior to Thankfull's petition Gideon deserted her and "committed fornication" with Sarah Watts of Middletown. Divorce granted. | |
188 | Vallet | Jeremiah | Mary | Hammond | No town given | November, 1741 | March 25, 1746 | New London | 12 | 67 | Mary accused Jeremiah of abandoning her in 1742. Divorce not granted. |
189 | Attwell | Benjamin | Mary | Norwich | March 4, 1741/2 | March 25, 1746 | New London | 12 | 69 | Mary accused Benjamin of deserting her after a year of marriage. Divorce not granted. | |
190 | Griswold | Ephraim | Mehetabel | Colchester | c.1726 | September 2, 1746 | Hartford | 12 | 95 | Ephraim deserted Mehetabel about six years prior to her petition to cohabit with Experience Stedman in Sharon. Divorce granted. | |
191 | Burt | Joseph | Hannah | Hartford | September 2, 1746 | Hartford | 12 | 97 | Petition of Hannah Burt "negated and dismissed." | ||
192 | Lovet | Joseph | Eleanor | Bugby | Colchester | February 6, 1739/40 | September 2, 1746 | Hartford | 12 | 98 | Eleanor left Joseph in 1742/3 to return to Woodstock, Mass. (now Woodstock, Conn.). Divorce granted. |
193 | Clark | Wade | Martha | Lebanon | July, 1740 | September 16, 1746 | Windham | 12 | 113 | Wade accused of deserting Martha in February, 1742/3. Case continued to next session. | |
194 | Atwell | Benjamin | Mary | Lebanon | March 4, 1741/2 | September 16, 1746 | Windham | 12 | 115 | Benjamin deserted Mary after three months. Divorce granted. | |
195 | Carter | John | Bugby | Susannah | Norwich | February 20, 1731/2 | September 23, 1746 | New London | 12 | 119 | Susannah accused of deserting John in June, 1743. Evidence insufficient, petition denied. |
196 | Picket | Daniel | Sarah | Hait | Stratford | February 17, 1746/7 | Fairfield | 12 | 144 | Sarah deserted Daniel in 1736. Divorce granted | |
197 | Soper | John | Phebe | Windsor | January 20, 1730/1 | September 1, 1747 | Hartford | 12 | 226 | John accused of fornication with Lydia Dicke. Case continued to next session. | |
198 | Clark | Waid | Martha | Lebanon | July, 1740 | September 15, 1747 | Windham | 12 | 234 | Wade accused of deserting Martha in 1742/3. Petition denied. | |
199 | Quick | John | Abigail | Greenwich | October 2, 1735 | February 19, 1747/8 | Fairfield | 12 | 263 | In 1740 John "entered his Majesty's service" and proceeded on an expedition against the Spanish West Indies. Never seen again. Divorce granted. | |
200 | Soper | John | Phebe | Windsor | March 1, 1747/8 | Hartford | 12 | 284 | Continued from September, 1747. John accused of desertion and fornication. Divorce granted. | ||
201 | Kellogg | Edward | Jemima | Lebanon | January 4, 1737/8 | March 15, 1747/8 | Windham | 12 | 291 | Edward deserted Jemima in March, 1741/2. Not sufficiently proved, petition denied. | |
202 | Lynn | Daniel | No town given | August 23, 1748 | Fairfield | 12 | 310 | Petition for divorce withdrawn. | |||
203 | Wetmore | Benjamin | Jemima | Middletown | June 26, 1744 | September 6, 1748 | Hartford | 12 | 335 | Benjamin left Jemima after five weeks of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
204 | Babcock | James | Hannah | Lebanon | May 2, 1745 | September 20, 1748 | Windham | 12 | 341 | James left her after less than a year of marriage. Court "will advise" next session. | |
205 | Heaton | Samuel | Sarah | Harris | Lebanon | December 10, 1706 | September 20, 1748 | Windham | 12 | 342 | Sarah deserted Samuel in November, 1743, and went to some remote place. Insufficient evidence. Petition denied. |
206 | Decker | John | Martha | Wooden | Windham | April 27, 1742 | September 20, 1748 | Windham | 12 | 345 | Martha deserted John in the spring of 1746. Divorce granted. |
207 | Ingreham | Jeremiah | Hannah | Stonington | September 27, 1727 | Septmber 27, 1748 | New London | 12 | 353 | Jeremiah deserted Hannah in June, 1745, to cohabit with Elizabeth Lamphere "as husband and wife." Divorce granted. | |
208 | Bush | Amaziah | Elizabeth | Saybrook | September 2, 1741 | Septmber 27, 1748 | New London | 12 | 355 | Amaziah deserted Elizabeth in July, 1745. "Court will advise" next session. | |
209 | Waller | John | Hannah | Lyme | July 20, 1737 | September 26, 1749 | New London | 13 | 49 | John deserted Hannah in 1743. Divorce granted. | |
210 | Lyon | Daniel | Elizabeth | Marshall | Greenwich | c.1737 | February 20, 1749/50 | Fairfield | 13 | 58 | Elizabeth accused of deserting Daniel after four months of marriage. Petition denied. |
211 | Weatheril | John | Ann | Fairfield | September, 1743 | February 20, 1749/50 | Fairfield | 13 | 60 | John deserted Ann three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
212 | Tubbs | Abner | Lucretia | Lyme | April 25, 1742 | March 27, 1750 | New London | 13 | 107 | Abner deserted Lucretia, returned, then deserted her again. Case continued to next session. | |
213 | Stoddard | Elisha | Mary | Smith | Wallingford | July, 1744 | August 28, 1750 | New Haven | 13 | 145 | Elisha Stoddard, "a transient," lived with Mary for about ten months before deserting her. Divorce granted. |
214 | Hodges | Asahell | Damaras | Hartford | January, 1740/1 | September 4, 1750 | Hartford | 13 | 152 | Asahell accused of deserting Damaras in November, 1745. Petition denied. | |
215 | Piersons | Ephraim | No town given | Hartford | 13 | 154 | Petition for divorce dismissed by the court. | ||||
216 | Southwell | Ebenezer | Elizabeth | Suffield | c.1720 | September 4, 1750 | Hartford | 13 | 161 | Ebenezer committed adultery with Meriam Levit. Ebenezer was called to answer for his crime (v.13, p.162) "but appeared not." Divorce granted. | |
217 | Leavit | Jeremiah | Meriam | Suffield | c.1741 | September 4, 1750 | Hartford | 13 | 162 | Meriam was convicted (v. 13, pp.155-6) of committing adultery with Ebenezer Southwell (v.13, p.161). Divorce granted. Meriam was sentenced to be whipped, branded with the letter "A" on her forehead, and made to wear a "halter" around her neck as punishment. | |
218 | Havens | William | Phoebee | Hallans | Stonington | December 11, 1737 | September 25, 1750 | New London | 13 | 177 | William deserted Phoebee in July, 1743. Divorce granted. |
219 | Martine | Abijah | Sarah | Wheeler | Woodbury | c.1745 | February 19, 1750/1 | Fairfield | 13 | 193 | Abijah deserted Sarah after 14 months of marriage. Divorce granted. |
220 | Frisby | Edward | Huldah | Barker | Branford | January 20, 1730/1 | February 26, 1750/1 | New Haven | 13 | 202 | Edward deserted Huldah on March 10, 1732/3. Divorce granted. |
221 | Dibble | John | Elizabeth | Holland | Goshen | October, 1746 | March 5, 1750/1 | Hartford | 13 | 205 | Elizabeth deserted John and married another man. Divorce granted. |
222 | Stark | Stephen, Jr. | Mercy | Pembleton | Colchester | February 6, 1740/1 | March 26, 1751 | New London | 13 | 227 | Mercy accused of adultery. Case continued to next session. |
223 | Carlle | Isaac | Anna | Hurd | Woodbury | January 4, 1749/50 | August 20, 1751 | Fairfield | 13 | 238 | Anna accused of bearing another man's child. Evidence insufficient, petition denied. |
224 | Poisson | James | Sarah | Pengilly | Simsbury | August, 1739 | September 3, 1751 | Hartford | 13 | 256 | James deserted Sarah in 1748. Case continued to next session. |
225 | Reed | Ebenezer | Hannah | Simsbury | November 26, 1747 | September 3, 1751 | Hartford | 13 | 257 | Ebenezer deserted Hannah in June, 1748. Divorce granted. | |
226 | Hodges | Asahel | Damaras | Hartford | February, 1740/1 | September 3, 1751 | Hartford | 13 | 264 | Asahel deserted Damaras in November, 1745. Divorce granted. | |
227 | Tinker | John | Abigail | Mansfield | September 10, 1733 | September 17, 1751 | Windham | 13 | 271 | John deserted Abigail in August, 1748. Divorce granted. | |
228 | Cushing | Moses | Mary | Stevens | Killingworth | December, 1747 | September 24, 1751 | New London | 13 | 279 | Moses, "a transient person," deserted Mary the spring after their wedding. Divorce granted. |
229 | Stark | Stephen, Jr. | Mercy | Pembleton | Groton | February 6, 1740/1 | September 24, 1751 | New London | 13 | 283 | Mercy committed adultery in July, 1750. Divorce granted. |
230 | Lyon | Daniel | Elizabeth | Marshall | Greenwich | 1737 | February 18, 1752 | Fairfield | 13 | 286 | Elizabeth accused of giving birth to a baby, then claiming it was not Daniel's and leaving. Court will advise next session. |
231 | Poisson | James | Sarah | Pengilly | Simsbury | August, 1739 | March 3, 1752 | Hartford | 13 | 301 | Sarah accused of deserting James in April, 1748. Not sufficiently proven, petition denied. |
232 | Barrett | James | Mary | Farmington | March 3, 1752 | Hartford | 13 | 306 | Mary did not appear in court. Case continued to next session. | ||
233 | Bates | David | Patience | Barrow | Coventry | May 6, 1745 | March 17, 1752 | Windham | 13 | 314 | Patience deserted David in September, 1747. Court will advise next session. |
234 | Sage | Gideon | Bathsheba | Middletown | October 10, 1738 | May 29, 1752 | Hartford | 13 | 326 | Gideon went to sea in August, 1748, and neither he nor his ship were heard from again. Divorce granted. | |
235 | Stevens | Nathaniel | Ann | New Milford | February 26, 1742/3 | August 18, 1752 | Fairfield | 13 | 337 | Nathaniel deserted Ann in 1747 and went to New Jersey to marry another woman. Divorce granted. | |
236 | Barrett | James | Mary | Andrew? | Farmington | December 10, 1747 | September 1, 1752 | Hartford | 13 | 351 | Mary deserted James in August, 1748. Divorce granted. |
237 | Bates | David | Patience | Barrow | Coventry | May 6, 1745 | September, 1752 | Windham | 13 | 356 | Patience accused of deserting David in September, 1747. Petition denied. |
238 | Stevens | Robert | Elizabeth | Perriman | New London | December 16, 1744 | September, 1752 | New London | 13 | 372 | Robert deserted Elizabeth in January, 1746/7. Divorce granted. |
239 | Barns | Abraham | Pheeby | Clark | Waterbury | c.1744-5 | February 27, 1753 | New Haven | 13 | 383 | Abraham accused of deserting her in about 1751. Evidence insufficient, petition denied. |
240 | Sheppard | Edward | Hephzibah | Middletown | October 8, 1744 | March 6, 1753 | Hartford | 13 | 394 | Edward, master of a sloop out of New London, was lost at sea with his ship and crew. Divorce granted. | |
241 | Horsford | Benjamin | Experience | Wethersfield | May 9, 1723 | March 6, 1753 | Hartford | 13 | 403 | Benjamin deserted Experience "about eight years agoe." Divorce granted. | |
242 | Trumble | James | Janett | Voluntown | December 26, 1744 | March 20, 1753 | Windham | 13 | 408 | James deserted Janett in March, 1744. Divorce granted. | |
243 | Haughton | Benjamin | Elizabeth | Lyme | January 14, 1748/9 | March 27, 1753 | New London | 13 | 415 | Benjamin deserted Elizabeth on April 20, 1749. Divorce granted. | |
244 | Huntington | Nathaniel | No town given | March 27, 1753 | New London | 13 | 415 | Nathaniel "appeared not to prosecute his petition for divorce, which comes to this court by continuance." | |||
245 | Waters | Daniel | Abigail | King | Norwich | December 13, 1743 | March 27, 1753 | New London | 13 | 418 | Abigail left her husband and went to live on Long Island, April 14, 1747. Divorce granted. |
246 | Thorp? | Daniel | Sarah | Wallingford | June 12, 1753 | New Haven | 13 | 428 | Sarah did not appear in court, case continued to next session. | ||
247 | Castle | Isaac | Anna | Hurd | Woodbury | January 25, 1750 | August 14, 1753 | Litchfield | 13 | 436 | Anna accused of desertion. Evidence insufficient, petition dismissed. |
248 | Lamphear | William | Abigail | Butler | Stafford | January 8, 1738/9 | September 4, 1753 | Hartford | 14 | 10 | William, of Stonington, turned Abigail out of the house and moved another woman in. Divorce granted. |
249 | Pierson | Ephraim | Abigail | Windsor | November, 1736 | September 4, 1753 | Hartford | 14 | 12 | Abigail "was forced to leave" Ephraim by "severe and cruel usage." Ephraim now living with another woman in his house. Case continued to next session. | |
250 | Welmore | FitzJohn | Letitia | Howell | Middletown | May, 1744 | September 4, 1753 | Hartford | 14 | 20 | FitzJohn deserted Letitia three years prior to her petition, and went to "some remote place out of this colony." Divorce granted. |
251 | Martine | Abijah | Sarah | Webster | No town given | April 28, 1746 | September 18, 1753 | Windham | 14 | 25 | Abijah married Sarah under the name James Judson. As Abijah Martine he was already married to another woman. Case continued. |
252 | Royce | William | Mary | Mansfield | May 8, 1746 | September 18, 1753 | Windham | 14 | 27 | William left Mary in May, 1750, and went to "some remote place to her unknown." Divorce granted. | |
253 | Atwell | Joseph | Anna | Saybrook | January 9, 1731/2 | September, 1753 | New London | 14 | 34 | Joseph deserted Anna c.1739. Divorce granted. | |
254 | Downing | James | Mary | Plainfield | November 11, 1742 | December 25, 1753 | Windham | 14 | 44 | James deserted Mary in 1748. Divorce granted. | |
255 | Curtis | Isaac | Margaret | Wood | Wallingford | October, 1748 | February 26, 1754 | New Haven | 14 | 56 | Margaret deserted Isaac after ten months of marriage. Case continued to next session. |
256 | Pierson | Ephraim | Abigail | Windsor | November, 1736 | March 5, 1754 | Hartford | 14 | 60 | Abigail forced to leave Ephraim in February, 1751 "by severe & cruel usage," after which he moved in another woman. Divorce granted. | |
257 | Poisson | James | Sarah | Simsbury | August 14, 1739 | March 5, 1754 | Hartford | 14 | 65 | James deserted Sarah three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
258 | Bates | David | No town given | March 19, 1754 | Windham | 14 | 73 | Divorce granted. Record entry left incomplete by the clerk, no details filled in. | |||
259 | Reed | Mary | Sharon | August 13, 1754 | Litchfield | 14 | 88 | Petition "negated and dismissed." No other information. | |||
260 | Barns | Abraham | Phebe | Clark | Waterbury | c.1744 | August 27, 1754 | New Haven | 14 | 100 | Abraham deserted Phebe about three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. |
261 | Ball | David | Elizabeth | Hill | Durham | August 12, 1745 | September 3, 1754 | Hartford | 14 | 124 | David deserted Elizabeth in May, 1750. Divorce granted. |
262 | Smith | Francis | Sarah | Middletown | February 3, 1735/6 | March 4, 1755 | Hartford | 14 | 170 | Francis deserted Sarah in March, 1745. Divorce granted. | |
263 | Huntington | Nathaniel | Mary | Brown | Norwich | November 5, 1735 | March 25, 1755 | New London | 14 | 180 | Mary deserted Nathaniel in December, 1751. Divorce granted. |
264 | Peters | Bemiley | Hannah | Woodstock | January 8, 1734/5 | April 3, 1755 | Windham | 14 | 195 | Bemiley deserted Hannah in 1745. Divorce granted. | |
265 | Peas | Nathaniel | No town given | June 1755 | Hartford | 14 | 217 | "Nath'l Peas's petition for divorce is withdrawn." | |||
266 | Porter | James | Experience | Litchfield | c.1731 | August 12, 1755 | Litchfield | 14 | 221 | James accused of desertion, petition denied. | |
267 | Case | David | Litchfield | August 12, 1755 | Litchfield | 14 | 224 | Petition withdrawn, and a new one entered, which is "adjourned" until November. | |||
268 | Castle | Isaac | Anna | Woodbury | January 27, 1749/50 | August 12, 1755 | Litchfield | 14 | 225 | Isaac deserted Anna in July, 1750. Divorce granted. | |
269 | Case | David | Sarah | Killborn | Litchfield | December 15, 1742 | November 25, 1755 | Litchfield | 14 | 265 | Sarah accused of violating marriage covenant; petition dismissed. |
270 | Wright | Henry | Jane | Doolittle | Windsor | c.1739 | December, 1755 | Hartford | 14 | 269 | Henry deserted Jane about ten years prior to her petition, now living with another woman. Divorce granted. |
271 | McCleve | James | Sarah | Wallingford | January 30, 1750 | February, 1756 | New Haven | 14 | 292 | James deserted Sarah in December, 1751. Divorce granted. | |
272 | Parsons | Luke, Jr. | Mary | Dickinson | Somers | July 31, 1745 | March 2, 1756 | Hartford | 14 | 299 | Mary deserted Luke three years prior to his petition, now accused of living in adultery with another man. Petition denied. |
273 | Peas | Nathaniel | Hannah | Smith | Hebron | c.1728 | March 2, 1756 | Hartford | 14 | 300 | Hannah accused of deserting Nathaniel about five years prior to his petition. Petition denied. |
274 | Gold | John | Hannah | Welch | Norwich | June 8, 1752 | March 23, 1756 | New London | 15 | 212 | Hannah gave birth to another man's child two months after she and John were wed. Divorce granted. |
275 | Bill | James | Mary | Lebanon | March 17, 1743 | April 8, 1756 | Windham | 15 | 222 | James deserted Mary and went to some remote place in July, 1751. | |
276 | Case | David | Sarah | Killborn | Litchfield | December, 1743 | August 17, 1756 | Litchfield | 15 | 233 | Sarah accused of deserting David in December, 1752. Petition denied. |
277 | Reeves | William | Tamison | Grigory | Ridgefield | March 6, 1754 | August, 1756 | Fairfield | 15 | 236 | William was already married to Mehetabell Downs of Southhold, Long Island. Divorce granted. William was convicted of adultery and was sentenced to be whipped and branded with the letter "A" on his forehead. |
278 | Harris | Mary | No town given | August 31, 1756 | New Haven | 15 | 247 | "The petition of Mary Harris for Divorce is withdrawn." | |||
279 | Fisk | Stephen | Prudence | Farley | Willington | August, 1742 | March 1, 1757 | Hartford | 16 | 40 | Prudence deserted Stephen in September, 1751. Divorce granted. |
280 | Hinchor | Joshua | Lucy | Mansfield | September, 1745 | March 15, 1757 | Windham | 16 | 52 | Joshua went away to New London in 1749, abandoning Lucy. Divorce granted. | |
281 | Cobb | Joseph | Allise | Lebanon | April, 1743 | March 15, 1757 | Windham | 16 | 57 | Joseph deserted Allise in May, 1750, and "left her with four small children without any support." Divorce granted. | |
282 | Case | Sarah | No town given | August 16, 1757 | Litchfield | 16 | 77 | "Sarah Case petition for Divorce she appear'd not to be heard." | |||
283 | Waters | John | Lideah | Derby | October 10, 1756 | August 30, 1757 | New Haven | 16 | 89 | John was already married to a woman in New York City when he married Lideah. Divorce granted. | |
284 | Stebbins | Ebenezer | Mary | Chapman | Tolland | June 4, 1750 | September 6, 1757 | Hartford | 16 | 96 | Ebenezer left Mary in April, 1752. Divorce granted. |
285 | Pease | Nathaniel | Hannah | Smith | Hebron | c.1727 | September 6, 1757 | Hartford | 16 | 101 | When Nathaniel moved to Hebron from Martha's Vineyard, Hannah refused to come with him. Divorce granted. |
286 | Simms | John | Bathsheba | Lebanon | January 8, 1730 | September 20, 1757 | Windham | 16 | 112 | John left Bathsheba in May, 1755, and committed adultery with another woman in Providence. Divorce granted. | |
287 | Chappel | Noah | Hannah | Lebanon | September 9, 1751 | September 20, 1757 | Windham | 16 | 113 | Noah deserted Hannah in September, 1754. Divorce granted. | |
288 | Stewart | William | Deborah | New London | January 21, 1753 | September 27, 1757 | New London | 16 | 125 | William, "a transient person," left Deborah five weeks after their wedding. Divorce granted. | |
289 | Case | David | Sarah | Killborn | Litchfield | December 15, 1742 | November 22, 1757 | Litchfield | 16 | 136 | Sarah committed adultery and bore a child fathered by "some person to [David] unknown." Divorce granted. |
290 | Butler | Benjamin | Thankfull | Middletown | December 5, 1734 | January 25, 1758 | Hartford | 16 | 140 | Benjamin was lost at sea in 1748. Divorce granted. | |
291 | Parsons | Luke | Mary | Baker | Somers | c.1746 | March 6, 1758 | Hartford | 16 | 170 | Mary deserted Luke three years prior to his petition. Divorce granted. |
292 | Rouse | John | Alice | Norwich | March 16, 1738 | March 28, 1758 | New London | 16 | 184 | John deserted Alice in 1749. Divorce granted. Name also spelled "Rowse." | |
293 | Bate | Ephraim | Mary | Saybrook | October 1748 | March 28, 1758 | New London | 16 | 191 | Ephraim deserted Mary after 18 months of marriage and went to "someplace unknown to her." Divorce granted. | |
294 | Welch | Dennis | Sibil | Canaan | August 16, 1754 | August 15, 1758 | Litchfield | 16 | 205 | After seven months of "much cruelty" Dennis deserted Sibil. Dennis was already married when he married Sibil, as well. Divorce granted. | |
295 | Waterous | Abijah | Mary | Ward | Guilford | c.1743 | August 29, 1758 | New Haven | 16 | 224 | Abijah deserted Mary in February, 1755. Divorce granted. |
296 | Brockway | Samuel | Margaret | Smith | Waterbury | November 1, 1743 | February 27, 1759 | New Haven | 16 | 277 | Margaret committed adultery "with a certain Negro man called Lott" in October, 1758. Divorce granted. |
297 | Burr | Andrew | Lydia | New Haven | December, 1750 | February 27, 1759 | New Haven | 16 | 279 | Andrew deserted Lydia and went to "parts unknown" in 1755. Divorce granted. | |
298 | Terry | John | Rachael | Rawson | Lebanon | April 28, 1737 | March 20, 1759 | Windham | 16 | 296 | After eleven years of marriage to John, Rachael "eloped from him." Divorce granted. |
299 | Furth? | William | Mary | Killingworth | January, 1751 | March 27, 1759 | New London | 16 | 309 | William deserted Lydia in 1753. Divorce granted. | |
300 | Eaton | Comfort | Meg | Middletown | February 3, 1753 | June 5, 1759 | Hartford | 16 | 327 | Comfort deserted Meg in November, 1755. Divorce granted. | |
301 | Fraiser | Alexander | Damaras | Wethersfield | c.1745 | June 5, 1759 | Hartford | 16 | 327 | Alexander deserted Damaras three years previous. Divorce granted. | |
302 | Shalack | Ebenezer | No town given | August 14, 1759 | Litchfield | 16 | 338 | Ebenezer did not appear to prosecute divorce petition | |||
303 | Cornell | John | Sarah | Ridgefield | October 7, 1753 | August, 1759 | Fairfield | 16 | 341 | John deserted Sarah in February, 1754. Divorce granted. | |
304 | White | Thomas | Dorothy | Stratford | October 16, 1728 | August, 1759 | Fairfield | 16 | 345 | Thomas deserted Dorothy four to five years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
305 | Johnson | Edward | Hannah | Middletown | November 12, 1747 | September 4, 1759 | Hartford | 16 | 366 | Edward, master of a sloop, sailed from New London to Suriname on August 28, 1755, and was lost at sea with his ship. Divorce granted. | |
306 | Sterry | Samuel | Elizabeth | Groton | January 14, 1744 | September 25, 1759 | New London | 16 | 382 | Samuel deserted Elizabeth about four years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
307 | Hamiss | John | Abigail | McWerthy | Plainfield | November 30, 1752 | March 18, 1760 | Windham | 17 | 18 | Abigail left John after three years to live with another man in Dutchess County, NY. Divorce granted. |
308 | Barttlett | Nathaniel | Delight | Norwich | May 30, 1754 | March 26, 1760 | New London | 17 | 26 | Nathaniel deserted Delight and went to "some place unknown" in April, 1756. Divorce granted. | |
309 | Nubury | Nathan | Sarah | Stewart | Groton | April 15, 1743 | March 26, 1760 | New London | 17 | 28 | Sarah "did at sundry times elope and willfully desert" Nathan to be with other men. Eventually she left the colony with one John Pendelton. Divorce granted. |
310 | Isaacs | Samuel | Mary | Ridgefield | January, 1745 | August 19, 1760 | Fairfield | 17 | 46 | Samuel deserted Mary, went to South Carolina, and married another woman there. Divorce granted. | |
311 | Lane | Benjamin | Christian | Smalls | Windsor | July 15, 1752 | September, 1760 | Hartford | 17 | 57 | After a year of marriage to Christian, Benjamin left to live with another woman in New York. Divorce granted. |
312 | Account | Charles | Hannah | Manwaring | New London | September, 1737 | September 23, 1760 | New London | 17 | 74 | Charles deserted Hannah in 1749, and went to some unknown part of the world. Divorce granted. |
313 | Burt | James | Abigail | Middletown | July, 1752 | October 29, 1760 | New Haven | 17 | 75 | James deserted Abigail by "going away beyond sea" after a few months of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
314 | Dorman | Michajah | Mary | Smith | Willington | July 9, 1752 | March 3, 1761 | Hartford | 17 | 90 | Mary deserted Michajah in 1756. Divorce granted. |
315 | Lyons | Ephraim | Lydia | Hearst (Hart?) | Ashford | November 29, 1756 | March 17, 1761 | Windham | 17 | 100 | Lydia delivered a child Ephraim claimed was not his in 1757, and then left the colony. Divorce granted. |
316 | Skelding | John | Mary | Stamford | September 4, 1755 | August 18, 1761 | Fairfield | 17 | 122 | On October 20, 1755, John went to sea aboard a sloop from Greenwich to "Antego." Ship and crew not heard from since. Divorce granted. | |
317 | Edward | Christopher | Shirley? | Stonington | September 22, 1761 | New London | 17 | 152 | Petition negated. | ||
318 | Beebe | Samuel | Johanna | New London | September 22, 1761 | New London | 17 | 153 | Petition negated. | ||
319 | Lilley | John | Ann | New London | September 22, 1761 | New London | 17 | 153 | John accused of "willful desertion," petition negated. | ||
320 | Cook | Benjamin | Martha | Wallingford | August 2, 1759 | February 23, 1762 | New Haven | 17 | 168 | Benjamin, while a solider in the King's army, contracted the "French Pox" or the "foule disease." Divorce granted. | |
321 | Talcott | David | Cloee | Porter | Bolton | November 5, 1761 | March 2, 1762 | Hartford | 17 | 175 | Cloee/Cloe was seven months pregnant with another man's child when she married David, which she kept secret until after the wedding. Divorce granted. |
322 | Stoddard | Samuel | Mary | Windham | May 12 1758 | March 16, 1762 | Windham | 17 | 186 | Samuel deserted Mary a few months after their marriage, and married another woman in Egg Harbor. Divorce granted. | |
323 | Hayers | Mehatibel | No town given | March 16, 1762 | Windham | 17 | 187 | Mehatibel petitioned for divorce but did not appear | |||
324 | Nickols | Jonathan | Mary | Thompson | No town given | March 22, 1758 | August 24, 1762 | Fairfield | 17 | 210 | Jonathan deserted Mary after only four months of marriage. Divorce granted. |
325 | Stockdell | Robert | Sarah | Greenwich | December 4, 1754 | August 23, 1763 | Fairfield | 18 | 58 | Robert, "a transient person," deserted Sarah after one year of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
326 | Pease | Nathaniel | Sophia | Enfield | c. 1750 | September 6, 1763 | Hartford | 18 | 88 | Nathaniel deserted Sophia after three years. Divorce granted. | |
327 | Sheppard | Jonathan | Love | No town given | September 20, 1763 | Windham | 18 | 105 | Petition negated. | ||
328 | Beebe | Samuel | Johanna | Mahew | New London | October, 1750 | September 27, 1763 | New London | 18 | 111 | Johanna deserted Samuel in March, 1758. Divorce granted. |
329 | Reed | John | Mary | Salisbury | May 1, 1750 | November, 1763 | Litchfield | 18 | 134 | After one year of marriage John forced Mary out of his bed and his house. Divorce granted. | |
330 | Buttrick | Asa | Sarah | Union | January 1, 1739/40 | March 25, 1764 | Windham | 18 | 175 | Asa deserted Sarah in 1760. Divorce granted. | |
331 | Smith | Eli | Abigail | Tyler | Wallingford | February 4, 1756 | August 28, 1764 | New Haven | 18 | 245 | In December 1760, Eli sailed on a ship from New Haven bound for the West Indies. His ship was captured by the French and he was imprisoned. After his release he "deserted" a Man of War and drowned. Divorce granted. |
332 | Dewey | Elias | Mary | Bolton | September 12, 1759 | September 4, 1764 | Hartford | 18 | 252 | Mary and Elias lived in Middletown and Colchester. He deserted her to live with another woman in Rhode Island. Divorce granted. | |
333 | Huddleston | Richard | Sarah | Smith | Suffield | October 2, 1760 | September 4, 1764 | Hartford | 18 | 264 | Richard left Sarah after three months for "some remote parts to her not currently known." Divorce granted. |
334 | Woodworth | Benjamin | Marcy | Lebanon | July 19, 1750 | September 18, 1764 | Windham | 18 | 272 | Benjamin deserted Marcy in March, 1760, and went to live in Nova Scotia. Divorce granted. | |
335 | Sheppard | Jonathan | Love | Palmer | Tolland | December 23, 1736 | September 18, 1764 | Windham | 18 | 273 | Love deserted Jonathan in June, 1760. Divorce granted. |
336 | Beal | Benjamin | Hannah | Baxter | Woodstock | January, 1760 | September 18, 1764 | Windham | 18 | 276 | Hannah left Benjamin after one month of marriage, refusing to return despite all the "intreaties and arguments" he made to her. Divorce granted. |
337 | Andrus | Fitch | Mary | Wells | Wethersfield | January 1, 1764 | March 5, 1765 | Hartford | 18 | 329 | After their marriage Mary "soon was delivered of a child which the petitioner was not the father." Divorce granted. |
338 | Hayre | Samuel | Mabitable | Royce | Mansfield | June, 1751 | March 19, 1765 | Windham | 18 | 339 | Samuel's last name also listed as "Haires" or "Hall." Mahitable/Mehetibel left Samuel in March, 1758, after which she committed adultery with "other men." Divorce granted. |
339 | Kille (Kelle?) | Beriah | Sarah | Baker | Norwich | April 30, 1751 | March 26, 1765 | New London | 18 | 361 | Sarah deserted Bariah in 1762, and married another man in Albany. Divorce granted. |
340 | Phillips | Gideon | Temperance | Litchfield | December 11, 1760 | August 13, 1765 | Litchfield | 18 | 369 | Gideon deserted Temperance in December, 1760. Divorce granted. | |
341 | Leathers | Ezekiel | Elizabeth | Norwalk | March 1, 1756 | August 20, 1765 | Fairfield | 18 | 377 | Ezekiel deserted Elizabeth in June, 1757. Divorce granted. | |
342 | Preston | David | Susannah | Suffield | c.1748 | September 3, 1765 | Hartford | 18 | 411 | David left Susannah "about six years since." Divorce granted. | |
343 | Carpenter | Uriah | Lucy | Union | December 5, 1759 | September 17, 1765 | Windham | 18 | 419 | Uriah left Lucy in June, 1762, and married another woman in Rhode Island. Divorce granted. | |
344 | Lyon | Asa | Mary | Evits | Norwich | April, 1757 | September 24, 1765 | New London | 18 | 438 | Mary deserted Ava in September, 1760. Divorce granted. |
345 | Davis | John | Ruth | Goshen | March 4, 1749 | August 12, 1766 | Litchfield | 19 | 12 | John deserted Ruth 10 years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
346 | Knowles | James | Lydia | Middletown | March 23, 1758 | September 2, 1766 | Hartford | 19 | 32 | James sailed on the sloop "Polly" for the West Indies on July 30, 1763. Ship and crew lost in hurricane. Lydia "given leave to marry again." | |
347 | Woodworth | John | Abigail | Thomas | Colchester | December 6, 1753 | September 2, 1766 | Hartford | 19 | 34 | Abigail deserted John in March, 1760. Divorce granted. This case was also entered on v.19, p.94. |
348 | Coye | Samuel | Elizabeth | Mansfield | November 5, 1749 | September 16, 1766 | Windham | 19 | 39 | Samuel deserted Elizabeth in 1749. Divorce granted. | |
349 | Bartlet | Benoni | Mary | Lebanon | May 15, 1749 | September 16, 1766 | Windham | 19 | 42 | Benoni deserted Mary in May, 1759. Divorce granted. | |
350 | Burrows | John | Hannah | Saybrook | December , 1756 | September 23, 1766 | New London | 19 | 49 | John sailed for the West Indies on a vessel out of Lyme, ship and crew lost at sea. Hannah "deemed single." | |
351 | Chace | Benjamin | Rachel | No town given | June, 1740 | November 4, 1766 | Litchfield | 19 | 55 | Benjamin deserted Rachel and married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
352 | Dickiman | Stephen | Elizabeth | Ridgefield | August 16, 1753 | February 7, 1767 | Fairfield | 19 | 76 | Stephen deserted Elizabeth in May, 1762. Divorce granted. | |
353 | Clark | Watrous | Taphenas | Derby | August 13, 1761 | February 24, 1767 | New Haven | 19 | 81 | Watrous sailed on a vessel bound for Guadeloupe on May 15, 1763. Ship and crew lost at sea. Taphenas "deemed single." | |
354 | Woodworth | John | Abigail | Thomas | Colchester | January 6, 1753 | March 1, 1767 | Hartford | 19 | 94 | Abigail deserted John in March, 1760. Divorce granted. This case was also entered on v.19, p.34. |
355 | Braman | James | Sarah | Ashford | March 14, 1761 | March 17, 1767 | Windham | 19 | 97 | James abandoned Sarah February 8, 1764. Divorce granted. | |
356 | Chapman | John | Penelope | Ashford | April 15, 1736 | March 17, 1767 | Windham | 19 | 98 | John deserted Penelope in October, 1758. Divorce granted. | |
357 | Dean | Isaac | Martha | Lothrop | Norwich | October 3, 1761 | March, 1767 | New London | 19 | 110 | Isaac deserted Martha February 5, 1764. Divorce granted. |
358 | Billings | Increase | Sarah | Groton | October 21, 1754 | March, 1767 | New London | 19 | 111 | Increase deserted Sarah and now lives with another woman "as his wife." Divorce granted. | |
359 | Edwards | Christopher | Phebe | Wells | Stonington | October 24, 1735 | March, 1767 | New London | 19 | 111 | Phebe deserted Christopher in 1756. Divorce granted. |
360 | Weller | Amos | Merriam | Sharon | December 17, 1751 | August 11, 1767 | Litchfield | 19 | 120 | Amos deserted Merriam in February, 1764. Divorce granted. | |
361 | McKingsey | Enoc | Sarah | Middlebrook | Stamford | June, 1766 | August 18, 1767 | Fairfield | 19 | 125 | Sarah discovered five months after her wedding that Enoc was married to another woman in Massachusetts. Marriage "declared Null and Void." |
362 | Seymour | Samuel | Sarah | Betts | Greenwich | March 17, 1751 | August 18, 1767 | Fairfield | 19 | 125 | Sarah deserted Samuel, committed adultery, and bore another man's child. Divorce granted. |
363 | Stanton | Robert | Dorothy | Convers | Stafford | June 30, 1756 | September 1, 1767 | Hartford | 19 | 144 | Dorothy deserted Robert in July, 1761. Divorce granted. |
364 | Adams | Jonathan | Amia | Stonington | August 16, 1751 | September 22, 1767 | New London | 19 | 159 | Jonathan deserted Amia in May, 1761. Divorce granted. | |
365 | Congdon | Jeremiah | Margaret | Norwich | August 18, 1757 | September 22, 1767 | New London | 19 | 159 | Jeremiah sailed for St. Croix in December, 1762. Ship and crew lost at sea. Margaret "declared single and unmarried." | |
366 | Wallin | Peter | Martha | Simsbury | April, 1754 | March 1, 1768 | Hartford | 19 | 201 | Peter deserted Martha and married another woman in New Jersey. Divorce granted. | |
367 | Hibbard | Robert | Johanna | Cleaveland | Norwich | May 12, 1760 | March 22, 1768 | New London | 19 | 223 | Robert deserted Johanna in March, 1761. Divorce granted. |
368 | Cornell | George | Philena | New London | May 15, 1764 | March 22, 1768 | New London | 19 | 231 | George committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
369 | Curtiss | Ebenezer | Annice | Litchfield | August 16, 1768 | Litchfield | 19 | 234 | Ebenezer committed adultery and now lives with one Abigail Scott of Waterbury. Divorce granted. | ||
370 | Nickols | Richard | Susannah | Woodbury | November 14, 1757 | August 16, 1768 | Litchfield | 19 | 234 | Richard deserted Susannah on June 1, 1766, and subsequently married one Eunice Butler in New York. Divorce granted. | |
371 | Osborn | Stephen | Mary | White | Wallingford | August, 1736 | August 30, 1768 | New Haven | 19 | 246 | Stephen deserted Mary more than three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. |
372 | Freeman | Jedidiah | Lavinia | Allen | Colchester | October 18, 1759 | September 6, 1768 | Hartford | 19 | 257 | Lavinia deserted Jedidiah and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
373 | Wigge | Thomas | Mary | Windham | January 23, 1760 | September, 1768 | Windham | 19 | 272 | Thomas deserted Mary in January, 1763. Divorce granted. | |
374 | Ames | Samuel | Mary | Shipman | Saybrook | November 28, 1745 | September 27, 1768 | New London | 19 | 280 | Mary committed adultery in 1763. Divorce granted. |
375 | Smith | Jonathan | Martha | Haddam | "some years ago" | December 27, 1768 | Hartford | 19 | 308 | Jonathan sailed for Barbados on December 6, 1765; he never returned and was presumed lost at sea. Martha declared single and unmarried. | |
376 | Smith | Richard | Elizabeth | Norwich | December 6, 1764 | March 28, 1769 | New London | 19 | 352 | Richard sailed from the Port of New London, bound for Antigua, and was never seen again. Ship and crew presumed lost at sea. Elizabeth declared single and unmarried. | |
377 | Otis | Richard | Mary | New London | 1744 | March 28, 1769 | New London | 19 | 355 | In 1762 Richard departed for parts unknown. Divorce granted. | |
378 | Blackman | Ladock | Eunice | New Milford | October 5, 1760 | August 15, 1769 | Litchfield | 19 | 362 | Ladock deserted Eunice on August 7, 1764, and "hath never been heard of since." Divorce granted. | |
379 | Kelsey | Matthias | Sarah | No town given | December 14, 1749 | August 15, 1769 | Litchfield | 19 | 364 | Matthias deserted Sarah in 1762. Divorce granted. | |
380 | Wall | John | Abigail | Greenwich | February 3, 1755 | August 22, 1769 | Fairfield | 19 | 367 | John deserted Abgail in June 1766, and she has heard that he married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
381 | Davis | Benjamin | Eunice | Nash | Fairfield | May 21, 1758 | August 22, 1769 | Fairfield | 19 | 369 | Benjamin deserted Eunice in 1765. Divorce granted. |
382 | Leet | Andreas | Esther | Blakely | Guilford | May 12, 1763 | August, 1769 | New Haven | 19 | 374 | Esther deserted Andreas and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
383 | White | John Clark | Hannah | Mentor | Norwich | November 25, 1764 | September 23, 1766 | New London | 19 | 47-48 | Hannah had "frequent carnal familiarities" with other men. Divorce granted. |
384 | Bedient | Adoniram | Ann | Whitear | Fairfield | September, 1757 | August, 1766 | Fairfield | 19 | misc.** | Andoniram deserted Ann in December 1761, and left the colony. Divorce granted. |
385 | Merrit | Joseph | Rachael | Uiddeto | Stratford | September 10, 1762 | Februrary, 1768 | Fairfield | 19 | misc.** | Rachael committed adultery in 1765, and left for parts unknown. Divorce granted. |
386 | Parsons | Jesse | Hannah | Strafford | Stratford | September, 1746 | Februrary, 1768 | Fairfield | 19 | misc.** | Hannah deserted Jesse and married another man. Divorce granted. |
387 | Evetts | John | Elizabeth | New London | November 6, 1763 | September 26, 1769 | New London | 20 | 8 | John sailed for Turks Island in December, 1766. Ship and crew never seen again. Elizabeth declared "single and unmarried." | |
388 | Owen | Amos | Amy/Amey | Stuart | Norwich | October 30, 1763 | September 26, 1769 | New London | 20 | 8 | Amos deserted Amy in July, 1765. Divorce granted. |
389 | Brown | Abner | Eunice | New London | December 30, 1760 | September 26, 1769 | New London | 20 | 11 | Abner sailed for Antigua in December, 1764, lost at sea. Eunice declared "single and unmarried." | |
390 | Drakly | Thomas | Elizabeth | Minor | Woodbury | June 10, 1763 | November 14 1769 | Litchfield | 20 | 25 | Elizabeth deserted Thomas in March, 1766. Divorce granted. |
391 | Marshal | Amasa | Jane | Leaming | Torrington | February 27, 1759 | November 14 1769 | Litchfield | 20 | 26 | Jane deserted Amasa and "absconded to some parts of the world to him unknown." Divorce granted. |
392 | Joyner | John | Rosannah | Blanchard | Windsor | January 8, 1767 | December 26, 1769 | Hartford | 20 | 35 | Rosannah committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
393 | Fraim | John | Joanna | Windham | August 16, 1751 | January 9, 1770 | Windham | 20 | 40 | John deserted Joanna in March, 1763. Divorce granted. | |
394 | Webber | Richard | Ruth | Mansfield | March 28, 1758 | January 9, 1770 | Windham | 20 | 41 | Richard deserted Rith "more than three years ago." Divorce granted. | |
395 | Colfox | John | Ann | New London | c.1746 | January 16, 1770 | New London | 20 | 52 | John deserted Ann about twelve years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
396 | Knapp | Aaron, Jr. | Lydia | Chozor | Danbury | c.1760 | February 20, 1770 | Fairfield | 20 | 61 | Lydia deserted Aaron in February 1767, and had a child with another man. Divorce granted. |
397 | Teal | Samuel | Ann | Guilford | Janbuary 15, 1757 | February 27, 1770 | New Haven | 20 | 68 | Samuel committed adultery "within about a twelvemonth last past." Divorce granted. | |
398 | Bebee | Samuel | Ester | Colchester | January 29, 1756 | March 6, 1770 | Hartford | 20 | 74 | Samuel deserted Ester in November, 1762, and "has been guilty of adultery with other women." Divorce granted. | |
399 | Bebee | Roswell | Dorcas | Colchester | March 1, 1763 | March 6, 1770 | Hartford | 20 | 75 | Roswell deserted Dorcas in September, 1764. Divorce granted. | |
400 | Gillit | Benjamin | Elizabeth | Windsor | December 10, 1759 | March 6, 1770 | Hartford | 20 | 83 | Benjamin deserted Elizabeth in March, 1765. Divorce granted. | |
401 | Phelps | Abner | Mary | Simsbury | September, 1757 | March 6, 1770 | Hartford | 20 | 83 | Abner deserted Mary after nine years of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
402 | Green | Thomas | Anne | Ames | Norwich | May 5, 1756 | March 27, 1770 | New London | 20 | 93 | Thomas deserted Anne in April, 1763. Divorce granted. |
403 | Jacks | James | Lucresia | Jackson? | Norwich | March 27, 1770 | New London | 20 | 95 | James committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
404 | Thorrington | Samuel | Sarah | Preston | May 10, 1759 | March 27, 1770 | New London | 20 | 96 | Samuel deserted Sarah in February, 1764. Divorce granted. | |
405 | Cramer | Adam | Mary | Hoit | Woodbury | October 15, 1763 | August 14, 1770 | Litchfield | 20 | 106 | Mary deserted Adam in March, 1766. Divorce granted. |
406 | Wixon/Wickson | Isaiah | Phebe | New Milford | October 14, 1754 | August 14, 1770 | Litchfield | 20 | 108 | Isaiah deserted Phebe in January, 1766. Divorce granted. | |
407 | Bull | Jonathan | Cloe | New Haven | November 15, 1762 | August 28, 1770 | New Haven | 20 | 110 | Jonathan deserted Cloe in 1765 after a voyage to the West Indies. Divorce granted. | |
408 | Collins | John | Elizabeth | Nod | Wethersfield | January 3, 1760 | September 4, 1770 | Hartford | 20 | 119 | Elizabeth committed adultery after 18 months of marriage. Divorce granted. |
409 | Berry | Ruben | Elizabeth | Whipple | Union | May 20, 1764 | September 18, 1770 | Windham | 20 | 127 | Elizabeth deserted him less than a month after their marriage, and bore another man's child. Divorce granted. |
410 | Bebee | Gamaliel | Mehitabel | New London | October 31, 1765 | September 25, 1770 | New London | 20 | 133 | Gamaliel deserted Mehitabel in August, 1766, and has "gone to some part of the world to her unknown." Divorce granted. | |
411 | Clark | Daniel | Abigail | Horton | Wallingford | c.1758 | December 4, 1770 | New Haven | 20 | 144 | Abigail committed adultery and gave birth to a "mulatto child." Divorce granted. |
412 | Osgood | Daniel | Ruth | Ames | Colchester | October 12, 1758 | December, 1770 | Hartford | 20 | 162 | Ruth deserted Daniel in 1766. Divorce granted. |
413 | Graham | Cyrus | Elizabeth | Wethersfield | June 10, 1764 | December, 1770 | Hartford | 20 | 168 | Cyrus deserted her after two years of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
414 | Lockwood | Joseph | Elizabeth | Legrass | Greenwich | December 25, 1765 | February, 1771 | Fairfield | 20 | 197 | Elizabeth deserted Joseph and bore another man's child. Divorce granted. |
415 | Shay | Phillip | Eunice | Wallingford | September 26. 1766 | February 26, 1771 | New Haven | 20 | 205 | Phillip deserted Eunice in July, 1767. Divorce granted. | |
416 | Brown | Sanford | Lucy | Norwich | January 2, 1762 | March 27, 1771 | New London | 20 | 233 | Sanford sailed from New London for Bermuda in September, 1765. Ship and crew presumed lost at sea. Lucy declared "single and unmarried." | |
417 | Windship | Joseph | Elizabeth | Norwich | October 5, 1750 | March 27, 1771 | New London | 20 | 233 | Joseph was master of the sloop "Betsy," which sailed from Norwich in October, 1765 bound for the West Indies. Ship was lost on return trip. Elizabeth declared "single and unmarried." | |
418 | Negro man | James | Grace | Molatto woman | Norwich | November 14, 1760 | March 27, 1771 | New London | 20 | 239 | Grace deserted James in July 1767. Divorce granted. |
419 | Dewey | Israil | Jemima | Butler | Woodbury | July 25, 1765 | August 13, 1771 | Litchfield | 20 | 245 | Israil was already married to another woman. Divorce granted. |
420 | Spalding | Timothy | Abigail | Cornwall | January 18, 1769 | August 13, 1771 | Litchfield | 20 | 245 | Timothy deserted Abigail in August, 1770, and married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
421 | Wagner | David | Elliner | Woodbury | May 1, 1751 | August 13, 1771 | Litchfield | 20 | 246 | David deserted Elliner August 1, 1762. Divorce granted. | |
422 | Butler | Peter | Hannah | Canterbury | June 15, 1768 | September 17, 1771 | Windham | 20 | 279 | Peter brought Hannah back to her father's house after two weeks of marriage and deserted her. Divorce granted. | |
423 | Dimmock | Benjamin | Mahitabel | Mansfield | December 1, 1757 | September 17, 1771 | Windham | 20 | 279 | Benjamin deserted Mahitabel in March, 1764. Divorce granted. | |
424 | Norris | Henry | Elizabeth | Keeney | New London | 1764 | September 24, 1771 | New London | 20 | 290 | Henry left on a voyage to the West Indies, where he was detained. Elizabeth bore a child two years after he left. Divorce granted. |
425 | Higgins | Jesse | Ruth | Chatham | November 16, 1752 | December 31, 1771 | Hartford | 20 | 324 | Jesse committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
426 | Medealf | Elijah | Mary | Hopson | East Haddam | September 23, 1760 | December 31, 1771 | Hartford | 20 | 324 | Mary committed adultery in 1768. Divorce granted. |
427 | Whaples | Jonathan | Margaret | Farmington | August 4, 1758 | December 31, 1771 | Hartford | 20 | 324 | Jonathan deserted Margaret about four years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
428 | Bunn | Thomas | Rebekah | Wallingford | September 6, 1768 | February 25, 1772 | New Haven | 20 | 362 | Thomas, a "transient person," left Rebekah after a month of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
429 | Barnum | Gideon | Mary | Simsbury | June, 1758 | March 3, 1772 | Hartford | 20 | 369 | Gideon left Mary after four years of marriage, and "has gone to parts of the world unknown." Divorce granted. | |
430 | Gillett | Benjamin | Elizabeth | Windsor | December 10, 1753 | March 3, 1772 | Hartford | 20 | 370 | Benjamin left on a voyage to visit his brother in South Carolina in 1765, and was never seen again. Divorce granted. | |
431 | Sparks | Lemuel | Jane | Willington | September 29, 1768 | March 3, 1772 | Hartford | 20 | 372 | Lemuel deserted Jane "soon after" their marriage. Divorce granted. | |
432 | Smith | Azarah | Ruth | Benton | Farmington | July 28, 1768 | March 3, 1772 | Hartford | 20 | 373 | Ruth deserted Azarah after one month of marriage. Divorce granted. |
433 | Negro man | Dick | Mary | Potter | Lebanon | December 25, 1766 | March 17, 1772 | Windham | 20 | 384 | Dick, "slave for life to Mr. Ichabod Fitch," deserted Mary in 1768 to live with another woman. Divorce granted. |
434 | Bennett | John | Lydia | Norwich | March 14, 1768 | March 24, 1772 | New London | 20 | 389 | John deserted Lydia in October, 1768. Divorce granted. | |
435 | Sheffield | Frederick | Mary | Woodbury | c.1760 | August 11, 1772 | Litchfield | 20 | 407 | Frederick "absconded himself with Lude women" and married another woman in Stratford in 1771. Divorce granted. | |
436 | White | Archelius | Hannah | Hunter | Sharon | September 13, 1757 | August 11, 1772 | Litchfield | 20 | 407 | Hannah left Archelius for another man in April, 1771. Divorce granted. |
437 | Gould | William | Hulda | Litchfield | March 5, 1767 | August 11, 1772 | Litchfield | 20 | 409 | William deserted Hulda June 6, 1769. Divorce granted. | |
438 | Dutton | David | Philena | Wallingford | September 19, 1764 | August 25, 1772 | New Haven | 20 | 416 | David deserted Philena in July, 1769. Divorce granted. | |
439 | McRay | Archibald | Hannah | Green | Milford | May, 1768 | December 8, 1772 | New Haven | 21 | 15 | Archibald deserted Hannah in February, 1769, and married another woman. Divorce granted. |
440 | Crane | Elisha | Lydia | Owen | East Windsor | November 15, 1764 | December 22, 1772 | Hartford | 21 | 26 | Lydia deserted Elisha for another man. Divorce granted. |
441 | Barker | Oliver | Ruth | Suffield | April 13, 1757 | December 22, 1772 | Hartford | 21 | 27 | Oliver deserted Ruth after three years and moved to Massachusetts. Divorce granted. | |
442 | Barnum | Ebenezer | Elizabeth | Kent | July 5, 1745 | February 2, 1773 | Litchfield | 21 | 39 | Ebenezer deserted Elizabeth in 1764. Divorce granted. | |
443 | McLean | James | Esther | Goshen | October 22, 1767 | February 9, 1773 | Litchfield | 21 | 43 | James deserted Esther in July, 1768. Divorce granted. | |
444 | Jewitt | Isaac | Mary | Haldridge | Woodbury | November 1, 1755 | February 9, 1773 | Litchfield | 21 | 45 | Mary left Isaac in 1770 and married another man. Divorce granted. |
445 | Baker | Jonathan | Mary | Branford | September 27, 1758 | February 23, 1773 | New Haven | 21 | 52 | Jonathan deserted Mary and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
446 | Camp | John | Eunice | Durham | February 29, 1764 | February 23, 1773 | New Haven | 21 | 52 | John deserted Eunice in the fall of 1769. Divorce granted. | |
447 | Roberts | Charles | Ruth | New Haven | December, 1753 | February 23, 1773 | New Haven | 21 | 52 | Charles deserted Ruth about 7 years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
448 | Griffin | Benoni | Martha | Niets | Simsbury | May 20, 1762 | March 2, 1773 | Hartford | 21 | 56 | Martha deserted Benoni and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
449 | Gustin | Walter | Betty | Harris | Colchester | January 27, 1772 | March 2, 1773 | Hartford | 21 | 56 | Betty became pregnant with another man's child. Divorce granted. |
450 | Streeter | Samuel | Desire | Suffield | January 22, 1764 | March 2, 1773 | Hartford | 21 | 56 | Samuel deserted Desire about four years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
451 | Weed | Abel | Dorcas | Simsbury | March 2, 1773 | Hartford | 21 | 56 | Abel deserted Dorcas in 1767, and "has gone to parts of the world to her unknown in company with Ruth Weed, his father's wife." Divorce granted. | ||
452 | Jones | Robert | Mary | Pomfret | January 10, 1770 | March 16, 1773 | Windham | 21 | 66 | Robert deserted Mary after ten days of marriage. Name could also be Molly. Divorce granted. | |
453 | Comings | Amos | Bethiah | Aldredge | Killingly | May, 1762 | March 16, 1773 | Windham | 21 | 67 | Bethiah deserted Amos in April, 1766. Divorce granted. |
454 | Lawrence | John | Dorothy | Adams | Killingly | March 12, 1772 | March 16, 1773 | Windham | 21 | 67 | Dorothy discovered that John had another wife in Norwalk. Divorce granted. |
455 | Birch | Benjamin | Lydia | Gardner | Norwich | March 23, 1773 | New London | 21 | 73 | Benjamin "alias Robert Birch," a "transient person," deserted Lydia after a month of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
456 | Rawson | Grindal | Desire | Saybrook | January 24, 1756 | March 23, 1773 | New London | 21 | 73 | Grindal deserted Desire in July, 1762. Divorce granted. | |
457 | Toles | Samuel | Mary | Chapman | Norwich | November 8, 1772 | March 23, 1773 | New London | 21 | 73 | Lydia discovered a few days after the marriage that Samuel was already married. Marriage declared null and void. |
458 | Comstock | David | Kasan | New London | March 23, 1773 | New London | 21 | 76 | David deserted Kasan ("Karen" in other sources) "soon after" their marriage. Divorce granted. | ||
459 | Palmer | Mica | Mary | Kent | May 30, 1751 | August 17, 1773 | Litchfield | 21 | 80 | Mica deserted Mary in February, 1769, and married another woman in New York. Divorce granted. | |
460 | Hurlburt | Isaac | Wealthy | Sharon | April 20, 1762 | August 17, 1773 | Litchfield | 21 | 81 | Isaac drove Wealthy out of their house and moved in another woman. Divorce granted. | |
461 | Holbrook | Joseph | Rachel | Gilpin | Woodbury | January 31, 1760 | August 17, 1773 | Litchfield | 21 | 82 | Rachel committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
462 | Weldon | John | Elizabeth | Church | Salisbury | March 1769 | August 17, 1773 | Litchfield | 21 | 82 | Elizabeth deserted John in December, 1769. Divorce granted. |
463 | Comstock | Samuel | Mary | Danbury | April 15, 1765 | August 24, 1773 | Fairfield | 21 | 86 | Samuel deserted Mary in 1772 and married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
464 | Cockard | Minard | Submitt | Guilford | February 8, 1764 | August 31, 1773 | New Haven | 21 | 89 | Minard deserted Submitt in 1767. Divorce granted. | |
465 | Newton | Silas | Anne | Guilford | May 27, 1767 | August 31, 1773 | New Haven | 21 | 89 | Silas deserted Anne in 1769 and went to "parts unknown." Divorce granted. | |
466 | Fish | Aaron | Lydia | Lebanon | February 15, 1755 | September 21, 1773 | Windham | 21 | 103 | Aaron deserted Lydia in March, 1770. Divorce granted. | |
467 | Spence | George | Rachel | Pomfret | January 22, 1756 | September 21, 1773 | Windham | 21 | 103 | George deserted Rachel on November 21, 1764. Divorce granted. | |
468 | Walton | Henry | Margaret | New London | December 1, 1760 | September 28, 1773 | New London | 21 | 108 | Henry deserted Margaret. Divorce granted. | |
469 | Sabin | Charles | Susannah | New Haven | May 13, 1762 | November 30, 1773 | New Haven | 21 | 128 | Charles deserted Susannah. Divorce granted. | |
470 | Goodall | Jesse | Mary | East Windsor | April 22, 1764 | December 14, 1772 | Hartford | 21 | 146 | Jesse deserted Mary in September, 1769. Divorce granted. | |
471 | Stratton | Serajah | Jemima | Suffield | March 16, 1761 | March 1, 1774 | Hartford | 21 | 179 | Serajah deserted Jemima in March, 1769. Divorce granted. | |
472 | Easton | Bildad | Mercy | Simsbury | January 29, 1759 | March 1, 1774 | Hartford | 21 | 182 | Bildad left Mercy for another woman in April, 1772. Divorce granted. | |
473 | Cleveland | Jabez | Jane | Mansfield | June, 1760 | March 15, 1774 | Windham | 21 | 188 | Jabez deserted Jane in October, 1769. Divorce granted. | |
474 | Wing | Charles | Phebe | Waters | Lebanon | November, 1768 | March 15, 1774 | Windham | 21 | 188 | "Charles Wing" was in fact named Jonathan Adams. He deserted Phebe in June, 1769. Divorce granted. |
475 | McCoy | Alexander | Mary | Crumb | Lyme | July 25, 1764 | March 22, 1774 | New London | 21 | 194 | Mary gave birth to a daughter "begotten by a Negro man." Divorce granted. |
476 | Barron | Thomas | Esther | New London | December 29, 1762 | March 22, 1774 | New London | 21 | 195 | Thomas deserted Esther in January, 1770. Divorce granted. | |
477 | Leonard | Silas | Paciance | Preston | January 28, 1768 | March 22, 1774 | New London | 21 | 200 | Silas deserted Paciance in 1770. Divorce granted. | |
478 | Whitney | Asa | Sarah | Groton | March 22, 1774 | New London | 21 | 200 | "�the parties are of the opinion that the facts stated in said petition are not proved and do Negate their Petition." | ||
479 | Barrett | Hildrick | Rebecca | Stevens | Sailsbury | November 29, 1763 | August 16, 1774 | Litchfield | 21 | 214 | Rebecca deserted Hildrick in May, 1770, and now "cohabits with another." Divorce granted. |
480 | Clare | Peter | Mary | New Milford | February 12, 1769 | August 16, 1774 | Litchfield | 21 | 215 | Peter deserted Mary and went to "parts of the world to her unknown" in January, 1771. Divorce granted. | |
481 | Sherman | Daniel | Mary | Newtown | August 21, 1745 | August 23, 1774 | Fairfield | 21 | 219 | Daniel deserted Mary in November, 1765. Divorce granted. | |
482 | Bacheler | Abel | Thankfull | Waterbury | May, 1747 | August 30, 1774 | New Haven | 21 | 221 | Abel deserted Thankfull in March, 1768. Divorce granted. | |
483 | Marry | John | Rachel | Derby | February 17, 1766 | August 30, 1774 | New Haven | 21 | 221 | John deserted Rachel May 16, 1770. Divorce granted. | |
484 | Colton | Isaac | Elizabeth | Chatham | December 29, 1760 | December 27, 1774 | Hartford | 21 | 265 | Isaac deserted Elizabeth in September, 1769. Divorce granted. | |
485 | Goodhugh | Francis | Mary | Union | November, 1759 | January 17, 1775 | Windham | 21 | 274 | Mary discovered Francis in bed with another woman. Divorce granted. | |
486 | Jewitt | Thaddeus | Hannah | Kent | May 14, 1771 | February, 1775 | Litchfield | 21 | 285 | Thaddeus deserted Hannah February 2, 1772. Divorce granted. | |
487 | Arnold | Jonathan | Abigail | Everett | Norwalk | April, 1771 | Februrary 21, 1775 | Fairfield | 21 | 291 | Jonathan deserted Abigail after three weeks of marriage and married another woman in New York. Divorce granted. |
488 | Rostwick | Edward | Anne | Danbury | January 5, 1755 | Februrary 21, 1775 | Fairfield | 21 | 291 | Edwards deserted Anne in 1772 and married another woman in New York. Divorce granted. | |
489 | Hitchcock | Amos | Sybell | Wallingford | 1764 | February 27, 1775 | New Haven | 21 | 297 | Sybell committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
490 | Alvard | Simeon | Prudence | Stevens | Windham | April 14, 1768 | March 21, 1775 | Windham | 21 | 307 | Simeon deserted Prudence in January, 1770. Divorce granted. |
491 | Bassell | John | Bethiah | Woodstock | September 1, 1771 | March 21, 1775 | Windham | 21 | 308 | John deserted Bethiah in March, 1772. Divorce granted. | |
492 | Palmeter | Andrew | Jemima | Stonington | c.1763 | March 28, 1775 | New London | 21 | 314 | Andrew took another woman into his house after four years of marriage to Jemima. Divorce granted. | |
493 | Whitney | Asa | Sarah | Barns | Preston | April 5, 1762 | March 28, 1775 | New London | 21 | 314 | Sarah committed adultery in 1771. Divorce granted. |
494 | Ansling | James | Hannah | Fairfield | May 12, 1767 | August, 1775 | Fairfield | 21 | 322 | James deserted Hannah and now cohabits with another woman. Divorce granted. | |
495 | Barney | Frederick | Abigail | George | Stratford | July 14, 1771 | August, 1775 | Fairfield | 21 | 322 | Frederick was already married to a woman in Woodbury when he married Abigail. Divorce granted. |
496 | Osborn | Esther | No town given | August, 1775 | Fairfield | 21 | 323 | Esther Osborn's petition for divorce "negated." | |||
497 | Binham | Reuben | Abi | Waterbury | September, 1758 | August, 1775 | New Haven | 21 | 325 | Abi "prostituted herself," committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
498 | Yale | Nathaniel | Hannah | Wallingford | February 20, 1746 | August, 1775 | New Haven | 21 | 325 | Nathaniel deserted Hannah in 1763. Divorce granted. | |
499 | Tyler | Jacob | Eunice | Waterbury | 1764 | August, 1775 | New Haven | 21 | 326 | Jacob committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
500 | Perkins | Asa | Abigail | Cleaveland | Pomfret | September, 1775 | Windham | 21 | 332 | Asa deserted her August 20, 1772. Divorce granted. | |
501 | Smith | David | Lydia | Hawley | Farmington | January 23, 1775 | September, 1775 | Hartford | 21 | 341 | Trial: David accused of having another wife in Rhode Island. Jury found him not guilty. |
502 | Chamberlain | Joel | Mary | Ball | Hebron | April, 1774 | September, 1775 | Hartford | 21 | 344 | Mary was pregnant by another man when she married Joel. Divorce granted. |
503 | Kibbe | Amariah | Not listed | No town given | September, 1775 | Hartford | 21 | 345 | Petition for divorce negated. | ||
504 | Randal | Joshua | Bitty | Nickols | Stratford | December 1, 1768 | February, 1776 | Fairfield | 21 | 352 | Joshua deserted Bitty March 20, 1769. Divorce granted. |
505 | Fenton | Nathaniel | Sarah | Harrington | Willington | October 20, 1774 | March 5, 1776 | Hartford | 21 | 363 | Nathaniel discovered that Sarah was pregnant with another man's child after six weeks of marriage. Divorce granted. |
506 | Chamberlain | Seth | Elizabeth | Thompson | Mansfield | October 16, 1768 | March, 1776 | Windham | 21 | 366 | Elizabeth deserted Seth in May, 1772. Divorce granted. |
507 | Beckwith | Jedidiah, Jr. | Elizabeth | Lyme | March 27, 1760 | March 26, 1776 | New London | 21 | 367 | Jedidiah deserted Elizabeth about four years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
508 | Hazzard | Darias | Bulah | Norwich | October 12, 1773 | March 26, 1776 | New London | 21 | 368 | Darias committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
509 | Kibbe | Amariah | Anne | Somers | June, 1768 | March, 1777 | Hartford | 21 | 399 | Amariah accused of deserting Anne "soon after" their marriage. Petition negated. | |
510 | Chapman | Stephen | Elizabeth | Norwich | April 18, 1754 | March, 1777 | New London | 21 | 403 | Stephen deserted Elizabeth in November, 1756. Divorce granted. | |
511 | Conner | John | Elizabeth | Wallingford | March 21, 1770 | August 26, 1777 | New Haven | 21 | 420 | John deserted Elizabeth March 28, 1772. Divorce granted. | |
512 | Judd | Timothy | Ann | Sedgwick | Waterbury | August 8, 1764 | August 26, 1777 | New Haven | 21 | 420 | Ann deserted Timothy in October, 1770. Divorce granted. |
513 | Walbridge | William | Esther | Shaw | Stafford | June, 1756 | September 2, 1777 | Hartford | 21 | 425 | Esther deserted William in April, 1768. Divorce granted. |
514 | Wood | Jonathan | Rachel | Windsor | April, 1767 | September 2, 1777 | Hartford | 21 | 425 | Jonathan, "a transient person," deserted Rachel in 1772. Divorce granted. | |
515 | Davis | Samuel | Barbary | Emerson? | Farmington | February, 1749 | September 2, 1777 | Hartford | 21 | 427 | Trial: Samuel married Hannah Norton of Farmington in 1776 while Barbary still lived. Found guilty of adultery, was whipped and branded on the forehead with the letter 'A'. |
516 | Kibbe | Ameriah | Anna | Somers | June 30, 1768 | September 2, 1777 | Hartford | 21 | 429 | Ameriah deserted Anna/Anne in June 1774. Divorce granted after two failed attempts. | |
517 | McNell | Henry | Hannah | Badger | Union | May 26, 1762 | September 16, 1777 | Windham | 21 | 432 | Henry deserted Hannah in January, 1772. Divorce granted. |
518 | Porter | Mark | Aleiel | Perkins | Waterbury | March 4, 1771 | December, 1777 | New Haven | 21 | 457 | Aleiel deserted Mark in August, 1772. Divorce granted. |
519 | Brunson | Hezikiah | Abigail | Drinkwater | Farmington | April 21, 1765 | September, 1772 | Hartford | 21 | 472 | Abigail deserted Hezikiah, then moved to New York, married another man, and had a child with him. Divorce granted. |
520 | Gates | Silas | Mary | Canterbury | September 23, 1762 | March, 1777 | Windham | 21 | misc� | Silas commited "Lewdness and Lasciviousness with his own Daughter." Divorce granted. | |
521 | Hodges | Silas | Rachel | Freeman | Woodstock | September 20, 1767 | March, 1777 | Windham | 21 | misc� | Rachel deserted Silas for another man in October, 1775. Divorce granted. |
522 | Johnson | John | Sarah | Hitchcock | Norwalk | July 25, 1754 | August, 1770 | Fairfield | 21 | misc� | Sarah also known as "Widow Banks." John deserted her in Sept., 1757. Divorce granted. |
523 | Preston | Stephen | Lowis (Lois) | Windham | January 4, 1773 | March, 1777 | Windham | 21 | misc� | Stephen deserted Lowis in November, 1776. Divorce granted. | |
524 | Stevens | Simon | Martha | Woodstock | September 3, 1761 | March, 1777 | Windham | 21 | misc� | Simon deserted Martha in 1771. Divorce granted. | |
525 | Williams | Daniel | Abigail | Smith | Ridgefield | May 30, 1764 | August, 1770 | Fairfield | 21 | misc� | Abigail discovered that Daniel William, alias Daniel Worden, was already married to another woman in Derby when he married her. She was declared "single and unmarried." |
526 | Sheppard | Josiah | Rebekah | Canterbury | November 5, 1753 | March 17, 1778 | Windham | 22 | 17 | Josiah treated Rebekah with the "utmost cruelty," and deserted her in May, 1768. Divorce granted. | |
527 | McKay | John | Nancy | Norwich | October 27, 1774 | March 24, 1778 | New London | 22 | 28 | John deserted Nancy after five months of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
528 | Shirley | Thomas | Asenah | Litchfield | November 15, 1771 | August 11, 1778 | Litchfield | 22 | 31 | Thomas deserted Asenah in February, 1774. Divorce granted. | |
529 | Barber | William Jr. | Jochabel | Brown | Norfolk | c.1768 | August 11, 1778 | Litchfield | 22 | 32 | Jochabel deserted William in April, 1774. Divorce granted. |
530 | Hine | Richard | Ana | Woodbury | January 15, 1770 | August 11, 1778 | Litchfield | 22 | 32 | Richard deserted Ana in March, 1774. Divorce granted. | |
531 | Hopson | Jordan | Phebe | Woodbury | April 22, 1767 | August 11, 1778 | Litchfield | 22 | 32 | Jordan deserted Phebe in April, 1772. Divorce granted. | |
532 | Hamaston | Jesse | Martha | Waterbury | October 4, 1773 | August 28, 1778 | New Haven | 22 | 46 | Jesse deserted Martha after one year. Divorce granted. | |
533 | Stanton | Abraham | Grace | Waterbury | May, 1755 | August 28, 1778 | New Haven | 22 | 48 | Grace deserted Abraham in September, 1773. Divorce granted. | |
534 | McFarlin | William | Mary | Wallingford | January 13, 1765 | August 28, 1778 | New Haven | 22 | 50 | William deserted Mary after five years of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
535 | Field | Nathaniel | Mary | Bolton | c.1751 | September 1, 1778 | Hartford | 22 | 55 | Nathaniel deserted Mary fifteen years ago. Divorce granted. | |
536 | Gridley | Samuel | Catherine | Thompson | Farmington | c.1768 | September 1, 1778 | Hartford | 22 | 55 | Catherine deserted Samuel three years ago. Divorce granted. |
537 | Neaf | Patrick | Lucy | Middletown | August 4, 1764 | September 1, 1778 | Hartford | 22 | 56 | Patrick deserted Lucy in 1771. Divorce granted. | |
538 | Minard | Samuel | Triphena | Fitch | Colchester | May 6, 1759 | September 15, 1778 | Windham | 22 | 58 | Samuel went to live with another woman in 1777. Divorce granted. Also appears on v.22 p.63. |
539 | Williams | Ebenezer | Abigail | Plainfield | May, 1756 | September 15, 1778 | Windham | 22 | 58 | Ebenezer deserted Abigail in February, 1774. Divorce granted. | |
540 | Brown | Stephen | Mary | Lyon | No town given | October 17, 1748 | September 15, 1778 | Windham | 22 | 62 | Mary deserted Stephen in September, 1775. Divorce granted. |
541 | Shaw | Joseph | Mary | Cheney | Ashford | February 12, 1754 | September 15, 1778 | Windham | 22 | 62 | Mary deserted Joseph in March, 1775. Divorce granted. |
542 | Munson | Obidiah | Rachel | Page | New Haven | November 20, 1777 | December 15, 1778 | New Haven | 22 | 88 | Obidiah discovered Rachel "obtained said marriage by fraud and deceit." Divorce granted. |
543 | Cross | Uriah | Millison | Cornwall | August 3, 1771 | February 9, 1779 | Litchfield | 22 | 93 | Uriah left Millison in March 1778, and has since "often been guilty of adultery." Divorce granted. | |
544 | DeLaney | Stephen | Hannah | Sharon | September 9, 1767 | February 9, 1779 | Litchfield | 22 | 93 | Stephen did "cohabit" with other women in their house and drove Hannah out in 1771. Divorce granted. | |
545 | Hubbard | Timothy | Abigail | Woodbury | October 1, 1772 | February 9, 1779 | Litchfield | 22 | 93 | Timothy's behavior was "intolerable," and he deserted Abigail three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
546 | Howd | James | Elizabeth | Woodbury | December 26, 1776 | February 9, 1779 | Litchfield | 22 | 99 | James deserted Elizabeth not long after their marriage. Divorce granted. | |
547 | Jones | Amos | Mary | Ridgefield | March 3, 1772 | February 16, 1779 | Fairfield | 22 | 107 | Amos deserted Mary after "some time." Divorce granted. | |
548 | Hugis | Abigail | No town given | February 23, 1779 | New Haven | 22 | 113 | Court found Abigail's evidence insufficient, and did "negative this petition." | |||
549 | Brimson | Elijah | Lydia | Wethersfield | March, 1770 | March 2, 1779 | Hartford | 22 | 118 | Elijah deserted Lydia "some short time" after the marriage. Divorce granted. | |
550 | Smith | Enos | Jemima | Farmington | August, 1766 | March 2, 1779 | Hartford | 22 | 118 | Enos deserted Jemima in 1775. Divorce granted. | |
551 | Pope | Elnathan | Hannah | Plainfield | November 13, 1754 | March 16, 1779 | Windham | 22 | 120 | Elnathan deserted Hannah three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. See petition v.22 misc��. | |
552 | Miller | James | Anna | Norwich | January 27, 1772 | March 23, 1779 | New London | 22 | 130 | James "went into the Continental Army where he has taken another woman." Divorce granted. | |
553 | Whitcomb | Simon | Rachel | Hibard | Kent | January 14, 1776 | August 17, 1779 | Litchfield | 22 | 134 | Rachel deserted Simon in April, 1777. Divorce granted. |
554 | Wording | Joseph | Mary | Clark | Kent | January 19, 1772 | August 17, 1779 | Litchfield | 22 | 135 | Mary deserted Joseph in September, 1773. Divorce granted. |
555 | Chatfield | Benjamin | Lucretia | Salisbury | November 18, 1770 | August 17, 1779 | Litchfield | 22 | 138 | Lucretia deserted Benjamin in 1773. Divorce granted. | |
556 | Woodward | Richard | Deborah | Ames | New Haven | February 23, 1772 | August 31, 1779 | New Haven | 22 | 145 | Deborah accused of desertion. Evidence insufficient, petition denied. |
557 | Burk | Thomas | Mary | Hartford | May 8, 1759 | September 7, 1779 | Hartford | 22 | 150 | Thomas deserted Mary the day after their wedding. Divorce granted. | |
558 | Welder | Aaron | Pricilla | Killingly | 1743 | September 21, 1779 | Windham | 22 | 168 | Aaron deserted Pricilla in 1771. Divorce granted. | |
559 | Sherman | Benjamin | Elizabeth | Preston | May 13, 1771 | September 28, 1779 | New London | 22 | 176 | Benjamin deserted Elizabeth in May, 1775. Divorce granted. | |
560 | Waterman | John | Eunice | Norwich | December 10, 1775 | March 26, 1780 | New London | 22 | 195 | John Waterman, "alias Olney," deserted Eunice in January 1777. Divorce granted. | |
561 | Mills | Joseph | Hela | Pitcher | Norwich | April 3, 1770 | March 26, 1780 | New London | 22 | 196 | Joseph deserted Hela in October, 1774. Divorce granted. |
562 | Turner | John | Anne | Norwich | March 26, 1780 | New London | 22 | 201 | The court found John's case not proved, and did "negative the petition." | ||
563 | Jewitt | Nathan | Anne | Sharon | December 22, 1763 | August, 1780 | Litchfield | 22 | 216 | Nathan deserted Anne in January, 1771. Divorce granted. | |
564 | Dailey | James | Elizabeth | Brooks | New Milford | October 31, 1771 | August, 1780 | Litchfield | 22 | 217 | Elizabeth deserted James in March, 1771, and "has been in naked bed with another man." Divorce granted. |
565 | Edwards | Timothy | Ane | Salisbury | June 24, 1763 | August, 1780 | Litchfield | 22 | 217 | In 1779 "Timothy did receive into his house and bed another woman in the room of the said Ane." Divorce granted. | |
566 | Beadle | William | Rebekah | Stamford | October 25, 1772 | August 22, 1780 | Fairfield | 22 | 219 | William deserted Rebekah in October, 1772. Divorce granted. | |
567 | Green | James | Elizabeth | Suffield | December 16, 1772 | August 29, 1780 | Hartford | 22 | 251 | James deserted Elizabeth three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
568 | Tenner | John | Anne | Arnold | Norwich | Sept./Oct. 1774 | September 26, 1780 | New London | 22 | 267 | After eleven months of marriage, Anne bore another man's child. Divorce granted. |
569 | Pease | James | Mary | Hartford | c.1765 | November 21, 1780 | Hartford | 22 | 278 | James deserted Mary four years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
570 | Banks | John | Hannah | Birdsell | Salisbury | February 6, 1766 | February 13, 1781 | Litchfield | 22 | 299 | Hannah deserted John in July, 1774, and has cohabited with another man. Divorce granted. |
571 | Malery | Noble | Sarah | Litchfield | May 26, 1772 | February 13, 1781 | Litchfield | 22 | 299 | Noble committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
572 | Scott | Elijah | Mary | Loomis | Harwinton | February 10, 1777 | February 13, 1781 | Litchfield | 22 | 305 | Elijah joined the Continental Army in March, 1777. Mary, "otherwise called Mary Banks," committed adultery while he was gone. Case continued to next term. |
573 | Catlin | Roswell | Rhoda | No town given | October 26, 1775 | February 13, 1781 | Litchfield | 22 | 306 | Roswell deserted Rhoda and lived with another woman. Divorce granted; Rhoda granted possession of items she owned before the marriage. | |
574 | Bremley | Bethiel | Eunice | Preston | March 5, 1775 | March 27, 1781 | New London | 22 | 323 | Bethiel deserted Eunice in January, 1776. Divorce granted. | |
575 | Hill | Latham | Martha | Holmes | Stonington | December 6, 1780 | March 27, 1781 | New London | 22 | 323 | After 15 days of marriage Latham discovered Martha was five months pregnant with another man's child. Divorce granted. |
576 | Rowley | Samuel | Eunice | Tickner | Sharon | April, 1776 | August 14, 1781 | Litchfield | 22 | 337 | Samuel was already married to another woman in New York, and deserted Eunice for her. Marriage declared null and void. |
577 | Bartoe | John | Zilpah | Knapp | Sharon | March 18, 1772 | August 14, 1781 | Litchfield | 22 | 339 | Zilpah committed adultery while John was in the army. Divorce granted. |
578 | Scott | Elijah | Mary | Loomis | Harwinton | January 7 [no year] | August 14, 1781 | Litchfield | 22 | 339 | "While he was in the American Army the said Mary was guilty of adultery and had a child�" Divorce granted. |
579 | Haskins | Benjamin | Lydia | Torrington | March 23, 1780 | August 14, 1781 | Litchfield | 22 | 340 | Lydia alleged that Benjamin was guilty of "a fraude." Facts not proved, petition negated. | |
580 | Sherman | William | Sarah | New Haven | November, 1773 | September 3, 1781 | New Haven | 22 | 364 | William committed adultery with "several female persons in Albany," and then deserted Sarah in 1779. Divorce granted. | |
581 | Case | Jonah | Abigail | Hebron | August 6, 1769 | September, 1781 | Hartford | 22 | 366 | Jonah deserted Abigail in 1771. Divorce granted. | |
582 | Baker | Joseph | Deborah | Parker | Bolton | November 27, 1781 | Hartford | 22 | 386 | Trial. Joseph accused of marrying Abigail Taylor in Westmoreland while his first wife, Deborah Parker, still lived. Not guilty. | |
583 | Larkham | John | Elizabeth | Hartford | June 7, 1774 | November 27, 1781 | Hartford | 22 | 394 | John deserted Elizabeth in June, 1775. Divorce granted. | |
584 | Trusdall | Asa | Mary | New Haven | November 8, 1778 | December 18, 1781 | New Haven | 22 | 401 | Asa deserted Mary and married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
585 | Hubbart | Elisha | Molly | Woodbury | February 21, 1774 | February 12, 1782 | Litchfield | 22 | 417 | Elisha deserted Molly in 1779, and married another woman with whom he has "sundry children." Divorce granted. | |
586 | Sherwood | Seth | Amy | Woodbury | October, 1762 | February 12, 1782 | Litchfield | 22 | 422 | Seth deserted Amy in December, 1774. Divorce granted. | |
587 | Pomroy | Elijah | Anne | New Fairfield | November 25, 1776 | February, 1782 | Fairfield | 22 | 430 | Elijah deserted Anne in May, 1778. Divorce granted. | |
588 | Ladd | Ezekiel | Sybil | Windsor | March 6, 1777 | March 5, 1782 | Hartford | 22 | 438 | In September 1779 "by his cruelty [Sybil] was obliged to leave him for her own safety." He also committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
589 | Haden | Richard | Martha | Hopkins | Hartford | March, 1780 | March 5, 1782 | Hartford | 22 | 441 | Martha discovered shortly after her marriage that Richard was already married. Richard deserted her soon after. Marriage declared "null and void." |
590 | Rider | Benjamin | Prudence | Jones | Stafford | 1757 | March 5, 1782 | Hartford | 22 | 445 | Benjamin claimed Prudence was married to another man. Case not proved, petition dismissed. |
591 | Crandall | Gurden | Mary | Bebee | New London | November 18, 1773 | March 26, 1782 | New London | 22 | 454 | Gurden was captured by the British in 1777, then voluntarily joined their forces and married another woman on occupied Long Island. Divorce granted. |
592 | Witter | Elijah | Katherine | New London | December 9, 1779 | March 26, 1782 | New London | 22 | 456 | Elijah, being jealous and "insane," attempted to murder Katherine; she escaped him. Divorce granted. | |
593 | Pope | Elnathan | Hannah | No town given | November 13, 1754 | 22 | misc�� | Hannah's petition. Case in v.22 p.120. | |||
594 | Wolcott | Jeremiah | Sarah | No town given | 22 | misc�� | Contains notes on the divorce of Jeremiah (or Zeremiah) and Sarah Wolcott | ||||
595 | Brunson | Cornelius | Woodbury | August 13, 1782 | Litchfield | 23 | 13 | Cornelius's petition for divorce dismissed. | |||
596 | Lyon | Daniel | Phebe | Fairfield | February 21, 1774 | August 20, 1782 | Fairfield | 23 | 20 | Daniel deserted Phebe in February, 1776; now lives with another woman by whom he has a child. Divorce granted. | |
597 | Hews | Christopher | Abigail | New Haven | November 22, 1767 | August 22, 1782 | New Haven | 23 | 31 | Christopher deserted Abigail in October, 1775. Divorce granted. | |
598 | Howard | Simeon | Priscilla | Wallingford | July 16, 1761 | August 22, 1782 | New Haven | 23 | 32 | Simeon deserted Priscilla in 1769. Divorce granted. | |
599 | Northum | Timothy | Temperance | East Haddam | October 8, 1748 | September 3, 1782 | Hartford | 23 | 36 | Timothy deserted Temperance in June, 1770. Divorce granted. | |
600 | Allyn | David Jr. | Martha | Foster | East Windsor | March, 1778 | September 3, 1782 | Hartford | 23 | 37 | Martha deserted David in February, 1779. Divorce granted. |
601 | Arnold | Seth | Martha | Warner | Farmington | May 10, 1770 | September 3, 1782 | Hartford | 23 | 48 | Martha committed adultery while Seth served in the Continental Army in 1781-2. Divorce granted. |
602 | Withy | Amasa | Alice | Only | Plainfield | October 2, 1765 | September 17, 1782 | Windham | 23 | 55 | Alice deserted Amasa three years prior to his petition. Divorce granted. |
603 | Pierce | Benjamin | Buella | No town given | June 7, 1774 | September 17, 1782 | Windham | 23 | 58 | Benjamin deserted Buella in November, 1778. Divorce granted. | |
604 | Laper | Abraham | Elizabeth | Stonington | September 24, 1782 | New London | 23 | 73 | Abraham's petition for divorce negated. | ||
605 | Lyon | Daniel | Phebe | Seley | Fairfield | February 21, 1774 | December 3, 1782 | Fairfield | 23 | 87 | Trial. Daniel convicted of turning Phebe out of the house, committing adultery, and assisting his lover in assaulting Phebe. Sentenced to pay a �25 fine. |
606 | Finch | Samuel | Anna | Woodbury | December 27, 1778 | February, 1783 | Litchfield | 23 | 118 | Samuel deserted Anna two months after their marriage. Divorce granted. | |
607 | Pitcher | Benjamin | Jerusha | Watertown | November, 1777 | February, 1783 | Litchfield | 23 | 118 | Benjamin committed adultery "with some woman to [Jerusha] unknown" in 1782. Divorce granted. | |
608 | Thomas | Lewis | Abigail | New Milford | December 15, 1762 | February, 1783 | Litchfield | 23 | 120 | Lewis deserted Abigail in January, 1775. Divorce granted. | |
609 | Minor | Samuel Jr. | Anne | Galpin | Woodbury | June, 1779 | February, 1783 | Litchfield | 23 | 121 | Anne committed adultery in June, 1782. Divorce granted. |
610 | Lawrence | John | Deborah | Fountain | Stamford | June 22, 1778 | February, 1783 | Fairfield | 23 | 127 | "After some time [Deborah] found out [John] was lawfully married to another woman." Divorce granted. |
611 | Townsand | Stephen | Ann | Ridgefield | April 13, 1769 | February, 1783 | Fairfield | 23 | 127 | Stephen deserted Ann the day after their marriage. Divorce granted. | |
612 | Clinton | Simon | Ann (Anna?) | New Haven | July 9, 1772 | February, 1783 | New Haven | 23 | 138 | Simon deserted Ann/Anna in March, 1780. Divorce granted. | |
613 | Fitch | Ebenezer | Jane | Milford | September 27, 1779 | February, 1783 | New Haven | 23 | 138 | Ebenezer deserted Jane in January, 1780. Divorce granted. | |
614 | Still | Daniel | Rachel | Badger | Hartford | October 31, 1773 | February, 1783 | Hartford | 23 | 144 | Rachel committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
615 | Frisbie | David | Mary | Wheaton | Farmington | c.1765 | March, 1783 | Hartford | 23 | 146 | Mary deserted David after eleven years of marriage. Divorce granted. |
616 | Treat | Jacob | Hepzibah | No town given | March, 1783 | Hartford | 23 | 156 | Jacob's petition for divorce negated. | ||
617 | Reynolds | Gamaliel | Esther | Groton | Fall, 1774 | March, 1783 | New London | 23 | 176 | Gamaliel deserted Esther in 1778. Divorce granted. | |
618 | Filley | Remembrance | Anne | Gleason | Winchester | August 5, 1776 | August, 1783 | Litchfield | 23 | 185 | Anne committed adultery while Remembrance was in the army. Divorce granted. |
619 | Griffins | William | Sarah | Woodbury | February 4, 1774 | August, 1783 | Litchfield | 23 | 186 | William deserted Sarah in December, 1775. Divorce granted. | |
620 | Tifford | Adam | Philena | No town given | September 14, 1779 | August, 1783 | Litchfield | 23 | 186 | Adam, "a transient person," deserted Philena six months after their marriage. Divorce granted. | |
621 | Rowley | Timothy | Jemima | Cornwall | March 9, 1769 | August, 1783 | Litchfield | 23 | 187 | Timothy deserted Jemima c.1780. Divorce granted. | |
622 | Watson | Caleb | Hannah | Marsh | New Hartford | November 15, 1779 | August, 1783 | Litchfield | 23 | 187 | Hannah deserted Caleb after "some short time." Divorce granted. |
623 | Brownson | Cornelius | Elizabeth | Frisbie | No town given | October 6, 1772. | August, 1783 | Litchfield | 23 | 192 | Elizabeth accused of committing adultery. Petition negated. |
624 | Andrus | Timothy | Dorcas | New Haven | December 16, 1776 | August 19, 1783 | New Haven | 23 | 206 | Timothy deserted Dorcas in October, 1779. Divorce granted. Name could be pronounced "Andrews." | |
625 | Barns | Philip | Hannah | Cheshire | September 19, 1766 | August 19, 1783 | New Haven | 23 | 206 | Philip deserted Hannah after three years. Divorce granted. | |
626 | Frisbie | Abel | Rebekah | New Haven | June 4, 1771 | August 19, 1783 | New Haven | 23 | 210 | Abel accused of deserting Rebekah in August, 1776. Divorce granted, but rescinded in August, 1784. See v.23, p.400. | |
627 | Foster | Asa | Elizabeth | Stafford | May 31, 1776 | September 2, 1776 | Hartford | 23 | 212 | Asa deserted Elizabeth in October, 1778. Divorce granted. | |
628 | Johnson | John | Susannah | Rockwell | East Windsor | September 2, 1776 | Hartford | 23 | 218 | John convicted of marrying Susannah though his wife Nancy still lived. Sentenced to branding with the letter "A" on the forehead and fifteen stripes. | |
629 | Dingley | John | Martha | Windham | September 10, 1777 | September 16, 1783 | Windham | 23 | 231 | John deserted Martha April, 1780. Divorce granted. | |
630 | Jeffers | Peter | Hannah | Norwich | April 21, 1778 | September 23, 1783 | New London | 23 | 244 | Peter deserted Hannah in October, 1783. Divorce granted. | |
631 | Beach | Joel | Mary | New Haven | June 14, 1770 | November 3, 1783 | New Haven | 23 | 252 | Joel deserted Mary in August, 1780. Divorce granted. | |
632 | Tucker | Thomas | Lydia | Guilford | December 9, 1779 | November 3, 1783 | New Haven | 23 | 254 | Thomas went to Stamford in 1780 and married another woman there. Divorce granted. | |
633 | Evets | John | Anne | Salisbury | 1759 | February 10, 1784 | Litchfield | 23 | 302 | John deserted Ann c.1779. Divorce granted. Name also spelled "Evitts." | |
634 | Prentiss | Zachariah | Anniss | Woodbury | August 26, 1774 | February 10, 1784 | Litchfield | 23 | 304 | Zachariah deserted Anniss in August, 1780. Divorce granted. | |
635 | Samuel | Andruss | Beda | New Haven | 1779 | February 24, 1784 | New Haven | 23 | 314 | Samuel deserted Beda in August, 1779. Divorce granted. Name could be pronounced "Andrews." | |
636 | Robinson | John | Deborah | Simsbury | June 6, 1779 | March 2, 1784 | Hartford | 23 | 326 | John, "an Englishman," deserted Deborah in November, 1779. Divorce granted. | |
637 | Cummins | Samuel | Mary | Litchfield | May 18, 1779 | August 3, 1784 | Litchfield | 23 | 366 | Samuel deserted Mary in May, 1781. Divorce granted. | |
638 | Ferriss | Abraham | Sarah | No town given | August 17, 1784 | Fairfield | 23 | 382 | Adultery trial of Sarah--not guilty. | ||
639 | Frisbie | Abel | Rebekah | No town given | August 24, 1784 | New Haven | 23 | 400 | Abel contesting 1783 divorce, claiming he did not desert Rebekah as he was serving in the Continental Army at the time. All, including Rebekah's new husband John Mix, agreed that she be "restored" to Abel as his wife. Divorce rescinded. See also: v.23 p.210. | ||
640 | Neal | Jeremiah | Hannah | Southington | December 4, 1780 | September 7, 1784 | Hartford | 23 | 414 | Jeremiah deserted Hannah in 1781. Divorce granted. | |
641 | Blaksley | Jared | Rhoda | New Haven | July 5, 1779 | December, 1784 | New Haven | 24 | 10 | Jared married another woman in New York in 1784. Divorce granted. | |
642 | Stevens | John | Desire | Guilford | 1767 | December, 1784 | New Haven | 24 | 10 | John deserted Desire after five years of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
643 | Benjamin | Judah | Sarah | Gozzard | Simsbury | December 21, 1784 | Hartford | 24 | 29 | Trial: Judah married Sarah while he had a wife, Mary Benjamin, still living in Massachusetts. Found guilty, sentenced to whipping and branding. | |
644 | Bragg | Henry | Hebzibah | Windsor | October 8, 1769 | December 21, 1784 | Hartford | 24 | 31 | Henry deserted Hepzibah in October, 1775. Divorce granted. | |
645 | Gibbs | Timothy | Lydia | Litchfield | February 20, 1782 | January 25, 1785 | Litchfield | 24 | 71 | Timothy committed adultery and deserted Lydia. Divorce granted. | |
646 | Ferriss | Abraham | Sarah | Sherman | Newtown | July 4, 1761 | February 8, 1785 | Fairfield | 24 | 85 | Sarah, also the "widow of Amos Sherman," committed adultery with a married man. Divorce granted. |
647 | Butler | Tituss | Sarah | New Haven | October 28, 1779 | February 15, 1785 | New Haven | 24 | 98 | Tituss deserted Sarah in December, 1782. Divorce granted. | |
648 | Dudley | John | Lois | Brackett | New Haven | June 1, 1757 | February 15, 1785 | New Haven | 24 | 99 | Lois deserted John in 1770. Divorce granted. |
649 | Seaman | Richard | Elizabeth | Middletown | May 1, 1771 | March 1, 1785 | Hartford | 24 | 117 | Richard deserted Elizabeth for another woman in 1781. Divorce granted. | |
650 | Clark | Thomas | Sarah | Davenport | Lebanon | February 2, 1769 | March 15, 1785 | Windham | 24 | 131 | Thomas deserted Sarah and joined the British Army in 1777. Divorce granted. |
651 | Buffinton | Benjamin | Elizabeth | Killingly | September 1, 1777 | March 15, 1785 | Windham | 24 | 136 | Benjamin deserted Elizabeth in January, 1782. Divorce granted. | |
652 | Fuller | Job | Susannah | Killingly | November 1, 1772 | March 15, 1785 | Windham | 24 | 137 | Job deserted Susannah in January, 1782. Divorce granted. | |
653 | Hallett | James R. | Mary | Stonington | November 13, 1770 | March 22, 1785 | New London | 24 | 144 | Mary committed adultery with another man and bore his child. Divorce granted. | |
654 | Cramner | Adam | Mary | Woodbury | August 17, 1771 | August 1, 1785 | Litchfield | 24 | 189 | Adam deserted Mary in 1781. Divorce granted. | |
655 | Graves | Simon | Mary | Watertown | March 6, 1777 | August 1, 1785 | Litchfield | 24 | 189 | Simon deserted Mary after a month of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
656 | Buel | James | Lucina | Litchfield | January 22, 1778 | August 1, 1785 | Litchfield | 24 | 193 | James deserted Lucina in March, 1782. Divorce granted. | |
657 | Preston | Jonathan | Mary | Danbury | September 28, 1779 | August 16, 1785 | Fairfield | 24 | 199 | Jonathan deserted Mary in 1781, and went to live with another woman. Divorce granted. | |
658 | Tucker | Thomas | Rachel | Weed | Danbury | April 2, 1782 | August 16, 1785 | Fairfield | 24 | 201 | Rachel discovered after "some time" that Thomas was already married, and had a wife in Guilford. Marriage declared null and void. |
659 | Hotchkiss | Stephen | Anne | Wallingford | March, 1763 | August 23, 1785 | New Haven | 24 | 207 | Stephen deserted Anne in October, 1781. Divorce granted. | |
660 | None given | James | Sophy | New Haven | Fall, 1784 | August 23, 1785 | New Haven | 24 | 211 | Sophy, a "free Negro woman," discovered that James, a "free Negro man," was already married to another woman named Caroline. Marriage declared null and void. | |
661 | Bugbee | Timothy | Hannah | Mansfield | January 12, 1769 | December, 1785 | Windham | 24 | 326 | Timothy deserted Hannah and went to live with another woman. Divorce granted. | |
662 | Fielding | Timothy | Jerusha | Haddam | October 21, 1773 | January, 1786 | Middlesex | 24 | 335 | Timothy deserted Jerusha in April, 1775. Divorce granted. | |
663 | Norton | Daniel | Christian | Milford | March 27, 1780 | February 7, 1786 | Litchfield | 24 | 348 | Daniel deserted Christian in 1783 and married another woman under the name of Daniel Harvey. Divorce granted. | |
664 | Brunson | Cornelius | Elizabeth | Woodbury | October 6, 1772 | February 7, 1786 | Litchfield | 24 | 349 | Cornelius deserted Elizabeth in 1782. Divorce granted. | |
665 | Voce | Jesse | Ruth | Litchfield | May 6, 1786 | February 7, 1786 | Litchfield | 24 | 350 | Jesse deserted Ruth in May, 1775, and "lived in sin" with another woman. Divorce granted. | |
666 | Bennitt | Samuel | Mary | New Milford | December 5, 1779 | February 7, 1786 | Litchfield | 24 | 351 | Samuel deserted Mary on December 25, 1782. Divorce granted. | |
667 | Morris | Benjamin | Abigail | Ashburn | Woodbridge | May 1, 1783 | February 22, 1786 | New Haven | 24 | 365 | Abigail deserted Benjamin in May, 1783 and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
668 | Beard | James | Mary | Hubbard | Derby | December 11, 1781 | February 22, 1786 | New Haven | 24 | 366 | Mary deserted James after "some time." Divorce granted. |
669 | Benton | Edward | Mary | Washburn | Guilford | March, 1774 | February 22, 1786 | New Haven | 24 | 366 | Mary committed adultery with "David Naughty Benton" in 1785. Divorce granted. |
670 | Atwater | Enos, Jr. | Rebekah | Hotchkiss | New Haven | December 16, 1783 | February 22, 1786 | New Haven | 24 | 367 | Rebekah deserted Enos in July, 1783, and later returned pregnant by another man. Divorce granted. |
671 | Hall | Jesse | Sarah | Mills | New Haven | January 7, 1781 | February 22, 1786 | New Haven | 24 | 367 | Sarah deserted Jesse after six months of marriage. Divorce granted. |
672 | Ludington | Elephalet | Sarah | Potter | East Haven | April 10, 1777 | February 22, 1786 | New Haven | 24 | 367 | Sarah was "discovered in the act of adultery" on November 7, 1785. Divorce granted. |
673 | Dickerman | Joseph | Lucy | New Haven | March 8, 1770 | February 22, 1786 | New Haven | 24 | 371 | Joseph deserted Lucy in 1783. Divorce granted. | |
674 | Edmonds | Joseph | Rachel | Woodstock | August 25, 1779 | March 21, 1786 | Windham | 24 | 408 | Joseph deserted Rachel in February, 1783. Divorce granted. | |
675 | Rand | Nathaniel | Phebe | Pomfret | February 28, 1780 | March 21, 1786 | Windham | 24 | 416 | Nathaniel deserted Phebe in October, 1780. Divorce granted. | |
676 | Cheesbrough | Amos | Anne | Gavil | Stonington | November 3, 1779 | March 28, 1786 | New London | 24 | 441 | Anne deserted Amos in December, 1782. Divorce granted. |
677 | Raymond | Samuel | Anna | Norwich | July 29, 1781 | March 28, 1786 | New London | 24 | 444 | Samuel deserted Anna in March, 1783. Divorce granted. See also petition: v.25 back matter. | |
678 | Andruss | Eli | Abigail | Hartland | January 8, 1776 | August 1, 1786 | Litchfield | 25 | 19 | Eli deserted Abigail in July, 1783, and married another woman in Rhode Island. Divorce granted. | |
679 | Rosstetter | William | Tryphenia | Litchfield | August 1, 1786 | Litchfield | 25 | 22 | Trial: William Green convicted of committing adultery with Tryphenia. See also: Tryphenia's divorce v.25, p.170. | ||
680 | Weller | Cooly | Anna | New Milford | October 16, 1777 | August 1, 1786 | Litchfield | 25 | 33 | Cooly deserted Anna in October, 1778. Divorce granted. | |
681 | Williams | Ezra | Huldah | Stevenson | Fairfield | June 5, 1780 | August 15, 1786 | Fairfield | 25 | 41 | After being married for "some time" Huldah committed adultery. Divorce granted. Case repeated pp.42-3. |
682 | Parmelee | Samuel | Abigail | Eliot | Guilford | January 16, 1780 | August 22, 1786 | New Haven | 25 | 52 | Abigail deserted Samuel in July, 1783. Insufficient evidence, petition negated. |
683 | Kelly | William | Lydia | Windham | November 17, 1776 | November 14, 1786 | Windham | 25 | 123 | William deserted Lydia in January, 1777. Divorce granted. | |
684 | Rathbone | Joseph | Abigail | Topliff | Willington | April 28, 1785 | January 23, 1787 | Tolland | 25 | 154 | Joseph committed adultery in October, 1786. Divorce granted. |
685 | Cashmam | Benjamin | Lucy | Willington | June 27, 1776 | January 23, 1787 | Tolland | 25 | 155 | Benjamin committed adultery in March, 1785. Divorce granted. | |
686 | Christophers | John | Sarah | Middletown | September 17, 1770 | January 30, 1787 | Middlesex | 25 | 159 | In July, 1786, John "had carnal knowledge of the body of Dinah," an enslaved woman. Divorce granted. | |
687 | Nickerson | Samuel | Anne | Keeler | Salisbury | September 20, 1763 | February 6, 1787 | Litchfield | 25 | 166 | Anne committed adultery "some time in the year 1774 and sundry times before and since." Divorce granted. |
688 | Rossetter | Samuel | Tryphenia | Smith | Litchfield | November 12, 1775 | February 6, 1787 | Litchfield | 25 | 170 | Tryphenia committed adultery with William Green, "a transient person," then deserted Samuel. Name also spelled "Rosstetter." Divorce granted. See Green's trial, v.25, p.22. |
689 | Wheeler | Seth | Betty | Woodbury | November 25, 1767 | February 6, 1787 | Litchfield | 25 | 173 | Seth deserted Betty after seventeen years of marriage and also committed adultery. Divorce, and land holdings, granted. | |
690 | Bush | Gilbert | Lydia | Greenwich | July 16, 1775 | February 13, 1787 | Fairfield | 25 | 177 | Gilbert deserted Lydia in September, 1783, and also committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
691 | Morris | James | Eunice | Fairfield | February 19, 1781 | February 13, 1787 | Fairfield | 25 | 179 | James deserted Eunice in June, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
692 | Lawrence | Richard | Naoma | New Haven | March 11, 1781 | February 20, 1787 | New Haven | 25 | 186 | Richard deserted Naoma in June, 1782. Divorce granted. | |
693 | Drake | Ebenezer | Rhoda | Hartford | December, 1778 | March 6, 1787 | Hartford | 25 | 204 | Ebenezer deserted Rhoda in November, 1783, and later lived with another woman as his wife. Divorce granted. | |
694 | Geary | Ebenezer, Jr. | Jerusha, Jr. | Pinneo | Lebanon | May 31, 1781 | March, 1787 | Windham | 25 | 221 | Ebenezer committed adultery "about two years ago" while resident in France and the United Kingdom. Divorce granted. |
695 | Weaver | Thomas | Esther | Wilson | Thompson | January 8, 1776 | March, 1787 | Windham | 25 | 221 | Esther deserted Thomas in July, 1783. Divorce granted. |
696 | Kilburn | Joseph | Lucy | Bozrah | March, 1770 | March 27, 1787 | New London | 25 | 229 | Joseph deserted Lucy in April, 1783. Divorce granted. | |
697 | Hackley | Araunah | Mary | Bozrah | November 27, 1783 | March 27, 1787 | New London | 25 | 230 | Araunah committed adultery with a married woman, then "absconded� to some part of the world to [Mary] unknown." Divorce granted. | |
698 | Scott | Peter | Lucy | Preston | 1762 | March 27, 1787 | New London | 25 | 231 | Both previously of Norwich. Peter deserted Lucy after one month of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
699 | Phelps | John | Abigail | Lyme | March 31, 1774 | March 27, 1787 | New London | 25 | 235 | John deserted Abigail in September, 1777. Divorce granted. | |
700 | DeJean | Philip | Theoliste | St. Comte | New London | November 25, 1776 | March 27, 1787 | New London | 25 | 244 | Married at Detroit, Canada. Philip, a French subject, was recalled to Europe in 1779, never intending to return, but Theoliste refused to go. She remarried and eventually died. Philip declared "single and unmarried." |
701 | Lester | Jonathan | Rebecca | Burchard | Colchester | October 9, 1765 | June 5, 1787 | Tolland | 25 | 258 | Rebecca deserted Jonathan and committed adultery at Hebron in December, 1786. |
702 | Perry | Almon | Jerusha | New Milford | April 6, 1773 | August 7, 1787 | Litchfield | 25 | 267 | Almon deserted Jerusha in August, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
703 | Camp | Ephraim | Polly | Ludinton | Watertown | September 26, 1779 | August 7, 1787 | Litchfield | 25 | 268 | Polly committed adultery in November, 1785, and "divers times since". Divorce granted. |
704 | Barns | John | Deborah | Stamford | October 24, 1782 | August, 1787 | Fairfield | 25 | 281 | John deserted Deborah in February, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
705 | Carman | Joseph | Mary | Wood | Danbury | "The 31st day of February, 1787" | August, 1787 | Fairfield | 25 | 281 | After "but a few days" of marriage Mary discovered Joseph was already married to Mary Egalstone of Torrington, with whom he had several children. Mary declared "single and unmarried." |
706 | Sealy | Sylvanus | Esther | Ridgefield | 1779 | August, 1787 | Fairfield | 25 | 281 | Sylvanus deserted Esther in December, 1779. Divorce granted. | |
707 | Christian | Charles | Elizabeth | Danbury | March 20, 1781 | August, 1787 | Fairfield | 25 | 283 | Charles, originally of Liverpool, UK, deserted Esther in May, 1782. Divorce granted. | |
708 | Nobles | Matthew | Mary | New Haven | August 26, 1754 | August 21, 1787 | New Haven | 25 | 286 | Matthew deserted Mary in April, 1782. Divorce granted. | |
709 | Grannies | Eldad | Sarah | Cheshire | January 1, 1781 | August 21, 1787 | New Haven | 25 | 291 | Eldad turned Sarah out of the house and brought in a married woman. Divorce granted. | |
710 | Hitchcock | Bela | Comfort | Atwater | Cheshire | June 2, 1779 | August 21, 1787 | New Haven | 25 | 291 | Comfort "eloped from [Bela] and willfully went off with another man" in January, 1787. Divorce granted. |
711 | Holt | Samuel | Jerusha | Wallingford | May 27, 1779 | August 21, 1787 | New Haven | 25 | 291 | Samuel deserted Jerusha in November, 1783. Divorce granted. | |
712 | Anderson | Robert | Ruth | New Haven | July 18, 1786 | August 21, 1787 | New Haven | 25 | 294 | "Robert hath at Divers times repeatedly committed adultery." Divorce granted, Ruth gained possession of items she owned previous to marriage. | |
713 | Wentworth | Sion | Mary | Berlin | January 27, 1784 | September 4, 1787 | Hartford | 25 | 310 | Sion deserted Mary c.1784. Divorce granted. | |
714 | Stephens | Thomas | Chloe | Thompson | July 20, 1787 | September 18, 1787 | Windham | 25 | 321 | Thomas deserted Chloe in October, 1781. Divorce granted. Surname also spelled "Stevens." | |
715 | Dulongpres | Louis | Anna | Norwich | February 16, 1784 | September 25, 1787 | New London | 25 | 337 | Louis deserted Anna in May, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
716 | Smith | Job | Silvia | Groton | February 18, 1778 | September 25, 1787 | New London | 25 | 337 | Job deserted Silvia in February. 1783. Divorce granted. | |
717 | Waters | William | Lydia | Preston | October 6, 1765 | September 25, 1787 | New London | 25 | 338 | William committed adultery with Amy Proctor, "and hath Eloped with her ... and gone out of this State." Divorce granted, Lydia able to sue for debts owed her husband. | |
718 | Lothrop | Dixwell | Rebecka | Rogers | Preston | November, 1774 | September 25, 1787 | New London | 25 | 349 | Rebecka committed adultery c.1784. Divorce granted. |
719 | Bull | Amos | Catherine | Hartford | June 29, 1783 | November 27, 1787 | Hartford | 25 | 371 | Amos deserted Catherine in 1786, then cohabited with and committed adultery with another woman. Divorce granted. | |
720 | Fullinton | Jeremiah | Mary | Wethersfield | 1770 | November 27, 1787 | Hartford | 25 | 371 | Jeremiah went on a voyage to the West Indies in 1775, and deserted Mary. Divorce granted. | |
721 | Harris | Jedidiah | Mary | Lat | Killingworth | January 22, 1788 | Middlesex | 25 | 394 | Mary was pregnant with another man's child when she married Jedidiah. Divorce granted. | |
722 | Post | Hezekiah | Saba | Saybrook | January 10, 1782 | January 22, 1788 | Middlesex | 25 | 394 | Saba committed adultery and "eloped" to Weston. Divorce granted. | |
723 | Simons | Asahel | Eunice | Barkhamsted | February 9, 1784 | February 5, 1788 | Litchfield | 25 | 403 | Asahel deserted Eunice February 12, 1784, three days after their marriage. Divorce granted. | |
724 | Hawkins | Zachariah | Esther | Fairfield | October 26, 1782 | February 12, 1788 | Fairfield | 25 | 407 | Zachariah deserted Esther in July, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
725 | Hoyt | Ezekiel | Elizabeth | Norwalk | January, 1783 | February 12, 1788 | Fairfield | 25 | 408 | "�on the same day of said marriage he the said Ezekiel willfully deserted [Elizabeth]..." Divorce granted. | |
726 | Merritt | Rubin | Jemima | Greenwich | February, 1766 | February 12, 1788 | Fairfield | 25 | 408 | Rubin deserted Jemima in 1782. Divorce granted. | |
727 | Hayt | Amos | Sarah | Starr | Danbury | February 22, 1781 | February 12, 1788 | Fairfield | 25 | 412 | Sarah committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
728 | Hawley | Samuel | Catherine | Fairfield | July 6, 1779 | February 12, 1788 | Fairfield | 25 | 413 | Samuel deserted Catherine in March, 1783. Divorce granted. | |
729 | Roberts | Phileman | Sarah | Wallingford | October 4, 1781 | February 19, 1788 | New Haven | 25 | 421 | Phileman father a child with another woman. Divorce granted. | |
730 | Grannis | Benjamin | Bathsheba | Howel | New Haven | September, 1780 | February 19, 1788 | New Haven | 25 | 422 | Bathsheba committed adultery; did not appear in court. Divorce granted. |
731 | Mansor | John | Elizabeth | Wooden | Hamden | October 15, 1783 | February 19, 1788 | New Haven | 25 | 423 | Name also spelled 'Manser.' Elizabeth deserted John in December, 1784. Divorce granted. |
732 | Pease | Augustus | Mary | Suffield | March 5, 1788 | Hartford | 25 | 436 | Augustus deserted Mary in June, 1784. Divorce granted. | ||
733 | Hutchinson | Stephen | Rachel | Tillison | Granby | April 3, 1783 | March 5, 1788 | Hartford | 25 | 437 | Rachel committed adultery while Stephen was away on business. Divorce granted. |
734 | Belding | Ezra | Sarah | Steel | Wethersfield | c. 1772 | March 5, 1788 | Hartford | 25 | 443 | Sarah deserted Ezra and committed adultery c. 1786. Divorce granted. |
735 | Gleason | Elisha | Elizabeth | Pomfret | 1763 | August, 1782 | Windham | 25 | 456 | Elisha deserted Elizabeth in August, 1782. Divorce granted. | |
736 | Stores | Josiah | Diadema | Lebanon | December 7, 1780 | August, 1782 | Windham | 25 | 456 | Josiah deserted Diadema in October, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
737 | Raymond | Samuel | Anne | Backus | Norwich | July 29, 1781 | New London | 25 | back | Original petition, dated July 29, 1781, in the back matter of v.25. Samuel deserted Anne in March, 1783. See also case record v.24 p. 444. | |
738 | Cleveland | Moses | Phebe | Norwich | February, 1766 | March 25, 1788 | New London | 26 | 12 | Moses committed adultery within the past three years. Divorce granted. | |
739 | Lawlor | John | Hannah | Norwich | February 23, 1783 | March 25, 1788 | New London | 26 | 20 | John deserted Hannah in November, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
740 | Lewis | Joseph | Phebe | Harris | New London | c. February, 1785 | March 25, 1788 | New London | 26 | 20 | "�ever since said marriage she hath refused to live with him..." Divorce granted. |
741 | Beebe | Reuben | Anne | Lester | New London | June 25, 1782 | March 25, 1788 | New London | 26 | 27 | Anne deserted Reuben in June, 1782. Divorce granted. |
742 | DeKoven | John Lewis Christopher | Elizabeth | Middletown | April 8, 1781 | July 29, 1788 | Middlesex | 26 | 38 | John Lewis Christopher deserted Elizabeth in March, 1785. Divorce granted. | |
743 | Jarvis | Samuel | Elizabeth | Sharon | September, 1774 | August 5, 1788 | Litchfield | 26 | 44 | Samuel deserted Elizabeth in September, 1776. Divorce granted. | |
744 | Lamphear | William | Jane | Woodbury | December 23, 1783 | August 5, 1788 | Litchfield | 26 | 44 | William deserted Jane in June, 1784, and was guilty of adultery. Divorce granted. | |
745 | Strong | Charles | Abigail | Newtown | November 5, 1778 | August 12, 1788 | Fairfield | 26 | 54 | Abigail fled their house "�in order to save her life from his Violence and Barbarity." Divorce granted, Abigail granted her pre-marriage property and �200 damages. | |
746 | Parmalee | Samuel | Abigail | Eliot | Guilford | January 20, 1780 | August 19, 1788 | New Haven | 26 | 64 | Abigail deserted Samuel in July, 1783. Divorce granted. |
747 | Granger | Robert | Sarah | Suffield | November 11, 1773 | September 2, 1788 | Hartford | 26 | 74 | Robert deserted Sarah in June, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
748 | Tucker | Elisha | Mary | East Hartford | October 22, 1770 | September 2, 1788 | Hartford | 26 | 75 | Elisha deserted Mary in September, 1781, and married another woman in Vermont. Divorce granted. | |
749 | Evans | Elijah | Achsah | Granby | "eleven years ago" | September 2, 1788 | Hartford | 26 | 76 | Elijah deserted Achsah three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
750 | Adams | Samuel | Naiomi | Hotchkiss | Bristol | November, 1749 | September 2, 1788 | Hartford | 26 | 85 | Naiomi accused of adultery, court found evidence insufficient. Petition denied. |
751 | Campbell | William | Lucretia | Mansfield | January 28, 1778 | September 16, 1788 | Windham | 26 | 91 | William deserted Lucretia two years prior to her petition and married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
752 | Horton | David | Theodamy | Lebanon | October 24, 1771 | September 16, 1788 | Windham | 26 | 93 | David deserted Theodamy seven years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
753 | Cook | Jared | Mary | Thompson | January 4, 1770 | September 16, 1788 | Windham | 26 | 96 | Jared deserted Mary in May, 1785, and "he did begett Martha Bundy with child and has cohabited with [her]..." Divorce granted. | |
754 | Randall | Joseph | Susannah | Austin | Colchester | November 18, 1779 | September 23, 1788 | New London | 26 | 99 | Susannah committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
755 | Holly | Manchester | Keturah | Safford | Preston | March 31, 1774 | September 23, 1788 | New London | 26 | 115 | Keturah committed adultery in January, 1785. Divorce granted. |
756 | Palmer | Rufus | Dorcas | Carty | Mansfield | April 21, 1779 | January 6, 1789 | Windham | 26 | 130 | Rufus deserted Dorcas in September, 1779. Divorce granted. |
757 | Smith | James | Martha | Huckley | Sharon | April, 1786 | February 3, 1789 | Litchfield | 26 | 161 | Martha committed adultery in August, 1787. Divorce granted. |
758 | Belknap | Timothy | Lucina | Litchfield | December 25, 1781 | February 3, 1789 | Litchfield | 26 | 162 | Timothy deserted Lucina three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
759 | Woolsey | Jonathan | Sabrina | Greenwich | August 12, 1777 | February 10, 1789 | Fairfield | 26 | 175 | Jonathan deserted Sabrina in December, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
760 | Perkins | William | Ruth | Cheshire | December 20, 1775 | February 17, 1789 | New Haven | 26 | 185 | William deserted Ruth in May, 1786. Divorce granted. | |
761 | Unknown | Dick | Time | Wallingford | October 16, 1772 | February 17, 1789 | New Haven | 26 | 191 | Time, "a free Negro woman," accused Dick, a "Negro man," of committing adultery. Divorce granted. | |
762 | Cater | William | Anna | Derby | January 9, 1774 | February 17, 1789 | New Haven | 26 | 196 | William deserted Anna in 1775, then married another woman. Anna granted divorce and �30 lawful money from William's estate. | |
763 | Goulier | John Francis | Sarah | Branford | July 4, 1785 | February 17, 1789 | New Haven | 26 | 197 | John Francis, "a stranger and a foreigner and a Native of the Dominion of the King of France," deserted Sarah after three weeks. Divorce granted. | |
764 | Welch | Roger | Anna | Glastonbury | December 19, 1784 | March 3, 1789 | Hartford | 26 | 215 | Roger deserted Anna on January 1, 1785, two weeks after their marriage. Divorce granted. | |
765 | Simons | Gideon | Anna | Windham | September 1, 1762 | March 17, 1789 | Windham | 26 | 226 | Gideon deserted Anna in May, 1783. Divorce granted. | |
766 | Fuller | John | Mary | Chatham | March 5, 1778 | July 28, 1789 | Middlesex | 26 | 252 | John deserted Mary in November, 1783. Divorce granted. | |
767 | Dexter | Oliver | Lowly | Wallingford | November 28, 1782 | August, 1789 | New Haven | 26 | 257 | Oliver deserted Lowly in February, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
768 | King | Isaac | Betsey | Weston | November 11, 1784 | August 18, 1789 | Fairfield | 26 | 285 | Isaac deserted Betsey after "about forty-eight hours." Divorce granted. | |
769 | Woodruff | Samuel | Lucy | Litchfield | August 7, 1783 | August 25, 1789 | Litchfield | 26 | 295 | Samuel deserted Lucy in April, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
770 | Allyn | Elisha | Beulah | East Windsor | July 10, 1783 | September 1, 1789 | Hartford | 26 | 303 | Elisha deserted Beulah "more than six years last past." Divorce granted. | |
771 | Aylsworth | William | Amy | Windsor | January, 1770 | September 1, 1789 | Hartford | 26 | 304 | William deserted Amy after three years of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
772 | Bunce | Norman | Anna | Hartford | November 18, 1784 | September 1, 1789 | Hartford | 26 | 311 | Norman deserted Anna after two months. Divorce granted. | |
773 | King | George | Betsey | Plainfield | October 15, 1770 | September 15, 1789 | Windham | 26 | 321 | Betsey was "obliged to flee from his cruelty" because George "would actually have killed her if she had not made her escape." Divorce granted. | |
774 | Jordan | Stephen | Sarah | Bentley | Windham | October, 1785 | September 15, 1789 | Windham | 26 | 322 | Sarah "absconded from his house, bed, and board and hath committed adultery." Divorce granted. |
775 | Ray | Daniel | Rebekah | Killingly | c. 1784 | September 15, 1789 | Windham | 26 | 322 | Daniel committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
776 | Mack | Richard | Sarah | Alwell | Lyme | February 27, 1786 | September 28, 1789 | New London | 26 | 336 | After six months of marriage "Sarah was delivered of a Negro child." Divorce granted. |
777 | Backuss | Ebenezer | Betsey | Norwich | January 7, 1767 | September 28, 1789 | New London | 26 | 344 | Ebenezer "conducted himself with coolness and indifference to her" and also committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
778 | Butler | Comfort | Sarah | Middletown | December 31, 1780 | January 12, 1790 | Middlesex | 26 | 356 | Sarah committed adultery and then deserted Comfort for "parts unknown." Divorce granted. | |
779 | Corey | John | Rebekah | Thomas | Branford | July, 1774 | January 19, 1790 | New Haven | 27 | 8 | Rebekah committed adultery numerous times starting in December, 1787. Divorce granted. |
780 | Byington | Isaac | Submitt | Wallingford | June 7, 1785 | January 19, 1790 | New Haven | 27 | 12 | Isaac deserted Submitt in November, 1786. Divorce granted. | |
781 | McNeil | Daniel | Hannah | New Haven | December 24, 1782 | January 19, 1790 | New Haven | 27 | 12 | Daniel deserted Hannah in December, 1783. Divorce granted. | |
782 | Read | William | Esther | Redding | February 12, 1786 | February 2, 1790 | Fairfield | 27 | 29 | William deserted Esther in January, 1787. Divorce granted. | |
783 | Van Alstyne | Matthew | Jerusha | Lockwood | Greenwich | January, 1775 | February 2, 1790 | Fairfield | 27 | 31 | Matthew deserted Jerusha in the fall of 1783. Divorce granted. |
784 | Hamlin | Ephraim | Mary | Hartwell | Salisbury | November 2, 1780 | February 9, 1790 | Litchfield | 27 | 34 | Mary committed adultery and "eloped" from him in February, 1789. Divorce granted. |
785 | McArthur | Duncan | Corneliaunche | Holbrook | Salisbury | October 3, 1781 | February 9, 1790 | Litchfield | 27 | 35 | Corneliaunche committed adultery "some time in the month of July, 1787." Divorce granted. |
786 | Hinman | Andrew | Margritt | Torrington | c.1778 | February 9, 1790 | Litchfield | 27 | 37 | Andrew deserted Margritt after three years. Divorce granted, Margritt granted the personal property gifted to her by her father. | |
787 | McWood | Joseph | Mary | Cornwall | October 14, 1784 | February 9, 1790 | Litchfield | 27 | 50 | Joseph, "a transient person," deserted Mary after five days. Divorce granted. | |
788 | Carrington | Riverius | Mehitable | Thomson | Bristol | January 31, 1786 | February 23, 1790 | Hartford | 27 | 60 | Mehitable deserted Riverius after one year. Divorce granted. |
789 | Olcutt | Josiah | Mary | Coventry | May 27, 1778 | March 9, 1790 | Tolland | 27 | 79 | Josiah deserted Mary in August, 1782. Divorce granted. | |
790 | Campbell | Silvenus | Robe | Horton | Killingly | March 12, 1766 | March 16, 1790 | Windham | 27 | 87 | Robe committed adultery and deserted Silvenus in November, 1787. Divorce granted. |
791 | Rothbone | Ezra | Sibne | Phillips | Windham | April 16, 1782 | March 16, 1790 | Windham | 27 | 88 | Sibne committed adultery four years prior to Ezra's petition and "has gone away with another man." Divorce granted. |
792 | Scott | Benjamin | Anna | Woodstock | May 2, 1780 | March 16, 1790 | Windham | 27 | 99 | Benjamin committed adultery and deserted Anna. Divorce granted. | |
793 | Ellis | Phenix Carpenter | Lucy | Frink | Preston | March 29, 1781 | March 30, 1790 | New London | 27 | 121 | Lucy repeatedly committed adultery "with a single man." Divorce granted. |
794 | Stark | Christopher | Thankfull | Stonington | January 1, 1786 | March 30, 1790 | New London | 27 | 121 | Christopher deserted Thankfull in June, 1786. Divorce granted. | |
795 | Craig | Andrew | Mary | Norwich | April 2, 1769 | March 30, 1790 | New London | 27 | 131 | Andrew deserted Mary in February, 1787. Divorce granted. | |
796 | Rush | George | Phebe | Waterbury | April 13, 1777 | August 3, 1790 | New Haven | 27 | 145 | George deserted Phebe May, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
797 | Hull | Janus | Mary | New Haven | January 16, 1766 | August 3, 1790 | New Haven | 27 | 146 | Janus deserted Mary in August, 1784, and also committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
798 | Miller | John | Damaris | Cheshire | February 25, 1781 | August 3, 1790 | New Haven | 27 | 156 | John deserted Damaris in February, 1788. Divorce granted. | |
799 | Thomson | Samuel | Roxana | Cheshire | September 6, 1781 | August 3, 1790 | New Haven | 27 | 156 | Samuel deserted Roxana in February, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
800 | Lines | Alvin | Rachel | Fox | Woodbridge | April, 1783 | August 3, 1790 | New Haven | 27 | 157 | "The said Rachel in Open day light did commit Adultery." Divorce granted. |
801 | Grannis | Medad | Sarah | Cheshire | August 2, 1779 | August 3, 1790 | New Haven | 27 | 158 | Medad deserted Sarah in January, 1786. Divorce granted. | |
802 | Smith | Josiah | Lucy | Whittlesey | Danbury | December 25, 1782 | August 17, 1790 | Fairfield | 27 | 172 | Lucy committed adultery in June, 1784. Divorce granted. |
803 | Nickols | Robert | Amasa | Hawley | Stratford | May 25, 1783 | August 17, 1790 | Fairfield | 27 | 174 | Amasa committed adultery starting in October, 1789. Divorce granted. |
804 | Scott | Barnabus | Rebekah | Warner | Watertown | November 15, 1764 | August 24, 1790 | Litchfield | 27 | 182 | Rebekah deserted Barnabus in May, 1786. Divorce granted. |
805 | Selton | Rufus | Olive | Salisbury | April 17, 1777 | August 24, 1790 | Litchfield | 27 | 182 | "Some time" after their marriage Rufus committed adultery and deserted Olive to go to "parts of the world unknown." Divorce granted. | |
806 | Hart | Jonathan | Mary | Farmington | January 21, 1771 | September 7, 1790 | Hartford | 27 | 221 | Jonathan committed adultery in April, 1788. Divorce granted. | |
807 | Bassford | Aaron | Chloe | Prior | Lebanon | May 9, 1787 | September 21, 1790 | Windham | 27 | 233 | Aaron deserted Chloe and went "to some part of the world to her unknown." Divorce granted. |
808 | Hinkley | Ebenezer | Hannah | Wells | Lebanon | September 21, 1790 | September 21, 1790 | Windham | 27 | 233 | Hannah deserted Ebenzer in February, 1785. Divorce granted. |
809 | Larrabee | Enoch | Mary | Coventry | c. 1760 | September 21, 1790 | Windham | 27 | 238 | "�within six years last past the said Enoch has been guilty of adultery." Facts not proved, petition dismissed. | |
810 | Utter | Abram | Sally | Peckham | Stonington | January 29, 1789 | September, 1790 | New London | 27 | 260 | In September, 1789, Sally had "�gone away with another man and committed adultery." Divorce granted. |
811 | Hotchkiss | Gabriel | Helpa Rosetta | New Haven | February, 1778 | January 18, 1791 | New Haven | 27 | 295 | Wife's name written by clerk as "Helpa," likely "Philipa." Gabriel deserted her in November, 1787. Divorce granted. | |
812 | Buck | Henry | Lydia | New Fairfield | January 6, 1774 | February 1, 1791 | Fairfield | 27 | 302 | Henry deserted Lydia in October, 1786. Divorce granted. | |
813 | Stiles | Benjamin | Mary | Malls | Greenwich | December 19, 1787 | February 1, 1791 | Fairfield | 27 | 302 | Mary deserted Benjamin in April, 1790 and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
814 | Noxon | Pasecho | Annache | New Milford | August, 1779 | February, 1791 | Litchfield | 27 | 316 | Pasecho (name possibly Pancho) deserted Annache in September, 1782, and married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
815 | Kingman | Joseph | Sarah | Canaan | 1774 | February, 1791 | Litchfield | 27 | 319 | Joseph deserted Sarah and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
816 | Wells | Noah | Joanna | Douglas | Canaan | November, 1770 | February, 1791 | Litchfield | 27 | 319 | Joanna deserted Noah in May, 1785, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
817 | Culver | Rubin | Sylvia | Upson | Litchfield | May 7, 1789 | February, 1791 | Litchfield | 27 | 320 | Sylvia committed adultery in June, 1789. Divorce granted. |
818 | Hinman | Asa | Annie | Southbury | February 1, 1775 | February, 1791 | Litchfield | 27 | 322 | Asa deserted Annie in February, 1785. Divorce granted, Annie granted furniture gifted by her father upon her marriage. | |
819 | Gillett | Adna | Jane | New Hartford | November, 1779 | February, 1791 | Hartford | 27 | 341 | Adna deserted Jane in September, 1787. Divorce granted. | |
820 | Backus | Bela | Fanny | Windham | August 27, 1781 | March 15, 1791 | Windham | 28 | 10 | Bela and Fanny both accused the other of adultery. Divorce granted, and Bela agreed that Fanny should get posession of household items. | |
821 | Robbins | John Jr. | Rebecca | Mason | Thompson | September 12, 1781 | March 15, 1791 | Windham | 28 | 12 | Rebecca deserted John in March, 1786, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
822 | Abbott | John | Abigail | Gould | Hampton | September 11, 1770 | March 15, 1791 | Windham | 28 | 13 | Abigail deserted John in October, 1787. Divorce granted. |
823 | Tiffany | Asa | Lucy | Mason | Lebanon | February 2, 1782 | March 15, 1791 | Windham | 28 | 20 | Asa deserted her c.1788. Divorce granted. |
824 | Tracy | William | Mary | Lisbon | June 15, 1775 | March 29, 1791 | New London | 28 | 27 | William deserted Mary in March, 1783. Divorce granted. | |
825 | Gates | John | Sarah | Meach | Groton | December, 1767 | March 29, 1791 | New London | 28 | 32 | Sarah committed adultery in March, 1787. Divorce granted. |
826 | Cady | Samuel | Susannah | Milford | February 8, 1787 | August 2, 1791 | New Haven | 28 | 56 | Samuel deserted Susannah after two weeks of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
827 | Johnson | Eliakin | Lydia | Wallingford | October 17, 1781 | August 2, 1791 | New Haven | 28 | 57 | Eliakin deserted Lydia in February, 1788. Divorce granted. | |
828 | Worthington | Elephalet | Elizabeth | Wallingford | 1788 | August 2, 1791 | New Haven | 28 | 57 | Elephalet deserted Elizabeth "soon after" their marriage. Divorce granted. | |
829 | Hudson | David | Mary | Cheshire | January, 1785 | August 2, 1791 | New Haven | 28 | 58 | David committed adultery with "a woman of infamous character" in July, 1789. Divorce granted. | |
830 | Doolittle | Isaac | Phebe | Wallingford | April 18, 1776 | August 2, 1791 | New Haven | 28 | 62 | Isaac deserted Phebe in June, 1788. Divorce granted. | |
831 | Tharp | Augustus | Cata | Cheshire | January 5, 1786 | August 2, 1791 | New Haven | 28 | 62 | Augustus deserted Cata in December, 1786. Divorce granted. | |
832 | Little | Samuel | Martha | Gray | New Haven | September 11, 1774 | August 2, 1791 | New Haven | 28 | 67 | Martha committed adultery and now lives with another man. Divorce granted. See also Martha's petition: v.28 p.68. |
833 | Little | Samuel | Martha | Gray | New Haven | September 11, 1774 | August 2, 1791 | New Haven | 28 | 68 | Samuel visited the "Bawdy houses" in New York and committed adultery there. Divorce granted. See also Samuel's petition: v.28 p.67. |
834 | Knapp | Joseph | Esther | Hawley | Stratford | May 17, 1786 | August 16, 1791 | Fairfield | 28 | 81 | Esther deserted Joseph in August, 1788, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
835 | Wansor | Gideon | Lucy | New Fairfield | December 9, 1782 | August 16, 1791 | Fairfield | 28 | 81 | Gideon deserted Lucy in May, 1784. Divorce granted. | |
836 | Livingston | Henry Beckman | Ann Hume | Shippin | Salisbury | March 15, 1781 | August 23, 1791 | Litchfield | 28 | 89 | Married in Philadelphia. Ann deserted Henry after six months. Divorce granted. |
837 | Chase | Jonathan | Sarah | New Milford | January 24, 1786 | August 23, 1791 | Litchfield | 28 | 91 | Jonathan deserted Sarah in November, 1787. Divorce granted. | |
838 | Soul | Ebenezer | Mary | Chapman | Kent | February 3, 1790 | August 23, 1791 | Litchfield | 28 | 92 | Mary deserted Ebenezer in March, 1791, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
839 | Mittand | Herman | Lovinia | Sharon | November, 1784 | August 23, 1791 | Litchfield | 28 | 102 | Herman committed adultery in July, 1791. Divorce granted. | |
840 | Blanchard | John | Parthena | Coborn | Hampton | October 31, 1782 | September, 1791 | Windham | 28 | 129 | Parthena committed adultery in July, 1791. Divorce granted. |
841 | Flint | Luke | Mary | Mansfield | September 6, 1776 | September, 1791 | Windham | 28 | 130 | Luke deserted Mary three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
842 | Crary | Roger | Ruth | Ashford | April 25, 1785 | September, 1791 | Windham | 28 | 133 | Roger deserted Ruth in May, 1788. Divorce granted. | |
843 | Arnold | Nathan | Prudence | Dennison | Mansfield | March 5, 1755 | September, 1791 | Windham | 28 | 135 | Prudence deserted Nathan in April, 1788. Divorce granted. |
844 | Willcox | Joseph | Mary | Preston | January 11, 1770 | September 27, 1791 | New London | 28 | 141 | Joseph deserted Mary in 1790, then moved to Virginia and committed adultery with a woman "commonly called Long Luce." Divorce granted. | |
845 | Plumb | Daniel | Amy | New London | April 17, 1784 | September 27, 1791 | New London | 28 | 147 | Daniel deserted Amy two years prior to her petition, and "sundry times hath committed adultery" since. Divorce granted. | |
846 | Chapman | Comfort | Eunice | Preston | August 7, 1783 | September 27, 1791 | New London | 28 | 149 | Comfort committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
847 | Pebody | William | Rebekah | Brown | Stonington | May 16, 1784 | September 27, 1791 | New London | 28 | 153 | Rebekah deserted William in February, 1789, and commited adultery. Divorce granted. |
848 | Sanford | Joel | Mehetibel | Collins | Woodbridge | December 18, 1776 | January 3, 1792 | New Haven | 28 | 176 | Mehetibel deserted Joel in September, 1788. Divorce granted. |
849 | Thomas | Moses | Catherine | Smith | Woodbridge | February 3, 1774 | January 3, 1792 | New Haven | 28 | 176 | Catherine deserted Moses c. 1788-9. Divorce granted. |
850 | Hopkins | Thomas | Mary | New Haven | July 14, 1771 | January 3, 1792 | New Haven | 28 | 183 | Thomas committed adultery in June, 1790. Divorce granted, Mary granted ownership of household furniture. | |
851 | Escott | Robert | Rhoda | Stamford | September 24, 1775 | January 17, 1792 | Fairfield | 28 | 190 | Robert deserted Rhoda in November, 1781. Divorce granted. | |
852 | Runolds | James | Sarah | Salisbury | June 6, 1783 | January 31, 1792 | Litchfield | 28 | 200 | James deserted Sarah three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
853 | Garnsey | Amos | Thankfull | Perkins | Watertown | October 30, 1777 | January 31, 1792 | Litchfield | 28 | 201 | Thankfull committed adultery in June, 1789. Divorce granted. |
854 | Humphrey | Hosea | Piney | Norfolk | October 14, 1780 | January 31, 1792 | Litchfield | 28 | 201 | Hosea deserted Piney (possibly Pimy, Pieny, or Piemy) in October, 1791, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
855 | Towner | Ezekiel | Ruth | Litchfield | March 3, 1785 | January 31, 1792 | Litchfield | 28 | 202 | Ezekiel deserted Ruth after less than a month. Divorce granted. | |
856 | Tupper | William | Betty | Salisbury | July 13, 1775 | January 31, 1792 | Litchfield | 28 | 208 | William committed adultery "at divers times." Divorce granted. | |
857 | Whiting | Elisha | Susannah | Hartford | March 25, 1784 | February 14, 1792 | Hartford | 28 | 217 | Elisha deserted Susannah after three years. Divorce granted. | |
858 | Buck | Amos | Abigail | Wethersfield | December 31, 1773 | February 14, 1792 | Hartford | 28 | 237 | Amos deserted Abigail in April, 1788. Divorce granted. | |
859 | Ewing | Joshua | Levinia | Somers | July 20, 1780 | February 28, 1792 | Tolland | 28 | 246 | Joshua deserted Levinia and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
860 | Harrington | Joseph | Rachel | Stevens | Pomfret | September 16, 1784 | March 6, 1792 | Windham | 28 | 257 | Rachel deserted Joseph in April, 1787. Divorce granted. |
861 | Nougham | Daniel | Alice | Lebanon | September, 1773 | March 6, 1792 | Windham | 28 | 257 | Daniel deserted Alice c. 1784. Divorce granted. | |
862 | Prior | Gideon | Lydia | Loomis | Lebanon | May 8, 1788 | March 6, 1792 | Windham | 28 | 257 | Gideon deserted Lydia after three days. Divorce granted. |
863 | Hurlburt | Daniel | Hannah | Middletown | April, 1777 | July 24, 1792 | Middlesex | 28 | 294 | Daniel deserted Hannah in February, 1789, and cohabited with another woman. Divorce granted. | |
864 | Purple | Elias | Hannah | East Haddam | May 15, 1772 | July 24, 1792 | Middlesex | 28 | 298 | Elias deserted Hannah in 1774, and "now lives in adultery with another woman." Divorce granted. | |
865 | Tibbles | Abner | Elizabeth | Knowles | Guilford | July, 1775 | July 31, 1792 | New Haven | 28 | 306 | Elizabeth deserted Abner over three years prior to her petition in 1792. Divorce granted. |
866 | Knevel | Joseph | Hannah | Laws | Durham | December 25, 1791 | July 31, 1792 | New Haven | 28 | 307 | Hannah was "delivered of a black child" fathered by another man four months after marrying Joseph. Divorce granted. Hannah erroniously named as "Elizabeth" in the record book. |
867 | Warn | Peter | Hannah | New Haven | April 30, 1789 | July 31, 1792 | New Haven | 28 | 308 | Peter deserted Hannah, date not recorded. Marriage date erroniously recorded as April 30, 1792 in the record book. Divorce granted. | |
868 | Cady | Benjamin | Esther | Milford | April 5, 1790 | July 31, 1792 | New Haven | 28 | 309 | Benjamin deserted Esther in April, 1791, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
869 | Adams | Lemuel | Anne | Derby | March 20, 1782 | July 31, 1792 | New Haven | 28 | 312 | Lemuel deserted Anne in February, 1785, and married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
870 | Dudley | John | Lois | Wallingford | May 3, 1786 | July 31, 1792 | New Haven | 28 | 313 | John absconded with all the money and property left to Lois and her children by her first husband, including clothing and furniture. Divorce, and a third of John Dudley's estate, granted to Lois. | |
871 | Hotchkiss | Amos | Rebekah | New Haven | September 12, 1773 | July 31, 1792 | New Haven | 28 | 314 | Amos deserted Rebekah and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
872 | Benjamin | Stephen | Lucretia | Birch | Huntington | March, 1785 | August, 1792 | Fairfield | 28 | 328 | Lucretia deserted Stephen in March, 1791, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
873 | Bennett | Stephen | Elizabeth | Leach | New Fairfield | October 10, 1785 | August, 1792 | Fairfield | 28 | 329 | Stephen "Inlisted a soldier in the Army of the United States against the Indians" in Oct., 1785, and served five years. Elizabeth committed adultery in his absence. Divorce granted. |
874 | Honey | Peter | Mary | Ridgefield | January, 1780 | August, 1792 | Fairfield | 28 | 332 | Peter deserted Mary in March, 1784, and also committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
875 | Whippo | Isaac | Mary | Stratford | November 13, 1781 | August, 1792 | Fairfield | 28 | 336 | Isaac "committed various acts of adultery" in 1791. Divorce granted; Mary granted �450 from Isaac's estate and numerous household items, including furniture. | |
876 | Croner | Frederick | Hannah | Cornwall | September 30, 1788 | August 21, 1792 | Litchfield | 28 | 344 | Frederick deserted Hannah in March, 1789. Divorce granted. | |
877 | Palmer | Chilleab | Mary | New Milford | March, 1783 | August 21, 1792 | Litchfield | 28 | 348 | Chilleab deserted Mary in March, 1786. Divorce granted. | |
878 | Brace | Henry | Anne | New Hartford | May 20, 1789 | August 21, 1792 | Litchfield | 28 | 351 | Henry deserted Anne after nine days of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
879 | Field | Ebenezer | Christian | Enfield | May 15, 1786 | September 4, 1792 | Hartford | 28 | 358 | Christian deserted Ebenezer in July, 1789. Divorce granted. | |
880 | Preston | Jonathan | Paulina | Suffield | February 11, 1779 | September 4, 1792 | Hartford | 28 | 360 | Jonathan deserted Paulina in February, 1789, and "has gone to a part of the world to her unknown, leaving no money for her support." Divorce granted. | |
881 | Webb | Napthali | Abigail | Drake | Windham | June 15, 1782 | September 18, 1792 | Windham | 28 | 371 | Abigail deserted Napthali in July, 1789. Divorce granted. |
882 | Allen | Ichabod | Abigail | Reynolds | Lebanon | March 23, 1769 | September 18, 1792 | Windham | 28 | 372 | Ichabod deserted Abigail in May, 1786. Divorce granted. |
883 | Casey | Samuel | Ruth | Canterbury | April, 1776 | September 18, 1792 | Windham | 28 | 373 | Samuel deserted Ruth c. 1789. Divorce granted. | |
884 | Bacon | Ebenezer | Molly | Woodstock | December 27, 1787 | September 18, 1792 | Windham | 28 | 374 | Ebenezer deserted Molly in July, 1789. Divorce granted, Molly granted �30, household furniture, and several cows and sheep from his estate. | |
885 | Newell | Elisha | Lucy | Payne | Mansfield | July 27, 1775 | September 18, 1792 | Windham | 28 | 375 | Elisha deserted Lucy in November, 1776. Divorce granted. |
886 | Leray | John | Sylvia | Dewey | Stonington | October 8, 1776 | September, 1792 | New London | 28 | 385 | Sylvia committed adultery in February, 1792, and ran off with her lover. Divorce granted. |
887 | Tayek | William | Jerusha | New London | November 24, 1777 | September, 1792 | New London | 28 | 385 | William deserted Jerusha in 1788. Divorce granted. | |
888 | Peck | Stephen | Amy | Groton | January 11, 1781 | September, 1792 | New London | 28 | 388 | Stephen deserted Amy in February, 1787. Divorce granted. | |
889 | Baker | Nathaniel | Sarah | Selden | East Haddam | December 15, 1779 | December 25, 1792 | Middlesex | 28 | 402 | Nathaniel deserted Sarah in January. 1784. Divorce granted. |
890 | Tryon | Charles, Jr. | Martha | Churchill | Middletown | March 14 [no year] | December 25, 1792 | Middlesex | 28 | 404 | Martha committed adultery "divers times" with Gershon Thayer. Divorce granted. |
891 | Chappel | Frederick | Patience | New Haven | October 2, 1763 | January 1, 1793 | New Haven | 28 | 409 | Frederick deserted Patience in 1787. Divorce granted. | |
892 | Bull | Caleb | Ruth | Wallingford | February 18, 1768 | January 1, 1793 | New Haven | 28 | 410 | Caleb deserted Ruth in January, 1786. Divorce granted. | |
893 | Sherman | John | Rebekah | New Haven | August 28, 1771 | January 1, 1793 | New Haven | 28 | 416 | John committed adultery. Rebekah granted divorce and many household items. | |
894 | Strong | John | Anna | Stamford | March 28, 1787 | January 15, 1793 | Fairfield | 28 | 427 | John turned Anna out of their house in July, 1789, then cohabited and committed adultery with another woman. Divorce granted. | |
895 | West | Israel | Mary | Mark | New Fairfield | January 6, 1789 | January 15, 1793 | Fairfield | 28 | 427 | Mary deserted Israel in May, 1791, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
896 | Wetzell | Michael | Agnes | Sharon | December 21, 1783 | January 29, 1793 | Litchfield | 28 | 438 | Michael deserted Agnes in July, 1789, and went to live in the West Indies. Divorce granted. | |
897 | Hickoks | Samuel | Ann | Gardner | Washington | May 2, 1776 | January 29, 1793 | Litchfield | 28 | 445 | Ann committed adultery with two men and cohabited with one of them. Divorce granted. |
898 | Oviatt | Thomas | Elizabeth | Batsford | New Milford | January 26, 1769 | January 29, 1793 | Litchfield | 28 | 445 | Elizabeth deserted Thomas in December, 1785. Divorce granted. |
899 | Hallaway | Joseph, Jr. | Sarah | Howland | New Milford | April 24, 1777 | January 29, 1793 | Litchfield | 28 | 448 | Sarah deserted Joseph in May, 1791, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
900 | Sumner | Edward | Elizabeth | Dow | Ashford | December 15, 1785 | March 5, 1793 | Windham | 28 | 475 | Elizabeth deserted Edward in April, 1787. Divorce granted. |
901 | Lawrence | David | Sarah | Seever | Voluntown | 1783 | March 5, 1793 | Windham | 28 | 481 | Sarah deserted David in the summer of 1789. Divorce granted. |
902 | Spencer | Isaac Jr. | Elizabeth | Gardner | East Haddam | November 4, 1792 | July 23, 1793 | Middlesex | 28 | 514 | Isaac, described as "a minor," discovered that Elizabeth "...was not pregnant with a child by him, but said child was begotten by some other person�" Divorce granted. |
903 | Allen | Titus | Lucinda | East Haven | January 27, 1789 | July 30, 1793 | New Haven | 28 | 530 | Titus deserted Lucinda in September, 1789. Divorce granted. | |
904 | Jacobs | Eli | Lydia | Tyler | North Haven | August 11, 1790 | July 30, 1793 | New Haven | 28 | 531 | Lydia committed adultery and deserted Eli. Divorce granted. |
905 | Smith | Daniel | Rachel | East Haven | November 12, 1781 | July 30, 1793 | New Haven | 28 | 532 | Daniel deserted Rachel in 1788. Divorce granted. | |
906 | Dayton | Ebenezer | Phebe | Derby | August 16, 1786 | July 30, 1793 | New Haven | 28 | 533 | Ebenezer deserted Phebe in April, 1786. Divorce granted. Phebe granted items worth "not more than one third of the estate of said Ebenezer." | |
907 | Tredwell | Niram | Hannah | Newtown | October 15, 1784 | August 13, 1793 | Fairfield | 28 | 543 | Niram deserted Hannah six years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
908 | Warren | Michael | Jerusha | Stamford | July 15, 1783 | August 13, 1793 | Fairfield | 28 | 545 | Michael deserted Jerusha in June, 1790. Divorce granted. | |
909 | Pratt | Abijah | Mary | Watrous | Washington | October 22, 1778 | August 20, 1793 | Litchfield | 28 | 555 | Mary committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
910 | Hartwell | Joseph | Rebecca | Sherman | New Milford | May 24, 1751 | August 20, 1793 | Litchfield | 28 | 557 | Rebecca deserted Joseph in July, 1790. Divorce granted. |
911 | Carr | Samuel | Olive | Armstrong | Woodbury | February 19, 1778 | August 20, 1793 | Litchfield | 28 | 565 | "�since their marriage [Olive] had been guilty of the crime of adultery." Divorce granted. |
912 | Bishop | Luman | Lucretia | Litchfield | April 15, 1781 | August 20, 1793 | Litchfield | 28 | misc� | Luman deserted Lucretia in July 1789, and subsequently lived in adultery in Virginia. Divorce granted. Lucretia granted posession of some household items. | |
913 | Cummins | Samuel | Sarah | Torrington | February 2, 1778 | August 20, 1793 | Litchfield | 28 | misc� | Samuel deserted Sarah in January, 1787. Divorce granted. | |
914 | Rowe | Joseph | Charlotte | Woodbury | March 28, 1786 | August 20, 1793 | Litchfield | 28 | misc� | Joseph deserted Charlotte in March, 1789. Divorce granted. | |
915 | Smith | Thomas | Abigail | Wethersfield | July 13, 1777 | September 3, 1793 | Hartford | 29 | 21 | Thomas deserted Abigail in July, 1782. Divorce granted. | |
916 | Whelden | Thomas | Clara | Chappell | Windham | February 10, 1790 | September 17, 1793 | Windham | 29 | 35 | Clara gave birth to a child after Thomas had been in Quebec for a year. Divorce granted. |
917 | Huntley | Rue | Abigail | Mack | Lyme | September 8, 1788 | September 24, 1793 | New London | 29 | 41 | Abigail committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
918 | Haynes | Jonathan | Elizabeth | Lyme | September 20, 1787 | September 24, 1793 | New London | 29 | 42 | Jonathan deserted Elizabeth in March, 1788. Divorce granted. | |
919 | Stark | William | Sally | Bebee | Colchester | March 1, 1793 | September 24, 1793 | New London | 29 | 47 | Sally and her parents conspired to convince William that Sally was carrying his child so that he would marry her, even though she was not pregnant. Divorce granted. |
920 | Linn | James | Mary | New Haven | May 27, 1771 | January 7, 1794 | New Haven | 29 | 75 | James deserted Mary in December, 1781. Divorce granted. | |
921 | Foot | Isaac | Lydia | Tyler | Branford | April 25, 1771 | January 7, 1794 | New Haven | 29 | 77 | Isaac accused Mary of adultery. Facts not proved, petition rejected. All three of their cases have different marriage dates. See also v.29 pp. 77, 345. |
922 | Foot | Isaac | Lydia | Tyler | Branford | May 25, 1771 | January 7, 1794 | New Haven | 29 | 77 | Lydia accused Isaac of cruelty and adultery. Facts not proved, petition rejected. All three of their cases have different marriage dates. See also v.29 pp.77, 345. |
923 | Leggett | Gabriel? | Anah | Ridgefield | August 7, 1782 | January 21, 1794 | Fairfield | 29 | 83 | Gabriel deserted Anah and commited adultery. Divorce granted. | |
924 | Bennett | Jabez | Mary | Bennett | Weston | September 16, 1790 | January 21, 1794 | Fairfield | 29 | 85 | Mary deserted Jabez and married another man in New York State. Divorce granted. |
925 | Tredwell | Samuel | Elizabeth | Huntington | February 3, 1774 | January 21, 1794 | Fairfield | 29 | 85 | Samuel deserted Elizabeth in 1782. Divorce granted. | |
926 | Bandal | David | Jemima | Sharon | March 12, 1772 | January, 1794 | Litchfield | 29 | 94 | David treated Jemima in "the most cruel manners" and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
927 | Walker | Joseph | Eunice | Woodbury | October 13, 1774 | January, 1794 | Litchfield | 29 | 100 | Joseph "deserted and forsook" Eunice in January, 1791. Divorce granted. | |
928 | Smith | Jesse | Dorothy | Harwinton | November 14, 1783 | January, 1794 | Litchfield | 29 | 102 | Jesse treated Dorothy cruelly and commited adultery. Divorce granted, Dorothy granted household items worth not more than a third of Jesse's estate. | |
929 | Lewis | Ebenezer | Sarah | Davis | Goshen | June 6, 1780 | January, 1794 | Litchfield | 29 | 106 | Sarah "was several times guilty of adultery" during their marriage. Divorce granted. |
930 | Wilkinson | Oliver | Lois | Granby | September 10, 1789 | February 11, 1794 | Hartford | 29 | 120 | Oliver deserted Lois in October, 1790. Divorce granted. | |
931 | Mann | Nicholas | Deborah | Ellington | January 30, 1787 | February 25, 1794 | Tolland | 29 | 138 | Nicholas deserted Deborah in December, 1788. Divorce granted. | |
932 | Lawrence | Daniel | Lucy | Seaver | Thompson | August 5, 1777 | March 4, 1794 | Windham | 29 | 149 | Lucy deserted Daniel in May, 1789. Divorce granted. |
933 | Healy | Ezra | Betsey | Thompson | January 18, 1791 | March 4, 1794 | Windham | 29 | 150 | Ezra committed adultery in June, 1793, and deserted Betsey. Divorce granted. | |
934 | Lebrett | Charles | Matilda | Woodstock | March 28, 1784 | March 4, 1794 | Windham | 29 | 150 | Charles deserted Matilda three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
935 | Arnold | Nathan | Prudence | Mansfield | March 5, 1755 | March 4, 1794 | Windham | 29 | 151 | Nathan deserted Prudence in March, 1787. Divorce granted. | |
936 | Hascal | John | Eunice | Carpenter | Woodstock | March 25, 1779 | March 4, 1794 | Windham | 29 | 151 | Eunice deserted John three years prior to his petition. Divorce granted. |
937 | Smith | Roswell | Terza | Woodstock | June 25, 1788 | March 4, 1794 | Windham | 29 | 152 | Roswell deserted Terza in May, 1790. Divorce granted. | |
938 | Payne | Stephen | Jemima | Morgan | Lebanon | September 4, 1754 | March 4, 1794 | Windham | 29 | 160 | Jemima deserted Stephen in February, 1791. Divorce granted. |
939 | Pepper | Michael | Sarah | Norwich | July 14, 1765 | March 18, 1794 | New London | 29 | 172 | Michael Pepper, alias Peffer, deserted Sarah in September, 1773. Divorce granted. | |
940 | How | Zadock | Rachel | Norwich | November 17, 1769 | March 18, 1794 | New London | 29 | 178 | Zadock deserted Rachel seven years prior to her petition and married another woman out-of-state. Divorce granted. | |
941 | Chapman | Robert | Hannah | Hart | Middletown | April 30, 1792 | July, 1794 | Middlesex | 29 | 198 | Robert discovered the child Hannah was carrying was not his, and she then deserted him. Divorce granted. |
942 | Minor | Shadrick | Eunice | Woodbridge | May 30, 1793 | July 29, 1794 | New Haven | 29 | 226 | Shadrick committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
943 | Howard | Henry | Mary | New Milford | December 8, 1786 | August 19, 1794 | Litchfield | 29 | 246 | Henry committed adultery and deserted Mary in 1792. Divorce granted. | |
944 | Turnell | Aaron | Abigail | Salisbury | October, 1783 | August 19, 1794 | Litchfield | 29 | 246 | Aaron deserted Abigail in October, 1786. Divorce granted. | |
945 | Cady | David | Sally | Norfolk | October 15, 1784 | August 19, 1794 | Litchfield | 29 | 249 | David deserted Sally in 1788. Divorce granted. | |
946 | Chase | Lemuel | Catherine | Norfolk | January 10, 1787 | August 19, 1794 | Litchfield | 29 | 250 | Lemuel deserted Catherine in September, 1789. Divorce granted. | |
947 | Davis | Edward | Lucy | Watertown | 1787 | August 19, 1794 | Litchfield | 29 | 251 | Edward deserted Lucy in November, 1790. Divorce granted. | |
948 | Bulkley | Calvin | Grace | Washington | October 3, 1784 | August 19, 1794 | Litchfield | 29 | 265 | Calvin committed adultery in December, 1793. Divorce granted. | |
949 | William | Thomas | No town given | August 19, 1794 | Litchfield | 29 | 268 | "Thomas Williams petition for divorce negatived, no files on offer." | |||
950 | Garrick | William | Mary | Hartford | December 14, 1788 | September 2, 1794 | Hartford | 29 | 273 | Surname could be "Garnrick." William deserted Mary in 1791. Divorce granted. | |
951 | Norton | Elias | Abigail | Hartford | September 20, 1781 | September 2, 1794 | Hartford | 29 | 276 | Elias deserted Abigail in February, 1783. Divorce granted. | |
952 | Carpenter | Elijah | Lois | Pomfret | January 4, 1776 | September 16, 1794 | Windham | 29 | 297 | Elijah deserted Lois in November, 1789. Divorce granted. | |
953 | Freeman | Calvin | Marcy | Colchester | June 26, 1788 | September 23, 1794 | New London | 29 | 311 | Calvin deserted Marcy in March, 1791. Divorce granted. | |
954 | Hamilton | William | Mary | Billings | New London | October 19, 1783 | September 23, 1794 | New London | 29 | 319 | William deserted Mary in June, 1787. Last name also spelled "Hamlinton." Divorce granted. |
955 | Hatch | Ebenezer | Lois | Lisbon | January 13, 1791 | September 23, 1794 | New London | 29 | 320 | Ebenezer deserted Lois the same month they were married. Divorce granted. | |
956 | Chapman | Dudley | Elizabeth | New London | November 17, 1789 | September 23, 1794 | New London | 29 | 321 | Dudley deserted Elizabeth three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
957 | Fuller | Nathan | Jane | East Haddam | July 6, 1777 | December 30, 1794 | Middlesex | 29 | 337 | Nathan deserted Jane in March, 1791. Divorce granted. | |
958 | Barker | Jacob | Cloe | Johnson | Branford | July 28, 1788 | January 6, 1795 | New Haven | 29 | 344 | Cloe deserted Jacob in July, 1789. Divorce granted. |
959 | Foot | Isaac | Lydia | Tyler | Branford | April 25, 1768 | January 6, 1795 | New Haven | 29 | 345 | Lydia deserted Isaac and committed adultery. Divorce granted. See also two cases in v.29 p.77. All three cases have different marriage dates. |
960 | Raymond | John | Eno | Greenwich | February, 1785 | January 20, 1795 | Fairfield | 29 | 354 | John deserted Eno in September, 1788. Divorce granted. | |
961 | Byington | Reuben | Abigail | Redding | December 29, 1791 | January 20, 1795 | Fairfield | 29 | 356 | Reuben deserted Abigail two days after their marriage. Divorce granted. | |
962 | Hurd | Abijah | Hepzibah | Brooks | Fairfield | February, 1779 | January 20, 1795 | Fairfield | 29 | 362 | Abijah went to Virginia on business for five years starting in 1784. Hepzibah committed adultery while he was away. Divorce granted. |
963 | Patrick | Samuel | Phebee | Fillio | Norwalk | October 9, 1785 | January 20, 1795 | Fairfield | 29 | 363 | Phebee committed adultery in August, 1792. Divorce granted. |
964 | Carter | Barzalai | Anne | New Milford | March 5, 1789 | January 27, 1795 | Litchfield | 29 | 368 | Barzalai (also spelled Barzallia) deserted Anne in May, 1791. Divorce granted. | |
965 | Hitchcock | Daniel | Deborah | New Milford | March 12, 1777 | January 27, 1795 | Litchfield | 29 | 369 | Daniel deserted Deborah four years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
966 | Hawley | Peter | Hansy | Goshen | January 17, 1792 | January 27, 1795 | Litchfield | 29 | 375 | Peter committed adultery starting two years prior toHansy's petition. Divorce granted. | |
967 | Moore | Orson | Azubah | Reynolds | Salisbury | October 3, 1793 | January 27, 1795 | Litchfield | 29 | 375 | Azubah deserted Orson in May, 1794. Divorce granted. |
968 | Stillwell | John | Urana | Kent | December 3, 1771 | January 27, 1795 | Litchfield | 29 | 375 | John deserted Urana in September, 1791, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
969 | Torbert | Samuel | Bulah E. | Sharon | May 10, 1791 | January 27, 1795 | Litchfield | 29 | 376 | Samuel deserted Bulah "more than three years before the Date of this Petition" and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
970 | Dayton | Michael | Abigail | Watertown | May 3, 1784 | January 27, 1795 | Litchfield | 29 | 382 | Michael deserted Abigail in April, 1786. Divorce granted. | |
971 | Stow | Eliakim | Sarah | Barkhamsted | February 9, 1790 | January 27, 1795 | Litchfield | 29 | 389 | Eliakim deserted Sarah in March, 1791, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
972 | Armsby | Levi | Esther | Granby | November 16, 1789 | February 2, 1795 | Hartford | 29 | 397 | Levi deserted Esther in January, 1792. Divorce granted. | |
973 | Prior | Allyn | Polly | Windsor | January 24, 1786 | February 2, 1795 | Hartford | 29 | 399 | Allyn deserted Polly in May, 1789. Divorce granted. | |
974 | Perkins | Joel | Salome | Windsor | March 11, 1784 | February 2, 1795 | Hartford | 29 | 401 | Joel deserted Salome in April, 1790. Divorce granted. | |
975 | Richards | Amos | Lydia | Berlin | February 11, 1780 | February 2, 1795 | Hartford | 29 | 401 | Amos deserted Lydia in April, 1789. Divorce granted. | |
976 | Root | Joseph, Jr. | Hannah | Porter | Coventry | December 25, 1797 | February 24, 1795 | Tolland | 29 | 416 | Hannah deserted Joseph in January, 1791. Divorce granted. |
977 | Munson | Michael | Lois | Plainfield | December 10, 1788 | March 3, 1795 | Windham | 29 | 422 | Michael deserted Lois. Divorce granted. | |
978 | Leonard | Benjamin | Sarah | Mansfield | February 11, 1789 | March 3, 1795 | Windham | 29 | 429 | Benjamin deserted Sarah in December, 1790. Divorce granted. | |
979 | Thayer | Porter | Esther | Wharfe | Voluntown | October 14, 1788 | March 3, 1795 | Windham | 29 | 429 | Esther commited adultery at "divers times" throughout their marriage. Divorce granted. |
980 | Joy | Richard | Anna | Norwich | August 1, 1787 | March 17, 1795 | New London | 29 | 442 | Richard committed adultery in March, 1793, and at "divers other times." Divorce granted. | |
981 | Hill | Jonathan | Caroline | Norwich | August 14, 1785 | March 17, 1795 | New London | 29 | 443 | Jonathan deserted Caroline in December, 1790. Divorce granted. | |
982 | Hazzard | George | Sarah | Colchester | March 8, 1792 | March 17, 1795 | New London | 29 | 449 | George deserted Sarah after four days of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
983 | Gardnier | David | Hannah | New Haven | November 28, 1785 | July 28, 1795 | New Haven | 29 | 484 | David "hath repeatedly been guilty of the crime of Adultery." Divorce granted. | |
984 | Jackson | Robert | Elizabeth | Southbury | March 23, 1775 | August 11, 1795 | Fairfield | 29 | 502 | Robert deserted Elizabeth in May, 1792. Divorce granted. | |
985 | Meaker | Robert | Jemima | Stratford | July 30, 1789 | August 11, 1795 | Fairfield | 29 | 507 | Robert deserted Jemima in March, 1792, and subsequently committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
986 | Walker | John | Tirza | Redding | June 3, 1793 | August 11, 1795 | Fairfield | 29 | 510 | John committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
987 | Lockwood | James | Rachel | New Milford | June 26, 1770 | August 18, 1795 | Litchfield | 29 | 516 | James deserted Rachel in May, 1792. Divorce granted. | |
988 | Doty | Timothy | Lorain | Sharon | April 3, 1788 | August 18, 1795 | Litchfield | 29 | 518 | Timothy deserted Lorain in March, 1792. Divorce granted. | |
989 | McDonald | Charles | Mary | New Milford | May 12, 1784 | August 18, 1795 | Litchfield | 29 | 527 | Charles deserted Mary in December, 1787. Divorce granted. | |
990 | Hayes | Asahel | Martha | Granby | August 17, 1749 | September 1, 1795 | Hartford | 29 | 551 | Asahel deserted Martha in February, 1787. Divorce granted. | |
991 | Fitch | Christopher | Lydia | Windham | April 29, 1791 | September 15, 1795 | Windham | 30 | 12 | Christopher deserted Lydia in December, 1791, and "has gone to some parts of the world to her unknown." Divorce granted. | |
992 | Gilbert | Humphrey | Rebekah | Mansfield | December 9, 1784 | September 15, 1795 | Windham | 30 | 12 | Humphrey deserted Rebekah more than three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
993 | Stone | Henry | Molly | Thompson | May 6, [year obscured] | September 15, 1795 | Windham | 30 | 13 | Henry deserted Molly three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
994 | Fink | Jacob | Bathsheba | New London | February 28, 1793 | September 22, 1795 | New London | 30 | 17 | Jacob committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
995 | Chapman | Ezekiel | Jemima | Lyme | March 16, 1788 | September 22, 1795 | New London | 30 | 19 | Ezekiel deserted Jemima in June, 1760. Divorce granted. | |
996 | Constant | William | Mary | New London | November 29, 1779 | September 22, 1795 | New London | 30 | 29 | William deserted Mary in April, 1788 and moved to Guadeloupe. Divorce granted. | |
997 | Brandegan | John | Elizabeth | Howell | New Haven | July 31, 1795 | January 4, 1796 | New Haven | 30 | 89 | Trial: Both John and Elizabeth were already married to other people; Elizabeth to Benjamin Howell, John's wife unnamed. John convicted of adultery; Elizabeth broke bail and fled (v.30 p.93). |
998 | Willett | Simon | Esther | Wheeler | Weston | May 30, 1787 | January 19, 1796 | Fairfield | 30 | 108 | Simon deserted Esther in December, 1792. Divorce granted. |
999 | Bradley | Jesse | Mary | Moorehouse | Fairfield | March 18, 1790 | January 19, 1796 | Fairfield | 30 | 109 | Mary committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
1,000 | Barss | Daniel | Lois | Pinney | New Milford | August 15, 1787 | January 26, 1796 | Litchfield | 30 | 114 | Lois deserted Daniel in September, 1792, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
1,001 | Campbell | John | Hannah | Suffield | October 11, 1771 | February 9, 1796 | Hartford | 30 | 131 | John deserted Hannah in October, 1791. Divorce granted. | |
1,002 | Churchman | Alexander Thomas | Charity | Granby | October 5, 1791 | February 9, 1796 | Hartford | 30 | 132 | Alexander deserted Charity in August, 1792. Divorce granted. This record also appears on p.137. | |
1,003 | Johnson | Ebenezer | Elizabeth | Hartford | January 15, 1788 | February 9, 1796 | Hartford | 30 | 133 | Ebenezer deserted Elizabeth in December, 1791. Divorce granted. | |
1,004 | Miller | Calvin | Meriam | Suffield | June 5, 1788 | February 9, 1796 | Hartford | 30 | 133 | Calvin deserted Meriam after two days of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
1,005 | Youngs | Moses | Mary | Hartford | September 2, 1794 | February 9, 1796 | Hartford | 30 | 138 | In November, 1794, "Moses" informed Mary that he had fabricated his name, property, and history, and "married her to make her miserable and not with a design to make her his wife." He then deserted her. Marriage declared null and void. | |
1,006 | Jordan | David | Polly | Thompson | November 25, 1790 | March 1, 1796 | Windham | 30 | 158 | David deserted Polly more than three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
1,007 | Bugbee | Timothy | Hannah | Mansfield | July 10, 1787 | March 1, 1796 | Windham | 30 | 159 | Timothy deserted Hannah after three months of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
1,008 | Kingsbury | Daniel | Betsy | Lebanon | April 29, 1790 | March 1, 1796 | Windham | 30 | 163 | Daniel deserted Betsy in February, 1793. Divorce granted. | |
1,009 | Laughtly | Michael | Mary | Norwich | October 15, 1786 | March 15, 1796 | New London | 30 | 190 | Michael deserted Mary in October, 1788. Divorce granted. | |
1,010 | Taylor | David | Hannah | Middletown | March 13, 1791 | July 19, 1796 | Middlesex | 30 | 200 | David deserted Hannah in January, 1793, and went to "parts of the world to her unknown." Divorce granted. | |
1,011 | Miller | John | Hannah | Middletown | June 14, 1792 | July 19, 1796 | Middlesex | 30 | 201 | John deserted Hannah after one month of marriage, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
1,012 | Lewis | David | Elizabeth | Waterbury | August 19, 1775 | July 26, 1796 | New Haven | 30 | 208 | David deserted Elizabeth in August, 1791, and was "repeatedly" guilty of adultery. Divorce granted. | |
1,013 | Welch | Thomas | Rebecca | Clark | Milford | August 20, 1791 | July 26, 1796 | New Haven | 30 | 208 | Rebecca deserted Thomas in February, 1793. Divorce granted. |
1,014 | Sutliff | John | Lucinda | Frost | Waterbury | November 30, 1792 | July 26, 1796 | New Haven | 30 | 209 | Lucinda deserted John in September 1793, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
1,015 | Porter | Eldad | Abigail | Hitchcock | Cheshire | March 19, 1783 | July 26, 1796 | New Haven | 30 | 210 | Abigail "repeatedly" committed adultery since May, 1792. Divorce granted. |
1,016 | Wells | William | Abigail | New Haven | April 2, 1785 | July 26, 1796 | New Haven | 30 | 215 | William deserted Abigail and committed adultery. Divorce granted, Abigail granted household items worth not more than a third of William's estate. | |
1,017 | Raymond | John | Anna | Tyler | New Haven | November 24, 1790 | July 26, 1796 | New Haven | 30 | 218 | John was already married to Abigail Harris of Boston when he married Anna. Divorce granted. |
1,018 | Tuttle | Ebenezer | Eunice | Moss | Cheshire | January 15, 1761 | July 26, 1796 | New Haven | 30 | 224 | Eunice deserted Ebenezer five years prior to his petition. Divorce granted. |
1,019 | Porter | John | Phebee | Derby | November 7, 1771 | July 26, 1796 | New Haven | 30 | 239 | John deserted Phebee in April, 1792. Divorce granted, Phebee granted household items worth not more than 1/3 of John's estate. | |
1,020 | Combs | William | Eunice | Danbury | June 21, 1772 | August 9, 1796 | Fairfield | 30 | 254 | William deserted Eunice in February, 1792, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
1,021 | Johnson | Philo | Naomy | Greenwich | July 24, 1793 | August 9, 1796 | Fairfield | 30 | 254 | Philo deserted Naomy in March, 1794, and married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
1,022 | McMeken | Robert | Lucy | Danbury | September 14, 1784 | August 9, 1796 | Fairfield | 30 | 256 | Robert deserted Lucy in November, 1790. Divorce granted. | |
1,023 | Curtin | John | Ann | Woodbury | October 10, 1784 | August 16, 1796 | Litchfield | 30 | 260 | John deserted Ann in April, 1791. Divorce granted. | |
1,024 | Fuller | Daniel | Lucina | Goshen | June 23, 1791 | August 16, 1796 | Litchfield | 30 | 261 | Daniel deserted Lucina (also called "Lucretia" in the record) in August, 1793. Divorce granted. | |
1,025 | Olds | Ezekiel | Sarah | Winchel | Canaan | December 27, 1785 | August 16, 1796 | Litchfield | 30 | 261 | Sarah deserted Ezekiel and committed adultery. Divorce granted. |
1,026 | Ford | Barnabus | Elizabeth | Plymouth | April 9, 1777 | August 16, 1796 | Litchfield | 30 | 263 | Barnabus deserted Elizabeth and married another woman. Divorce granted. | |
1,027 | Butler | Nathaniel | Ann | Gillett | Windsor | December 27, 1770 | September 6, 1796 | Hartford | 30 | 300 | Ann deserted Nathaniel in May, 1793. Divorce granted. |
1,028 | Dorchester | Daniel | Sally | Hartford | June 24, 1784 | September 6, 1796 | Hartford | 30 | 305 | Daniel deserted Sally. Divorce granted. | |
1,029 | Highley | Sylvester | Urania | Simsbury | January 17, 1790 | September 6, 1796 | Hartford | 30 | 305 | Sylvester deserted Urania in December, 1791. Divorce granted. | |
1,030 | Kinning | Thomas | Sarah | Farmington | June 27, 1791 | September 6, 1796 | Hartford | 30 | 309 | Thomas deserted Sarah after less than a month of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
1,031 | Hillyard | Horice | Phebe | Headley | Granby | August 10, 1792 | September 6, 1796 | Hartford | 30 | 310 | Phebe deserted Horice/Horace in September, 1793. |
1,032 | Owen | John Calvin | Polly | Simsbury | June 20, 1790 | September 6, 1796 | Hartford | 30 | 310 | John deserted Polly three years prior to her petition, traveled to New York, and committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
1,033 | Kingsbury | Jonathan | Elizabeth | Thompson | August 27, 1791 | September 20, 1796 | Windham | 30 | 322 | Jonathan deserted Elizabeth three years prior to her petition. Divorce granted. | |
1,034 | Kingsley | William | Polly | Franklin | September 30, 1784 | September 27, 1796 | New London | 30 | 326 | William committed adultery and "has gone to parts of the world to her unknown." Divorce granted. | |
1,035 | Prince | Joseph | Sybil | Williams | Colchester | March 15, 1791 | September 27, 1796 | New London | 30 | 332 | Sybil deserted Joseph after three months of marriage. Divorce granted. |
1,036 | Foster | Benjamin | Eunice | New London | January 22, 1785 | September 27, 1796 | New London | 30 | 334 | Benjamin deserted Eunice in April, 1793. Divorce granted. | |
1,037 | Whitmore | Stephen | Anna | Clark | Middletown | November 21, 1770 | December 27, 1796 | Middlesex | 30 | 350 | Anna committed adultery "at various times" within the past ten years. Divorce granted. |
1,038 | Le Tonnelier | John Louis Victor | Maria Dorothea | New Haven | March 22, 1787 | January 3, 1797 | New Haven | 30 | 362 | Frenchman John Louis Victor (Jean-Louis-Victor) left Maria Dorothea to return to France in April, 1789. She heard nothing from or of him after September, 1789. Divorce granted. | |
1,039 | Dennis | Samuel | Catherine | New Haven | December 11, 1785 | January 3, 1797 | New Haven | 30 | 367 | Samuel deserted Catherine in October, 1791, and lived in adultery with another woman. | |
1,040 | Patterson | David | Amelia | New Haven | November 10, 1785 | January 3, 1797 | New Haven | 30 | 367 | David deserted Amelia in November, 1786. Divorce granted. | |
1,041 | Stevens | Adonijah | Polly | Jones | Ridgefield | May 27, 1792 | January 17, 1797 | Fairfield | 30 | 383 | Polly deserted Adonijah and committed adultery in August, 1795. Divorce granted. |
1,042 | Brownson | Josiah | Elizabeth | Alger | Barkhamsted | February 27, 1786 | January 31, 1797 | Litchfield | 30 | 398 | Elizabeth deserted Josiah in October, 1792, and married another man. Divorce granted. |
1,043 | Allen | William | Cloe | Barkhamsted | November 10, 1785 | January 31, 1797 | Litchfield | 30 | 399 | William deserted Cloe in December, 1788. Divorce granted. | |
1,044 | Jones | Evans | Prudence | Plymouth | August, 1783 | January 31, 1797 | Litchfield | 30 | 404 | Evans deserted Prudence in October, 1793. Divorce granted. | |
1,045 | Gillet | Asa | Violet | Case | Windsor | February 1, 1778 | February 14, 1797 | Hartford | 30 | 411 | Asa "late of Windsor now of New Paltz," NY. Violet committed adultery in September, 1793. Divorce granted. |
1,046 | Hotchkiss | Timothy | Esther | Wethersfield | January 1, 1792 | February 14, 1797 | Hartford | 30 | 413 | Timothy deserted Esther in December, 1793, and married another woman in September, 1794. Divorce granted. | |
1,047 | Phelps | Chandler C. | Clarissa | Simsbury | January 8, 1793 | February 14, 1797 | Hartford | 30 | 414 | Chandler deserted Clarissa in February, 1794. Divorce granted. | |
1,048 | Butolph | Benoni | Hannah | Holcomb | Granby | October 26, 1794 | February 14, 1797 | Hartford | 30 | 415 | Hannah committed adultery in November, 1796. Divorce granted. |
1,049 | Moore | Eber | Hulda | Simsbury | September 15, 1782 | February 14, 1797 | Hartford | 30 | 416 | Eber deserted Hulda in December, 1783, and went to "parts unknown." Divorce granted. | |
1,050 | Stanley | Frederick | Sabra | Bishop | Windham | September 25, 1787 | March 7, 1797 | Windham | 30 | 438 | Sabra committed adultery within the year prior to Frederick's petition. Divorce granted. |
1,051 | Humphrey | Stephen | Molly | Woodstock | April 13, 1786 | March 7, 1797 | Windham | 30 | 444 | Stephen deserted Molly and their children in April, 1793. Divorce granted. | |
1,052 | Russell | Jonathan | Diana | Harrington | Ashford | January 30, 1793 | March 7, 1797 | Windham | 30 | 446 | Diana refused Jonathan "that Intercourse and communication the essential end and duty" of marriage, "which she has granted to another man." Divorce granted. |
1,053 | Hazen | Asa | Polly | Norwich | March 10, 1791 | March 21, 1797 | New London | 30 | 453 | Asa deserted Polly after four months of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
1,054 | Daniels | George 2nd | Desire | Graystock | New London | September 26, 1796 | March 21, 1797 | New London | 30 | 456 | Desire was "with child of a Bastard of her body begotten long before said marriage." Divorce granted. |
1,055 | Hanford | Joseph Whitmane | Mary | Benedict | Norwalk | January 12, 1794 | August 8, 1797 | Fairfield | 30 | 496 | Mary deserted Joseph in June, 1794. Divorce granted. |
1,056 | Downs | Bushnel B. | Hannah | New Milford | April 25, 1792 | August 15, 1797 | Litchfield | 30 | 503 | Bushnel deserted Hannah in October, 1793. Divorce granted. | |
1,057 | Lamphere | Abel | Hannah | Knap | Sharon | March 19, 1782 | August 15, 1797 | Litchfield | 30 | 503 | Hannah committed adultery, and deserted Abel to go live "at a place called Painted Post in the State of New York." Divorce granted. |
1,058 | Easton | Eliphalet | Barsheba | Durham | Woodbury | March 10, 1791 | August 15, 1797 | Litchfield | 30 | 504 | Barsheba (Bathsheba?) deserted Eliphalet in July, 1792. Divorce granted. |
1,059 | Tyler | Walter | Lois | Sharon | January 1, 1789 | August 15, 1797 | Litchfield | 30 | 504 | Walter deserted Lois in August, 1796, and also committed adultery. Divorce granted. | |
1,060 | Pells | Jack | Mary | Goodwin | Hartford | November 15, 1791 | September 4, 1797 | Hartford | 30 | 536 | Mary committed adultery one year prior to Jack's petition. Divorce granted. |
1,061 | Holcomb | Oliver | Eunice | Simsbury | October 29, 1789 | September 4, 1797 | Hartford | 30 | 541 | Oliver deserted Eunice in February, 1794. Divorce granted. | |
1,062 | Rew | Memucan | Hannah | Farmington | March 8, 1781 | September 4, 1797 | Hartford | 30 | 547 | Memucan committed adultery, divorce granted. Note: in 1843 Hannah successfully claimed the Revolutionary War pension of Memucan--who died in 1813--as his widow. | |
1,063 | Ryley | James | Abigail | Milford | August 25, 1791 | January, 1798 | New Haven | 31 | 35 | In December, 1794, Abigail "betook herself to the Embraces of another man." Divorce granted. | |
1,064 | Reynolds | Stephen | Anna | Fairfield | May 1, 1783 | January, 1798 | Fairfield | 31 | 49 | Stephen deserted Anna in April, 1794. Divorce granted. | |
1,065 | Ambler | Squire | Elizabeth | Danbury | February 5, 1784 | January, 1798 | Fairfield | 31 | 70 | Squire committed adultery with other women beginning in March, 1793. Divorce granted, Elizabeth granted $250 from Squire's estate. | |
1,066 | Northup | Phineas | Elizabeth | Watertown | January, 1793 | January, 1798 | Litchfield | 31 | 72 | Phineas deserted Elizabeth "a short time after" their marriage. Divorce granted. | |
1,067 | Cogswell | Joel | Anne | Washington | October 12, 1794 | January, 1798 | Litchfield | 31 | 73 | Joel deserted Anne in June, 1796. Divorce granted. | |
1,068 | Blakeslee | Merrit | Mille | Harwinton | January, 1798 | Litchfield | 31 | 75 | Trial of Amos Bush, accused of adultery with Mille the wife of Merrit Blakeslee. Not guilty. | ||
1,069 | Riley | Comfort | Polly | Goshen | August, 1789 | January, 1798 | Litchfield | 31 | 77 | Comfort committed adultery "with very many lewd & infamous women" in New York City. Divorce granted. | |
1,070 | Holmes | Urial 3rd | Cynthia | Hartland | May, 1792 | February, 1798 | Hartford | 31 | 87 | Urial deserted Cynthia in June, 1793. Divorce granted. | |
1,071 | Williams | Amos | Rebecca | Southington | February 24, 1773 | February, 1798 | Hartford | 31 | 87 | Amos deserted Rebecca in September, 1789. Divorce granted. | |
1,072 | Pratt | Stephen | Ammah | Southington | June, 1797 | February, 1798 | Hartford | 31 | 90 | "Ammah was naturally deficient in the essential properties that Distinguish the female sex from the male, and was Totally incapable of fufilling the marriage contract� but was wholly ignorant of the same." Divorce granted. | |
1,073 | Phillips | Freeman | Mary | Hoxey | Plainfield | April 20, 1787 | February, 1798 | Windham | 31 | 114 | Mary deserted Freeman in March, 1793. Divorce granted. |
1,074 | Abbott | Benjamin | Hannah | Hampton | January 31, 1793 | February, 1798 | Windham | 31 | 117 | Benjamin "refused to perform any of the duties of the marriage covenant" and deserted her. Divorce granted. | |
1,075 | Ashley | Thomas | Elizabeth | Pomfret | May 10, 1792 | February, 1798 | Windham | 31 | 117 | Thomas deserted Elizabeth after a little over a month of marriage. Divorce granted. | |
1,076 | Hills | Amasa | Barbery | Allen | Colchester | February 8, 1795 | March 27, 1798 | New London | 31 | 138 | Barbery deserted Amasa after nine days of marriage. Divorce granted. |
1,077 | Wells | William | Eunice | Preston | January 15, 1797 | March 27, 1798 | New London | 31 | 139 | William committed adultery. Divorce granted, Eunice granted �180 from his estate. | |
1,078 | Stewart | Thomas | Mary | Burrit | Stratford | December 1, 1766 | February, 1769 | Fairfield | Box 51* | 1 | Thomas left Mary in July, 1768, after "a report�that he then had another wife alive." Marriage declared null and void. |
1,079 | Obrien | George | Mary | Hays | Norwalk | April 1, 1765 | February, 1769 | Fairfield | Box 51* | 4 | George deserted Mary in July, 1766. Mary claimed George was married to "one or more" women in "foreign parts." Divorce granted. |
1,080 | Canfield | Silas | Sarah | Seward | Ridgefield | December 17, 1760 | February, 1769 | Fairfield | Box 51* | 5 | Silas deserted Sarah after one year of marriage, married another woman in Simsbury, then departed for parts unknown. Divorce granted. |